1. Kids in the program are not allowed to speak to anyone, not even their parents, for at least the first two days.
Until they've frightened the children out of telling them what happens in there, of the suffering? Must be some horrible first two days ceremony that is the warning, huh?
Not ANYONE, HUH? Sounds a lot like they use extreme isolation as the tatic here.
2. Kids are not allowed to go anywhere unless they are accompanied by at least two other participants, one of which has to have at least 8 weeks of prior indoctrination.
This is the one thing I'd say is normal...other then that indoctrination part. It'd be normal for a youngers camp if this wasn't STRAIGHT CAMP, where we force CHILDREN into a specific way of thinking. Ugh.
3. Kids are not allowed to keep a journal or a diary
So they can't take the experiences they didn't blot out of their mind, or where to scared to admit with them. Clever, you fucking bastards.
Also, even if this place is doing something horrifying, it's even worse that instead of getting them to become straight while keeping them mentally ok- it seems that mental breakdown is their strategy! They could get through this better with the ability to write out their feelings. MENTAL ABUSE IS STILL ABUSE, GUYS. IF HE COMES OUT OF THIS WITH DISORDERS- THIS PLACE IS ILLEGAL AT THIS POINT.
4. Kids are not allowed to discuss what goes on in the program with anyone, not even their parents
Oh god, what the hell are they doing other then isolation to keep these poor kids from talking? You can't stop them with contract, so you have to stop them. Once they breech eighteen, contracts made over them by their parents are void, due to their status as their own self.
5. Kids are not allowed to have contact with any family members other than parents, who also go through the program
6. Kids are not allowed to have any physical contact with any human being other than a hand shake or a pat on the shoulder, and only when authorized.
...for a straight camp, I'd get keeping your kids from getting to far....
7. Kids are not allowed outside of a small geographic area within Memphis, even if accompanied by parents, without prior written authorization
Again, if this was an ordinary camp, this wouldn't be half bad. In fact, that's a lot of space for camp kids. But even your parents are refused? IS THIS A FUCKING PRISION CAMP!?
8. Kids are not allowed to listen to any music that is not explicitly Christian (Bach and Beethoven are specifically forbidden as being non-Christian)
Well, uh...what else should I have expected....
9. Kids are not permitted to enter restaurants that serve alcohol
Normal camp= I get it. Here= I get it
10. Kids are not allowed to speak after 9:00 p.m. under any circumstance
...It's a curefew. Creepy, but...normal camps?
11. Kids may be placed in a state of isolation where they are not allowed to communicate with one another"
ISOLATION IS NOT A GOOD IDEA. Normally, you only would use isolation if there was a escalating situation of violence or such, but...this is a different kind that would make no sense- except here it's...wow
People need communiatcation.