"Are... are you now disputing the existance of DNA???"
Yes. DNA can never be proven. Evolutionists are obsessed with it because they always say ''chimps share 97% DNA with modern man'' etc. That's great, however you would then need to prove DNA is real.
The Scythians or Scyths[1] (Greek: S?????, S?????) were an Ancient Iranian people of horse-riding nomadic pastoralists[2][3] who throughout Classical Antiquity dominated the Pontic-Caspian steppe, known at the time as Scythia.
Add that to 15 posts and faith=other, I'm thinking Poe.
Who the hell is educated enough to know about Syctians, but not about DNA?
I would call Poe if I hadn't seen people denying the existence of DNA before. Seriously, the discovery of DNA can be considered one of the greatest findings of the 20th Century, why do you think some random internet moron knows more about it then all the scientists ever since?
Well at least this isn't as bad as the guy who claimed that humans can't have DNA as the acid would melt us all. (Yes someone once said that in all seriousness.)
Okay, soooo, anything you have to use a microscope to see does not exist, and things that can be seen with the naked eye, like fossils and cave paintings, don't mean what they appear to mean. Got it.
Re: Serph-no-Okami's post
If "acid melts us all" as "This Guy" you mention, uses as a justification for his refutation of DNA, than how can human beings digest food, as I seem to recall that the stomach uses a 0.1M Hydrochloric Acid solution as part of the Digestion process...?
Oh sweetie, one of the 1st experiments I did in my 1st year as a biochemistry student at university was to isolate DNA. It definitely was there. Also, i performed a karyotype on onion cells to make the chromosomes visible under the microscope. Chromosomes are made of DNA. You can also make DNA visible using special UV luminescent dyes in agarose gels....
Shit, I just realised Asycthian probably doesn't understand anything I've said. Bummer.
"The bible can never be proven. Christians are obsessed with it because they always say ''it says this in the bible'' etc. That's great, however you would then need to prove the bible is real."
Come on, Assychristian, would you really accept the above argument from any atheist? What if, when you showed them a bible, they went on "but you can't prove that's a bible", would you concede they had a point?
Because that's the level of dumb you just exhibited.
I don't think this is a poe, I think it's a classic example of fundie industrial-strength confirmation bias.
DNA evidence does not support his beliefs, ergo it can't be real, even if that means claiming DNA isn't real. It's how fundtards like Asycthian (and I presume he means Ascythian) manage to function in a technologically advanced world with bronze age mentalities. If how things like computers, drugs and paternity tests work is inconvenient then that's not how they work, even if the people who make them say it is.
Oh my FSM, that's so funny, it's painful.
"DNA can never be proven. Evolutionists are obsessed with it because they always say ''chimps share 97% DNA with modern man'' etc. That's great, however you would then need to prove DNA is real."
James D. Watson would like a word with you.
He & the late Francis Crick discovered the structure of DNA.
Now, you go and prove the existence of God Asycthian. And maybe, like them, you could win a Nobel Prize.
But until you can, STFU.
That's great, however you would then need to prove DNA is real.
If it isn't real, how are they able to manipulate it to make genetically-modified crops and use it to manufacture drugs by inserting genes into bacteria?
"Evolutionists are obsessed with it because they always say ''chimps share 97% DNA with modern man'' etc."
Even more frightening for you bronze-age dorks is that you share about 50% of your DNA with the nearest tree.
Um - you never isolated DNA in high school? Using your spit or a strawberry or something? Or was your biology teacher lying to you about what the chemical was? I do that constantly. "Here my little Fundie children, let me send you on a highway straight to hell by bringing in a fossil (insert evil, witch cackle here)!"
We need to prove that DNA is real? How about a photograph? Will that work?
Cue "that doesn't count!" in 10, 9, 8...
But I have the proof! It's right here on this desk. It's very small, so you'll have to look close... closer... closer...
(Picks up extra large ninny hammer...)
Er, if DNA doesn't exist, something exists that performs all of the functions we've attributed to it. We use DNA, all the time. You can call it whatever the christ you like, but we're going to keep calling it DNA, since that's like, the abbreviation for the name of the fucking compound.
Yes. DNA can never be proven.
It doesn't need to be "proven" the fact that it exists is obvious to any one with functioning senses. It can be isolated, observed, and comared to othe types of DNA
Evolutionists are obsessed with it.
So am I to believe that you are privvy to the desires or obsessions of the hundreds of millions of people who accept the theory of evolution? What is it with you fundies that makes you feel that you get to dictate the thoughts, feelings, and opinions of people other than yourself?
because they always say ''chimps share 97% DNA with modern man'' etc
They say that because we do, In fact I'm fairly sure is actually more that 97%.
That's great, however you would then need to prove DNA is real.
DNA is real. The fact that you insist on denying it without so much a perusing the evidence. Just because you don't like the fact that we share are a supermajority with chimps doesn't mean you can rewrite reality to make it suit you. Either disprove the existence of DNA through reliable scientific experimentation rather than asserting it as fact "Because you say so".
