'Interpretation'. The usual excuse for fundies putting things in the Bible that were never there, or taking their own context out of context. Revelation 22:18-19 forbids that. If it doesn't directly say 'they will be anally raped', then it doesn't actually mean that, or was plain simple language too difficult for God? - if it was him who actually wrote the Bible himself, that is; nope, not seeing 'Written by God' on the cover...!
'shame and everlasting contempt'? Yeah, I'm sure an anagram program will be able to make 'Anally raped by demons for eternity' out of that, I'm sure. [/hyper-sarcasm] And 'allude'? Just a pathetic excuse for twisting words to mean what they never did. Like I say, God must find plain, simple language so difficult! [/mega-sarcasm]
I wonder what the result would be, if people representing the Plain English Campaign were to do a 'Plain English' version of the Bible, 'Crystal Mark' award and all...? No 'fable', 'metaphor' or 'allusion' allowed. The Jefferson Bible. It exists for a reason.
Oh, and as for:
"And please stop with the 'anal fixation' nonsense."
Isn't that a bit rich coming from you, considering...:
"You'll have all the evidence you need when the flames start shooting up your heiney."
"I'll be fucked before I let me kids go to see this shit. If I ever find my children reading a Harry Potter book, they're going to find that book halfway up their heineys. I don't care how old they are."
"Also, I strongly disagree with the idea that faith or belief is good no matter what religion you follow. The Bible makes it clear that there is truth and there is the lie, there is a path that leads to God, and a path that leads to damnation. Believing in anything is silly, it is the object of your belief that matters. It's a matter of spending eternity in Heaven with Christ or spending eternity with Satan sizing up your doody hole in hell down below. That simple."
"AnoneMoose, I'm seriously starting to hope the devil pops a hard one off in your sorry ass before you get tossed into the flames."
"I'm sure they'll enjoy bending over for the devil..."
"As for AnoneMoose, I am done conversing with you. You've proven time and again to be a waste of time. Enjoy taking it in the meatsack from the devil."
"Once again I have no idea what you're talking about. Enjoy taking it in the ass on judgment day."
"Bend over, Anon-e-Moose. Your master Satan is calling."
Which brings us right up to date:
"And to answer your question, yes, Atheists are the ones going to hell, to spend eternity having their putty holes plugged by the devil. Have fun, creep."
"What's so despairing about my lifestyle? I'm going to heaven to live for eternity with Christ. What have you got to look forward to? Spreading your buttcheeks for the devil's amusement?
'Knowing Anonymoose, you're probably looking forward to getting sodomized on judgment day. Pervert.'
'In modern English, we would write this statement "and some will take it in the butt and become an object of contempt." This is gross, but it is Biblical"
And therefore proof that God himself is obsessed with teh buttsecks too - even though he's supposed to consider it an 'abomination' Unthinkable.. If God created all things, then he created those particular homoerotic artworks, and not Tom of Finland.
So there you have it: not only has Troll/Poe/Nuts4Life fallen into an argumental - and logical - trap of her own making, so has God too. And therefore exposed their own latency towards that which they claim to 'hate', when actually they love it. Otherwise, they wouldn't give homosexuality a second thought, just like the vast majority of people.
Finally, I refer you to that last link, thus:
"wow, I think I'vebeen on this board too long."
@#1068535 (emphasis added)
'wow, I think I'vebeen on this board too long'
"There's a fairly easy fix for that, you know."
Your call. Unless you want to admit the only reason why you post here in FSTDT, is not because you want to be an apologist for all the fundies we've quoted, but purely because you're a sad, pitiful attention-seeker with dissociative identity disorder. After all, just show me a quote - least of all a post - by a Quaker here in FSTDT. Just one. Go ahead. If you can.
...oh yes, that's right. There isn't. Because they don't need to push their beliefs on everyone else. Because they're secure in their beliefs. That means psychologically too. They're not attention-seekers with a mental disturbance-based obsession about their beliefs, like that of fundies; an obsession that overrides all other things in their lives to the exception of one. Sure, they make such beliefs a part of their lives, but they never allow such to rule their lives. Unlike fundies, however. There's a word to describe their particular psychological disorder: Monomania.
And as proven time and again - and not just via you, dearie: fundies have an obsession about homosexuals and their activities in private, more than homosexuals themselves. The above quotes by you prove it.
Just as preacher Ted Faggard vehemently denounced homosexuals & their activities, but was later exposed as one, by your own admission you have subconscious desires to be cornholed by a lesbian with a strapon. You don't even have the right to deny it. One doesn't need to be a psychology major to figure you out, dearie. Freud, Kinsey, Masters & Johnson, Krafft-Ebing et al were right all along.
What is it with you fire and brimstone types and your anal fixation? Seriously, I know power bottoms who aren't as ass obsessed as you folks are!"
"You guys are being unduly harsh to me because I am a believer in Christ. I admitted my idiotic mistake in making a crude comment and then trying to cover it up afterwards, but that does not mean I'm not a Christian or doing my best to follow Jesus. I'm sorry - the comment was out of line and my attempt to lie and cover it up was even more inappropriate. However, the second comment about the erection was truly not from me, and you are welcome to trace the IP address to prove it. There is a difference in that while the first comment was me spouting off in frustration, the second is clearly someone attempting to make me look stupid. Obviously I know that the question about evolution and wood is not about a man's penis, and I do not believe and never have believed that the Bible teaches that it is a sin for a man to have an erection. That is absolutely ridiculous.
Yes, I have damaged my credibility here and I deserve your rebuke. However, my comment, while an exaggeration, was biblically based, as the Book of Daniel does teach that the unsaved will be sodomized on the day of judgmenet. The second comment (about "wood") was not biblically based and was nonsensical.
I am sorry. I know who and what I am - a wretch in the eyes of God, even though a wretch forgiven - and I am woman enough to admit it. I hope you can forgive me. I don't think there is anything more I can say or do in relation to your comment, anon-e-moose."
(quote): "I hope you can forgive me", eh? Okay then. Despite your previous behaviour that has demonstrated you're nothing more than a drama-creating troll, and an attention-seeker with psychological issues, I'm willing to forgive you, as per your request. But with just one non-negotiable condition:
Leave FSTDT, and never darken this site's HTML code again. Ever.
It's the only possible way you'll be truly forgiven, if you're being truly honest as a 'saved' Christian is always supposed to be, 24/7/365 (lest they are hell-damned, despite any claims by them to the contrary; 'Grace by Faith Only'. 'OSAS', and all that jazz. Remember: Revelation 21:8). Like I say: your call.
And don't you dare try and worm your way out by saying 'I don't understand you!', your usual pathetic evasion tactic.