[After an incredibly long argument with vBulletin support, fundie has his software licence revoked.]
Please restore my license, which you had no right to cancel. You're abusing your power, and though you think you can get away with it, you will not escape judgment in God's eyes. You can be sure of that.
What you need to do get back right in God's eyes is:
1) Come to the cross as a helpless sinner to receive Jesus as your Lord and Savior.
2) Repent of your arbitrarily removing my license, since just because I did not let you onto my server is no justification for removing my license.
3) Don't sin bearing false witness that I have pirated software, for I legitimately paid for it in 2004 or 2005 with updates paid for each year thereafter.
4) Stop abusing your power.
5) Don't be evasive about the stampdate after it was your staff who brought it up as something to investigate.
6) Moreover, there is no need to go onto my server, because you can determine the stampdate without going onto my server and the problem is likely that I don't have php5 why Recaptcha is not working.
I don't expect you to do the right thing, but these are the right things you ought to do.
One is left with the only conclusion, Biblocality.com and Biblocality.com/forums was targetted along with myself because this is a truly Christian site and I am a Christian which offends the unsaved.
Praise the Lord for this discerment! Amen.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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