...And this is where we back slowly away.
Congratulations. You won the argument. Just... please don't talk to me, ever again, ever.
Okay . . . the Francis and Crick discovered the double-helix structure of DNA is 1953. (As for when DNA was first discovered, I think it was in 1869, but no one knew anything about it at that point. Scientists spent years gathering information to figure out what the properties of DNA were and what DNA was.)
This is a picture Rosalind Franklin took of DNA using X-ray diffraction that was crucial in helping to show the double-helix structure of DNA:
And this is a photograph of a strand of DNA taken much more recently using a really powerful microscope:
This is a picture of how the nucleic acids in DNA can be separated based on size using aragose gel electrophoresis:
Human chromosomes are made up of DNA. Here's a picture of one of our chromosomes:
And here are some more:
And Asycthian, you say that we need to prove DNA is real? Well, we kind of have that. These are just photos I found using Google Images, I haven't really gone into the actual science behind it.
We have the photos, we win.
Please, please, please, be a Poe...
So, paternity tests are totally useless, as there is no DNA to check hereditary with?
What are the things inside the chromosomes, if they're not DNA?
Are they just nice strands that God placed in there at creation, to play with our minds 6000 years later when we would manage to create microscopes strong enough to see them?
Yeah, that makes sense!
"DNA can never be proven. Evolutionists are obsessed with it because they always say ''chimps share 97% DNA with modern man'' etc. That's great, however you would then need to prove DNA is real."
James D. Watson would like a word with you:
He has the Nobel Prize to prove it. Oh, and it's been proven that it's at least 98% of our DNA we share with chimpanzees. Thus proving that Darwin was right all along.
Sucks to be a Creationist, eh? Especially after 2005, after Kitzmiller vs. Dover in the US (and presided over by a judge who's a Conservative Christian, no less! His finding for the plaintiffs, thus setting the precedent, helped the cause of Atheism over there in ways that not even we Atheists could've imagined).
You know what happens to gods when gaps are filled, don't you? Just ask Zeus, Amun-Ra, Jupiter et al.
Yeah, I remember doing that too. So, did Ascythian just not pay attention in his biology class, did the biology classes at his school just not discuss DNA at all, or was he homeschooled by equally fundie parents?
Beats me why this idiot doesn't employ the usual fundie escape hatch and say that god created DNA.
He'd be wrong, but it would solve the problem in his own mind.
Yep! Fundies & Bigots, when all their arguments have been destroyed...AND THEY KNOW IT...refuse to "eat crow" but instead find ways to deny evidence or blame it on some dark-super-mystic-top-double-dog-mythical-Jewish-cabal-of-doom conspiracy thing.
DNA & atoms are a proven fact...DNA is tangeble & is used in forensics & has solved countless crimes...but Fundy-Face will pretend it's some sort of figment or lie OR do the ol' "Blame the Jews" tango.
And Angua's got pictures! Photos, in fact!
Quick, somebody call the Law Department (or whatever you call) and tell them that DNA is no longer considered evidence!
Let's get all those poor miss-judged murderours, rapists, whackos and other criminals back to the streets so that they can get back to murdering, raping, dealing drugs, steal, kidnap and all of their other little hobbies and activeties!
Didn't think this one through, now did ya?
again, you should have to pass an IQ test to be able to use the internet. if you did, this whole page would not exist. (and because YOUR DNA is from cousins mating, you need to shut up, turn off the computer, and go to college.)
The whole post...
Yes. DNA can never be proven. Evolutionists are obsessed with it because they always say ''chimps share 97% DNA with modern man'' etc. That's great, however you would then need to prove DNA is real.
As for fossils, they arn't conclusive evidence for anything either, they can only be interpretated. However how are fossils formed? We know via, a very rapid, quick process, yet evolution is not based on anything quick but gradual change over millions of years. Fossils are therefore nothing but evidence for the deluge and support creationism.
If this fool spent more time time learnining how to 'interpretate' evidence and less time practicing for the world stupidity championships, I would be slightly less depressed.
I hate every ape I see
From chimpan-a to chimpan-z,
No, you'll never make a monkey out of me.
Oh, my God, I was wrong,
It was Earth all along.
You finally made a monkey...
Yes, you finally made a monkey out of me!
--Troy McLure
Ladies and Gentlemen of FSTDT.com, This... is Chewbacca.
Why am I talking about Chewbacca on a christian forum? I don't know!
THIS! does not! make! SENSE!
This is also called a Chewbacca defense.
look at me! I'm talking about a dumb legal strategy on a christian forum!
This! does not! make! SENSE!
Why would I dispute the existence of DNA in the 21st century? I don't know!
This! does not! make! SENSE!
Look at this monkey. Look at the silly monkey!
If DNA don't exist then YOU MUST AQUIT!
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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