Atheists are completely illogical because they only know to use reasoning and logic.
That's not logical. Should use the bible instead.
Anything is possible when you are a fundy - all knowledge comes from the Babble, Ted Haggard is a god-fearing family man, the Earth is only 6000 years old, etc.
Its just such a relief not having to think for yourself. If your book of myths doesn't have the answer (or something close enough that you can twist to form) then your pastor will know what to do.
Ah certainty - you just can't beat it!
They,re illogical because they use logic.
I'm logical because I don't.
The irony here is that statement had absolutely no logic to it, but that it's impossible to convince him of it because of his idiotic views on logic.
Anyway, next time, ThomasJefferson tell us: Ice is too hot! It should be cooler, like flame!
EDIT: All right, I just looked at the source. There is no way in all Nine Hells that this is authentic.
They know how to use reasoning and logic...But that's not logical? Ok logically how does that work? And your Bible is incomplete, it leaves out many facts, and it has been edited and reedited. Not to mention it contradicts itself. And is based off older myths and legends
Look at the question that this one was answering....
Why do Athiests believe in evolution dont they read the bible?
Everyone knows we came from Adam and Steve not Monkeys!
I will pray for them
Seriously, this is from "Tripping the Rift"
and I'm starting to think I watch too much animated TV.
Oh, I always thought calling "Poe" was claiming that you knew the guy was faking.
So you call "Poe" when you really can't be sure if he's faking or not, because some fundies ARE that crazy?
In that case, I will also say POE.
entire joke thread, poe quotient approaches 1.
Poe's law is something along the lines of, "lacking context, it is often impossible to tell if a statement is truly believed, or simply a parody" Course, I don't remember the wording and lack a link.
As such, I "call poe" when I think someone is faking, but we have (out of context) mistaken it for a real quote, and put it here.
I find this one pretty funny, because wasn't Thomas Jefferson a big advocate of the natural sciences and taxonomy of the country's wildlife back when he was in office? Plus, I think that he funded a couple of palentological excavations in hopes of finding fossils. Man, third grade American history was fun.
Illogical for using reasoning and logic?
I knew you fundies liked to revise history but now, apparently, you like to revise common sense? How, exactly, is it a negative thing to use reason and logic? And how, exactly can something be illogical while using logic?
Logic isn't logical?
*Makes Lewis Black Face*
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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