If this FEMA stuff is just conspiracy theory bunk, then why would a mainstream publication like Popular Mechanics even spend any time debunking it? Sounds more fishy than the Gulf Oil torpedo attack, I mean spill.
"If this FEMA stuff is just conspiracy theory bunk, then why would a mainstream publication like Popular Mechanics even spend any time debunking it?"
Because it's bunk.
(posted by whatever, and yes I keep forgetting to put my name in the box)
If nobody contradicts a conspiracy theorist, then he claims "Aha! I must be right!" If somebody does contradict him, he says "if this is just bunk, how come you're bothering to debunk it"?
That's like saying that since astrology is just bunk, then why would mainstream astronomers spend time debunking it, or that since creationism is just bunk, why would mainstream biology publications spend time debunking it. They do because the dumbest and most uneducated section of society actually believe these things. It is extremely depressing. But anyway, this should be in CSTDT.
I've really never understood the idea that "if they debunk my conspiracy theory, it just proves how true it is" until I realized that conspiracy theories are just like religions. They have followers who believe in it no matter what, and no amount of reality will ever dissuade them from believing in it. They believe in it so strongly that they think that anyone who debunks it is part of the conspiracy and putting out "disinformation."
Nut: “Torpedos destroyed Deep Horizon.”
Me: “That is a ridiculous idea.”
Nut: “Aha! You responded to me, so you know I’m right!”
Me: “WTF, mate?”
FEMA is the Federal Emergency Management Agency, an agency set up to provide assistence in case of national emergencies. For instance, they (eventually) provided trailers for people to live in after Hurricane Katrina. But for some reason the conspiracy nuts beleive that FEMA is building concentration camps around the country and is going to be running the martial law which is to happen any day now.
> why would a mainstream publication like Popular Mechanics even spend any time debunking it?
Paraphrasing a comment from someone else: "Our company takes a considerate, well-weighted and, above all else, analytical official position that Adobe products are shit and we hate them."
There are people who refuse to debate with clueless people, because it obviously adds nothing new to the discussion. I personally find that problematic, because it's harder to learn things when no one bothers explaining why something is wrong. People who advocate total blocking out this way are wrong.
Yet, it's better that someone takes the time to explain why these people are clueless. If Popular Mechanics takes time to explain why some nutty conspiracy theory can't be true, that's good, because it gives other clueful people some easy-to-digest ammunition: "look, this has been done already; go read this article."
It's not just bunk, it's Glenn Beck bunk.
The real question is: Why would anyone believe in it when it has no evidence and it's trail leads to loons and liars who don't have any expertise in these things or contact with any authoritive people?
And why debunk it?
Because it's a huge lie which was created only to villify the current goverment, damn near traitorous and certainly irresposible.
Some people care about truth
"why would a mainstream publication like Popular Mechanics even spend any time debunking it?"
Because there are 35 million conservatives who will believe any bunk as long as it comes out of Savages Bunker-O-Doom, and Popular Mechanics felt the need to debunk the right wing bunk.
The same way in which Soldier Of Fortune magazine, did exactly the same thing, in a series of articles, back in the 1990's...
Then it was the evil U.N flying "Black Helicopters", amongst other things...
Note: The "Black Helicopter" Myth came about due to people in Arizona reporting mysterious helicopters painted black, flying about, piloted by men with Germanic accents...
Of course, people failed to realise that the U.S army base nearby, were training helicopter pilots for the German Army, hence the German accents of the pilots, and their helicopters were painted in the NATO Standard Europa 1 paint scheme...
(Note: under certain conditions, Europa 1, a dark green colour, can appear black, as the Israeli Defence Force found out, a couple of years ago, resulting in the mass repainting of their attack helicopter fleet....).
Well actually the US government used alien technology to teleport a North Korean submarine into the Gulf Of Mexico to torpedo the oil rig in question. This was all prearranged by Obama and Kim Jong Il. Oh you all thought they were enemies? No, that's all just a show for the World. All these "warring" leaders (Bush, Bin Laden, Ahmedinejad, Kim Jong Il, Putin, Obama, etc) are no more than chess players and the Earth is their chessboard. All of them have secretly been friends for most of their lives, and they are all members of the illuminati. They were all members long before they became active in politics, and the illuminati provided or stimulated all the influences to ensure that they reached the top positions. Since the illuminati control everything, this is very easy. All illuminati are well versed in ancient, secret ET knowledge about the true nature, history, and destiny of mankind. They all meet at the P2 Masonic Lodge and discuss their strategy. Every global event is carefully and meticulously preplanned, with the intention of appearing spontaneous or beyond human intervention. These events are designed to propel humanity step by step along a specific course where we will eventually bring about our own enslavement at the hands of these so-called world leaders, who are in fact just puppet leaders working for the Zeta Reticuli, and ultimately the Reptilians, whose goal it is to prevent humanity from ever being truly free. The FEMA camps are there to house all those who try to retain their independence of thought and action.
Crikey I thought everybody knew that.
CSTDT. And, they spend time debunking it because it's a rumor that a lot of people might be tempted to believe if they don't know anything else about it.
Also, Gulf Oil torpedo attack?? Seriously?
My Dad was a mortician, and I've wasted time trying to explain to a couple of FEMA dreaders that grave liners and vaults are stored at distribution points all over the US because no funeral home wants them stacked up in their parking lot or to pay local storage fees. Much easier to ship one to the cemetary on the day it's needed. Of course, they don't believe me- but isn't it great that when the Government exterminates half of us, we'll get a deluxe burial, instead of a trench?
SavageNation's Paradox
If Popular Mechanics tries to debunk it, then they must want to cover up the truth, because it's TRUE!
But if Popular Mechanics doesn't try to debunk it, then they must be afraid of the truth, because it's TRUE!
They just can't win, can't they?
If they try to debunk it, they're trying to cover it up, so it must be true.
If they don't, nobody is saying it's not true, so it's true.
If they avoid the subject, someone told them to shut up, so it's true.
"Gulf Oil torpedo attack" ??? *dumbfounded* O.O
This is the first CT about it, that i've read. Came out of nowhere, like a torpedo.
I'm concerned about this so-called torpedo theory. What exactly did this bugfuck-insane nimrod think the Deepwater Horizon was drilling FOR? Does he think it's a freaking WELL?
I never thought I would have to explain this to someone, but fuel can EXPLODE, particularly when mishandled. Dipshit.
you are obviously part of the cover up. by sounding so crazy you are cleverly making people think that only batcrapcrazy folks could possibly believe this stuff therefore deflecting them from the truth. man you guys are good. Or wait, could it possibly be that this is a double blind negative, therefore only making sense when you throw a hat on a bed while looking in the back of a mirror thereby freezing your future into motion.
Gee. I don't know. Maybe because it's fucking BUNK.
God, how does all this circular reasoning not cause migraines?
Really? 50 comments and no one quoted Life Of Brian?
Brian: I'm not the Messiah! Will you please listen? I am not the Messiah, do you understand? Honestly!
Girl: Only the true Messiah denies His divinity.
Brian: What? Well, what sort of chance does that give me? All right! I am the Messiah!
Followers: He is! He is the Messiah!
Brian: Now, fuck off!
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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