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The New World: The Rebirth, Castration Day, Breeders and More

I have written about this multiple times in the past, but due to the fact that I have numerous articles, it appears that people are not able to find every bit of information that I have provided, so I will detail it here.

1) Castration Day: The purpose of this day is to pacify males for further processing, meaning, in the end, the majority of them would eventually be terminated, and this holiday would no longer be entirely relevant at a certain point – the day of the True Rebirth, and the dawn of The New World. It is merely a major point in the short-term solutions for the pacification and so forth of all males.

2) The population of males world-wide for the indefinite future after the implementation of the short-term solutions would be around 10%, for the purposes of practicality. The 10% that remained would be used for the sole purpose of breeding, and nothing more. They would be given enough sustenance and so forth to remain alive, while being held in captivity to keep them from posing a threat to the general population outside (women). They would be allowed visitation by their closest female guardian(s) and or relatives if their closest female guardian(s) or relatives wishes to see them.

3) All males, regardless of age, would be eligible (with the consent of their closest female guardian) for castration. However, their closest female guardian (CFG) would be advised to exempt them from castration and sign them up as a future Breeder (someone used for sample-collection) on the basis of supply-and-demand. If the supply was well enough for the foreseeable future, the CFG would likely be advised to go ahead and have the male castrated, and in The New World, the CFG would likely comply with this. There would be no moral qualm about such an issue, because it would be based entirely on practicality and common knowledge (men need to be castrated to keep women safe) – there would be no emotional attachment to such a process. It would be seen as creating civility in the individual male, not as an act of harm.

4) The purpose of Castration Day is not to shame men, but to liberate all people and to civilize men. Nothing more, and nothing less. It is the only way.

5) Until science could be used to create genetically strong female progeny from two female parents (The Rebirth), the world population of males would remain around 10%. Once science was able to complete such a process (The Rebirth), the world-wide population of men would be held at around 1%, just in case. Any males who were born after this would be either disposed of or kept based entirely upon foreseeable practicality and potential for genetic efficiency. No emotional attachment would dictate otherwise, and if it did, the woman with said attachment would be reformed.

6) Some point out the issue of genetic deficiency due to lack of diversity, and a potential for inbreeding. In The New World, however, this would be a non-issue— Genetics would remain strong due to population. Say, for instance, the world-wide population in The New World is 7 billion, and 10% of that population is male, that would mean that there would be 700 million males world-wide. A sustainable population. If you multiply 6,300,000,000 (the number of females) by 700,000,000 (the number of males), you get 4,410,000,000,000,000,000 possibilities for the genetic makeup of future offspring. The population by the time The New World comes will be much larger than 7 billion, meaning that the possibilities will be even greater in number than this. Inbreeding and weakness of DNA will not be an issue.

7) By the time males are old enough to provide sperm samples, at the consent of their CFG, they will be screened for specific traits prior to Castration Day to see if they are viable Breeders. This screening will determine whether or not they are the most suitable contributors genetically. Characteristics will include testing physical symmetry, age-height-weight ratio, mental health, and parasite resistance, or the strength of their immune system. It is based entirely on practicality and efficiency, and nothing more. This would be done until The Rebirth (the day when science has its breakthrough in creating female progeny from two female parents and the male population is reduced to 1% world-wide via termination).

8) Post-Rebirth, Castration Day will be reduced to a smaller set of local screenings and procedures in each city world-wide, they will be uniform and set in stone, and the process will no longer be a celebration by all people, but a way of life for any male. Testing and screening for potential genetic contribution will happen at a male’s birth, and will be more lenient at that time, looking only for typical symmetry and a decent healthiness. This process will then be repeated when the male reaches the age to provide samples (maturity). If a male is born and appears to be weak, it will be disposed of. If a male is sufficient, it will be allowed to reach the age of “maturity”. It will then be screened again, for the aforementioned traits which will be determined by then, and if it is still sufficient, it will be kept as a Breeder. If it is not, it will be terminated. If the amount of males in relation to Post-Rebirth supply-and-demand is sufficient, all newborn males will be terminated based on the age and assumed longevity of the currently existing males, unless the particular male appears to be exceptionally healthy and strong.

It is as simple as that.

Thank you for reading.


*Footnote: Breeders and all of the samples that they give would be identified with a set of numbers unique to them as an individual. These numbers would essentially be their name and or identity. Any woman who collects a sample will have her own ID in the system marked with said Breeder-number, and so shall her children's Birth Certificates and IDs be marked with the same Breeder-number. That way, if her children were to return some day to take a sample, they would not (on the off-chance it might occur) be given a sample from the same Breeder that their mother took from. This would be done to avoid any possibility of inbreeding. Sample-collection, retrieval and artificial insemination centers would be dispersed all across the world at local areas, as Breeders too would be dispersed all across the world, in numbers sufficient to the specific area.



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