"Why 'just' a product of natural processes?
The natural processes are every bit as impressive and beautiful as any human created bit of art - if not more.
That a human being (or any other animal) should be any less wondrous just because there was no designer, is a purely creationist thought.
Projecting again."
Yeah, that's what I've always thought. I'm taking grade twelve biology, and I'm amazed and entranced by the complex machinery that's running at all times just to keep us going. It really is incredible all the more incredible because it's a result of natural selection. I think that says a lot more about the creative power of nature than all of us popping up fully formed through the will of a magical sky daddy. To me, that story makes life seem LESS amazing, not MORE.
"We have seen painters make paintings, and sculptors make sculptures. We have yet to see a god make life. Paint and stone have not been known to reproduce, but life reproduces and changes over time.
And, 'just' natural processes? Anyone who understands evolution fully ought to be amazed at its elegance, it is beautiful in its own right. All-natural beauty, with no strings attached."
Again, I totally agree. I think creationists fail to see the spectacular beauty of evolutionary processes. The very fact that it APPEARS to be designed but is NOT is what makes it so amazing. Attributing nature to a creator severely devalues it.
We value works of art not simply because they're beautiful, but because they're created not by a god, but by humans. THAT'S what's amazing.
We'd be ten times more amazed if they arose naturally, the way babies do.
On the other hand, we don't go ape-shit over babies because in the context of the natural world they are nothing new. Any two people of the opposite sex with healthy gene pools can do it without making a particular amount of artistic effort. But paintings and sculptures take SKILL.
When it comes to works of art, it's not merely the brilliance of the creation we're concerned with, but the SKILL behind it.