To be fair, there is something rather glaringly wrong with their statement of atheistic evolution... ism. To be unfair, that they teach this nonsense to children enrages me to the point of spontaneous combustion.
Wow. The ignorance is staggering.
They actualy have to make up imaginary schools of thought to avoid dealing with reality.
Option number 4 of course, is that matter formed by natural physical proceses that have nothing to do with evolution.
So scientists are working for what reason then?
"well, ya know, all this research I'm doing, it means nothing, but it keeps me off the streets I suppose....."
First question: Where do I begin? First, "atheistic evolutionism" isn't an actual thing. Second, nowhere in the theory of evolution does it say that something came from nothing. The theory of evolution deals only with how life changes over time not how it got here.
The second and third questions aren't even questions they're just asking me to copy stuff from the bible. That's not learning.
Your last statement could be used against you. You know you're wrong but you refuse to admit it and would rather jam your beliefs into the heads of impressionable children with baloney stuffed text-books.
"Atheistic Evolution," as this defines it, isn't a thing atheists came up with. Fundies pull it out of their asses. Atheists simply don't say "goddidit" as an explanation as to why the universe and lifeforms exist.
The only option that makes sense is one that doesn't involve supernatural mumbojumbo. But that hardly means "everything came from nothing."
Child abuse like anevilmeme said.
This is just pure evil, most things on FSTDT make me laugh. This just makes me angry.
"So through the appropriate deductive reasoning, logical thinking and scientific inquiry, we can conclude that..."
"But, but, but, my god and holy book said your ebil!!!"
Most honest scientists laugh at the term evolutionism.
In which chapter and verse in the Bible is God saying "Although scientists know they are wrong, they refuse to admit it!"? I didn't even know that "scientist" was a concept two thousand years ago.
Oh my gosh, look at this, and look at the quotes around it. It has the same style as all of the crazy, brainless fundies. Blatant disregard of reality, scornful italics, even somehow knowing what God is saying and thinking.
All that wasted ink....
"Atheistic evolutionism" -- even taking the fundie definition that includes abiogenesis and cosmology -- posits that the universe always existed in some form or another, and before the Big Bang there was something else. "All matter evolved from nothing" is obviously absurd, but nobody sane actually believes that.
Oh, and God is saying nothing , in fact, because the Bible is the word of several generations of men telling stories and explaining their whacked-out beliefs.
"God created all things"
The legal departments of Microsoft, Coca-Cola, Pepsico, you name it (which was manufactured by humans ), would like a word with you, whoever created that textbook (and not God, eh?! Oh, teh irony).
Better not watch the Billy Connolly film "The Man Who Sued God" then, if you know what's good for you. Least of all, when Kitzmiller vs. Dover is wheeled out to render the publishers/school board's (who allowed that textbook to exist in their school) existence invalid , as they are sued into oblivion.
Another moron who probably couldn't even identify to what branch of science evolution belongs.
I think, fifty years from now, creationists will have dropped all pretense of understanding anything about evolution, and will have just started vomiting whenever they hear the word (a shorthand for what they do now anyhow). Ironically, the best theory to explain this transition is evolution.
Evolution does not deal with the creation of matter; consequently its says nothing on the subject. However, the scientific law called the conservation of mass/energy says matter can be neither created nor destroyed, only transformed. You could even say it's existed forever, know what I mean?
1. I am not a thing.
2. So, if the Universe didn't make itself from nothing, God pulled it out of his ass, or made it from nothing?
3. "God is saying..." Are you hearing voices?
Too bad children lack the discernment to tell you how full of shit you are.
Creationists really need to open up their minds to new possibilities. For example:
5. A race of extra-dimensional aliens designed our primitive universe for their amusement.
6. The universe and all matter are actually one large, complex computer simulation.
No bias here, no siree. No wonder these people are fucked in the head, look what their textbooks are like! Is this really all they've ever known?
... I'm... Getting pangs of emotion... Could this be...? Sympathy...?
... Oh. Wait. Nope. These people are trying to inflict this awful, stilted dreck not just on their children, but on the whole world's children too.
Reprehensible. This is like child abuse.
Actually, it's both worse than you think and perhaps not as bad as it seems.
First I wanted to insure this was on the up and up (remember the first rule, VERIFY everything) so I tracked down the actual source (it can be found here ).
This is actually part of a theology section that pushes a very extreme theology to the effect that:
. God created all things
. God created all things for his own glory (!?)
. Man's chief end is to glorify his Creator (!?)
This page may well be the most sensical part of the whole thing. I doubt too many folks would be using this for home schooling (or at least I hope to hell they wouldn't). It's WAY out there.
You need to be careful with it also because reading too much of it will certainly make your head explode.
Actually, subatomic particles do appear out of nothing all the time. Aggregations of these particles form atoms.
