Okay, whiny-assed liberals, the great Doom concedes. Obasshole is NOT a Kenyan.
He's a knuckle-dragging, sputum-drooling, mouth-breathing, low-forehead, lice-infested, cesspool-bottom-feeding, illegitimate, single-digit-IQ spawn of an interspecies copulation of a garbage-encrusted cockroach with a syphilitic, slime-oozing, humanomorphic mass of maggot-riddled, pus-filled protoplasm. The best part of him ran down his daddy's furry leg and dripped on his banana. If someone kicked the shit out of him, his skin could be rolled up and buried in a mailing tube.
Is that better, liberals?
This isn't the real Doctor Doom! The real one isn't as much as a twat. Evil maybe, but most definately not a twat.
I even doubt this man has a real doctorate.
I wonder what it says that I am, by now, so inured to disgusting racism that my only reaction to this is to acknowledge that the last line is actually kinda clever, as such things go? Nothing good, I bet.
I read 'Free Conseravatives' regularly. Bless their little cotton socks. And Doctor Doom is great. Wolf Counsel is my personal favourite. I read to confirm that I am right to be happy that I am Australian. I have wondered, idly, whether one or both are pen names for William Calley's Commanding Officer. They are elderly chappies.
This reminds me of an exchange from the movie "Trainspotting", where one of the characters (it takes place in Scotland, for those who don't know) is deriding the British for being idiots, and another of the characters reminds him that these idiots conquered the Scottish.
So Obama is all the things you claim, and yet he has accomplished more than you have ans is now the leader of your nation. Congratulations. You have just admitted he's better than you.
Well, he's right that Obama isn't Kenyan...he's American, and his father is Kenyan, yes?
The rest of it was very creative but I can't take it seriously.
His dad was an economist. So unless cockroaches can get degrees in Economics I am pretty sure that's not possible.
And if Obama is part of an inter SPECIES event that has produced a LIVE VIABLE ENTITY THAT IS PRESIDENT OF THE USA NO LESS. I would wish to study him on the basis of HOLY FUCK ITS A NOBEL PRIZE.
##This reminds me of an exchange from the movie "Trainspotting", where one of the characters (it takes place in Scotland, for those who don't know) is deriding the British for being idiots, and another of the characters reminds him that these idiots conquered the Scottish.""
The Scots are British, as are the Welsh and the English. British is not a synonym for English.
Also the English never conquered the Scots, King James of Scotland (and KJV Bible fame) inherited the throne of England.
The English then treated the Scots like crap, hence the tirade in Trainspotting.
Obama's problem is that he's a corporate stooge that lies to the American public to fearmonger about Iran, escalate war in Afghanistan, and defend phony clean coal. He's a fake progressive. And idiots like DoctorDoom are only helping him, because their accusations and criticisms are so ridiculous people spend so much time defending Obama they don't notice legitimate evidence-based criticism.
This isn't Doctor Doom! I mean, this guy probably wouldn't even LIKE the real Doom, given that the real Doctor Doom is romani, and this racist pretender cocksuck probably hates romanies as much as he does blacks. It's pretty much par for the course if you're a racist.
"I don't care what Richards says! Doom knows all! RIIICHAAARDS!!!"
Oh, this guy is just a barrel of fun, isn't he? I didn't know Reverend Phelps supported the internet.
Yes, quite.
Except that if he had a single digit IQ he wouldn't know how to breathe, let alone speak, and yet he graduated from Harvard.
O'nigger is a stupid kenyan bushnigger muslim supporting puppet.
The coons looks, smells, and acts like a pile of shit, because that's what it is.
It takes a special kind of asshole to vote for that nigger--or any nigger.
>Quote: 19th February 2010
Okay, whiny-arsed subhuman Teabaggers, Obama isn't Kenyan.
...but he's in the White House (again !); Leader of the Free World. And the least zombified, gangrenous & pustulent of what your GOP dragged out of the fetid sewer that is the Repubican Party, and you voted for, isn't
Nor will any of you lot do so, for generations to come. Nor will any of you ever succeed, for that matter. For if the likes of Ron Paul can't, therefore...! [/Ralph Nader]
Is that worse , Dukturd Dumb...? Good. >:D
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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