HoustonRockets #fundie rr-bb.com

Pat Robertson is right on. And I am tired of Christians being soft and fuzy about God loving all. God loves, but His love is constrained by His Holiness and Jealousy for His Glory. This is why instead of willy nilly forgiving people, He preferred to have His Son suffer the consequences of their sins than to sully His righteous character.

And to attribute the great creation of the Universe and mankind as its crowning glory to Satan, Darwin and Evolution, I can assure you, that God is angry. Nothing ticks God off more than attributing what rightfully belongs to Him to other demigods, semigods and hemidemisemigods. That is theft, plagiarism, vandalism and wicked banditry.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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