Alexander Cornswalled #fundie #conspiracy #homophobia

Fred Phelps is a fraud. He's actually a liberal out to make anyone who opposes homosexuals look evil and psychotic. He's dedicated his life to making a sham of all attempts to show homosexuality as a sin, ensuring his face and funeral protests are the first image that comes to mind whenever anyone calls homosexuality a sin.

He's the greatest and most damaging ally the homosexuals have. More and more Christians are supporting homosexuals because of the act Phelps puts on. His act of outrageous and over the top hatred fuels a stereotype of those who oppose homosexuals and their agenda, causing many religious leaders to forsake the Bible in favor of looking "humane" in order to avoid being equated with Phelps.

Perhaps Uganda has it right, and the Homosexuals should just be rounded up and sent to their own island where they can't do any damage to the rest of us.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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