"Obviously many people refuse to read the Bible and thus miss out on the benefit of its foreknowledge.Ditto for many other phenomena."
Foreknowledge? Of what, exactly?
OK, Andy, with tthe foreknowledge you find in your book - what amazing discoveries are coming next? Come on, Andy, mllions of science oriented folks are waiting to be made believers. You can do it, with help from your mom.
Did you ever read the bible Andy? With an open mind?
Open mind? How about with any mind at all?
I want to travel across the galaxy in my own lifetime dammit!
Soon. Have patience, Serph, it’s coming “soon”. Heh heh heh.
@TB Tabby
Had scientists carefully studied the walking on water with an open mind, then it may not have taken 1900 years before they recognized the existence of wave-particle duality.
Jesus supposedly walked on water, therefore all matter has both wave and particle functions. Makes sense to me!
Jesus to the multitude, gorging themselves on a fiish sandwich: “*Sigh*. I’ve been trying to explain to you camel fuckers the theory of wave-particle duality, but, MySELF, you bastards are dense. Look, I’ll show you”...(wades a few feet offshore) “See? NOW do you get it? Write that down. Daddamnit!”