The Adapa Epic, Hindu Vedas, Epic of Gilgamesh, Mesopotamian and Babylonian steles, and Egyptian hyroglyphs are mythologized literature. Genesis is not. There is a? great difference. For example, Gilgamesh traveled to the underworld inside the earth in a boat seeking the secret of imortality. This is clearly mythology, as we know it is unsound in the real world. The Bible is not a a collection of this type of unsound events. The Bible is the true history, the others are distortions.
"Genesis is not."
Odd then that it seems to fit the same patterns.
"There is a? great difference. For example, Gilgamesh traveled to the underworld inside the earth in a boat seeking the secret of imortality. This is clearly mythology, as we know it is unsound in the real world."
And your boy Jebus floated off into the clouds. This is clearly mythology as we know it is unsound in the real world. Of course you'd deny that.
"The Bible is not a a collection of this type of unsound events."
You must be talking about the Jefferson Bible because the standard one sure as hell doesn't fit this description.
"The Bible is the true history, the others are distortions."
Yeah, right.
"This is clearly mythology, as we know it is unsound in the real world. The Bible is not a collection of this type of unsound events."
So a garden with a talking snake, and magical fruits of immortality and the knowledge of good and evil are clearly not unsound?
How about a clay-man coming to life, along with his rib-woman wife? Or organisms suddenly springing fully-formed from the waters and the ground?
These things are clearly unsound in the real world, so Genesis is mythology. Don't screw it up by trying to make it history!
The Adapa Epic, Hindu Vedas, Epic of Gilgamesh, Mesopotamian and Babylonian steles, and Egyptian hyroglyphs are mythologized literature. Genesis is not.
O rly? Can you provide proof of this without using a circular arguement?
And yet they are okay with a talking snake. Oh wait that was the Old Testament, thus it doesn't count.
So what about your guy being dead and rising after three days?
How is this fundie? this is what every religious person believes. "My ludicrous magical ancient epic is the truth, all other ludicrous magical ancient epics are made up"
Usually followed by something about how they believe their ludicrous magical ancient epic because it makes sense and has proof and not because literally every person they knew until they were 10-20 years old told them it was the truth.
I own the Epic of Gilgamesh. It's a beautiful written story. A myth, I agree. But unlike Genesis, we can learn from it. There are lessons regarding environmental issues, taking what you want when you want it, etc.
At the end of his epic journey Gilgamesh is a better and wiser man.
The Bible is a disaster from start to finish.
The bible is just like every other collection of myths. As for egyptian hieroglyphs, it is a form of writing, not mythologized literature.
Of course, with this statement coming from nephilimFree, it doesn't surprise me he has no freakin' clue what he's talking about.
God creating day and night before he created the sun isn´t unsound in the real world?
God making a playmate for Adam out of one of his ribs isn´t unsound in the real world?
A rain that floods the whole world up to its highest mountains isn´t unsound in the real world?
As we talk about the flood...
maybe you should read about Utnapishtim in the Giglamesh Epos, who very probably inspired the writers of the bible to the person of Noach in the flood story ;)
(especially as the Gilgamesh Epos is older than the bible ;) )
Uh and btw. as we talk about the underworld...
maybe you should know that early christianity, way before they invented the concept of heaven and hell, they believed that sinners were sent to Hades instead of hell (which, as we know,has a nice river named Styx, where you could without problems travel with a boat ;) )
Everywhere where in translations based on theKJV you nowadays read "Hell", the Septuagint had "Hades" and even the textus Receptus still had "Hades" in most of the cases (and "death" instaed of Hades in all other cases.. however not a single mention of hell till this time ;))
so as you talk about "distortions"...
it was only the King James bible which started with calling Hades "Hell"...
and if you are one of the evangelical christians who put their faith into the KJV, it seems to be clear, that you were fooled by a distorted bible ;)
That this person looks at all other myths and takes a literal interpretation of his myth over all others (saying the Gilgamesh flood made no sense but Noah's flood isn't just plausible, but fact ) makes this fundie. A non-fundamentalist doesn't act like an ass about his/her beliefs and generally doesn't take a literal interpretation of their Holy Book.
Hieroglyphs are a system of writing, not a mythology. Egyptian mythology was written IN hieroglyphs, but so was, well, anything else a literate Egyptian wrote.
Somewhere an Egyptologist is crying.
At first I was like, what the fuck is this supposed to be? But then I was like, oh, it's NephilimFree, that makes sense now.
Oddly enough, scholars have found a lot of parallels between your book of myths and the myths of other people in the area. The new testament even has a "how we came to eat what we eat" myth. Lots of cultures have something similar.
@Osiris: Your point still stands, but snakes do process vibrations they pick up through their jawbones (edit: from resting the jaw on the ground) as auditory information.
