WordyTrees #fundie rr-bb.com

These are trying times and very revealing. Now we're seeing what people are really made of what they hold dear to their hearts. Is it the word of God or the word of Man? I can tell you that I have lost all of my non-Christian friends b/c I will not compromise the word of God. I love them, and always will, but because they consider God to be an imposition I have chosen in some cases to remove myself from the friendship so as not to impose God on them. This has happened only after I've been open about my faith, shared the gospel, and they have made it clear they are not interested and asked me to respect that and so I have. With all that having been said, this life is the vapor, and as blessed and happy as I am at this time in my life, I still look forward to and long for the future when what's really real begins, and I live my life now in light of that, no matter what those who choose to ignore God say.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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