The Adapa Epic, Hindu Vedas, Epic of Gilgamesh, Mesopotamian and Babylonian steles, and Egyptian hyroglyphs are mythologized literature.
=== Don't you mean hieroglyphs?
Genesis is not.
=== Prove it's not!
There is a? great difference.
= bewteen? A duck?
For example, Gilgamesh traveled to the underworld inside the earth in a boat seeking the secret of imortality. This is clearly mythology, as we know it is unsound in the real world.
=== Prove it's unsound!
The Bible is not a a collection of this type of unsound events. The Bible is the true history, the others are distortions.
=== So you say. But prove the Bible is any different. You cant. You only have belief. And I believe that you are a fruit and nut case.
The Adapa Epic, Hindu Vedas, Epic of Gilgamesh, Mesopotamian and Babylonian steles, and Egyptian hyroglyphs are mythologized literature.
=== Don't you mean hieroglyphs?
Genesis is not.
=== Prove it's not!
There is a? great difference.
= bewteen? A duck?
For example, Gilgamesh traveled to the underworld inside the earth in a boat seeking the secret of imortality. This is clearly mythology, as we know it is unsound in the real world.
=== Prove it's unsound!
The Bible is not a a collection of this type of unsound events. The Bible is the true history, the others are distortions.
=== So you say. But prove the Bible is any different. You cant. You only have belief. And I believe that you are a fruit and nut case.
@ Zoo
@Osiris: Your point still stands, but snakes do process vibrations they pick up through their jawbones (edit: from resting the jaw on the ground) as auditory information.
Ah, but according to Genesis the snake did not crawl on its belly until after the "fruit incident." How it got around before that isn't explained (I'm sure NephilimFree has an answer, just not one substantiated by the bible). Perhaps it read Eve's lips and responded to her refusal accordingly.
Right, let's see what Christianity has "Ripped off" other religions/mythologies, shall we...?
God V.S Satan (This is taken from Zoriastranism, in that Ahura-Mazda & Ahriman, respectively representing, the concepts of "Good" & "Evil", were likely the inspiration for the above).
Christ's resurrection
(This comes from Mithraism, in which Mithras, self-sacrificially dies, & is reborn after a number of days).
You could make the point, that the Bible is no more than a collection of distortions, taken from other religions, that pre date it...
"One of these things is just like the others, one of these thing just perfectly belongs...but I won't admit it under any circumstances, because I'm a fucking moron!"
Oh, and hieroglyphs are not mythologized literature, they're a written language. Some of the things that might be written in hieroglyphics might be myths, but the hieroglyphs themselves clearly exist.
"The Adapa Epic, Hindu Vedas, Epic of Gilgamesh, Mesopotamian and Babylonian steles, and Egyptian hyroglyphs are mythologized literature. Genesis is not."
"The Bible is the true history, the others are distortions."
Aaaaand... this thinking is based on... what? And don't dare say 'The Bible', because that only serves to prove you & your beliefs' utter FAIL.
Oh dear lord, this fucking tw*t is so stupid it's...
Oh, wait. It's just YouTube. Go about your business as usual people. Nothing to take seriously here.
"The Adapa Epic, Hindu Vedas, Epic of Gilgamesh, Mesopotamian and Babylonian steles, and Egyptian hyroglyphs are mythologized literature. Genesis is not."
I'd love to see you express you opinion in a crowded train station in Mumbai instead of behind the anonymity of the internet. Let's see if you'd be so sure the Hindu Vedas are myth then.....
"Gilgamesh traveled to the underworld inside the earth in a boat seeking the secret of imortality. This is clearly mythology, as we know it is unsound in the real world."
I have seen underground rivers, but I've yet to see one of the 'pillers' on which the bible says the Earth stands immovable, or any of the four 'corners' it claims the Earth to have.
Yes, Gilgamesh is a myth, but it still manages to be more believable than the bible.
@Elphada: “Somebody has mentioned a talking snake and I want to remind you of a talking ass. Not you
Balaam’s Ass.”
Most people miss the REALLY ludicrous part of that particular story. Given that we’d already had a talking snake, is a talking ass (donkey) any more ridiculous (well, this one wasn’t Satan in disguise)?
No, the REALLY ludicrous part wasn’t so much that the donkey TALKED it was that BALAAM DIDN’T THINK that THAT was THE LEAST BIT STRANGE!!
SHE had to POINT OUT to him that she’d never spoken to him before!!!
The craziest part is that a lot of fundies think this way, when if you compare them and analyse them in a literary fashion it becomes apparent that a lot of the Bible falls into the same tropes that most myths fall into.
Oh well. I guess that being fundie never meant being particularly smart about a lot things.
So, they are distortions, even though most (if not all) of them are older than the Bible, and the Bible seems to have copied parts of them?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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