There are multiple proofs, but the easiest demonstration is the Casimir effect.
Most commonly, this appearing matter consists of a particle and its antiparticle, which form from energy and then quickly annihilate each other and revert to energy. However,they do not always succeed in annihilating each other, a phenomenon that is the basis of Hawking radiation causing the evaporation of black holes.
For various reasons, gravitational energy is treated in physics as negative energy. The [negative] gravitational energy of a particle and its [positive] mass energy exactly balance, leaving the two energies to sum to zero energy.
evolution has NOTHING to do with the creation, i.e. the appearance of matter.
If they can't get past that first postulation then they have no right to teach anything: matter cannot evolve since it is inanimate.
Fill in the blank........with the answer I gave you in the question or else you're a godless atheist bastard!
1) That's a strawman. Evolution has nothing to say about the origins of the universe. Everything about this quiz is obviously wrong.
2) "3:5 For this they willingly are ignorant of, that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of the water and in the water: " Petey incorrectly thinks that the Earth somehow emerged from water? That's a good trick for a planet that's mostly made up of water.
3)The word Creationism is never once mentioned in the bible, so how the fuck would I know?
There is education, and then there is indoctrination.
This is actually really sad. It's giving kids a star sticker for knocking over a straw-man, meanwhile real science continues on.
I went to a Christian school and we used textbooks like this, though I don't think we used this exact textbook. I knew from an early age that these were terrible textbooks and they didn't have much fact in them, if any. This is somehow even more horrible and ridiculous than anything (besides maybe the history textbooks) we had.
Anon e moose-everyone knows that Jimmy Hoffa is buried under the 50 yard line at Giants' Stadium. Or he's in the Meadowlands, along with hundreds of other mob "disposals".
Sometimes I love my mobbed up state!
Oh, test time:
1) What's wrong with "atheistic evolutionism" is that's it's a straw man made by those who don't understand science. Also, evolution is an inconvenient theory that prevents religion from controlling others through ignorance.
2) The earth sprung out of the ocean... which is part of the earth. So, there was water there before the earth? Something existed before God made it, then.
3) As people who use their brains, which is against nearly everything our loving Lord God says and he will eternally torture them because he loves them.
*Question for you: Why do you think the US sucks at science? Give you a hint: it's shit like creationism.
This looks like the question and answer format of the Baltimore Catechism of times before I was born. My Mom and her best friend were tortured in one of Worcester's Catholic schools, and still remember the questions and answers over 50 years later! No critical thinking here! As an aside, my sister and I went to public school, which should tell you what Mom thinks of parochial schools.
HAHAHAHAhahahahahahahaha heh, ha...
I really hope this is poe. I mean, it could be photshop'd, right? right...?
Obviously the writer is a Christian. So for everyone who wasn't brainwashed from birth here are some things you should know. Evolution is NOT the beginning of everything. It is how different animals and other forms of life adapt to their environment. Christians may not realise it, but hey think everything just appeared from nothing. Their god apparently just magicked everything out of nowhere. So lets just ignore the fact that evolution has already been proven anyway. Yes I did just say proven, insects such as flies have been observed and over time have evolved and we can see it happening. So their god just "created" or magicked up everything out of nothing and they just believe it. If you just research these things I'm sure you will agree with me. I feel sorry for anyone unlucky enough to be taught any of this if it is a genuine text book.
I am 13. I am atheist.
Evolution is not to do with the creation of matter. It's how animals evolved to adapt to their environment better.
Matter did not evolve as far as I know, but, anyway. You as a Christian believe a giant, invisible man, commanded that things be made. Which they didn't, not by him anyway. I believe you crossed the Big Bang Theory with the Theory of Evolution.
How is it ridiculously unscientific, it has been researched for over 150 years and we continue to do so.
I haven't read that verse. But from what the others are saying, it's that earth popped up from water which god didn't create.
Well, since god is a self-centred bigot. He'd probably call them something along these lines. "Those bastards." If he existed that is,
A scientific theory is something that is hugely agreed upon by the majority of the scientific community and is backed yo by years if research and facts.
Next question, how did you produced the book, the print and the information you put in the book?...............not from God himself, believe me.
And it was in that moment that Sam realized that this was an actual textbook- the tool by which those who believed this rigid dogma indoctrinated their children.
And thus it was that Sam's faith in humanity died, and was never rekindled.
I feel sorry for any child who's capable of rational thought but who's parents are fundamentalists and force the kid to attend a school like this. A big part of me would die on the inside if I knew I had to pretend this dishonest horseshit is true in order to get a good grade. Poor grades can harm you later in life, so making a stand by telling the truth harms you directly in this case. It's bad enough that you'll be straddled with the reputation of a bad school dragging you down, but to also have low grades at that bad school will drag you down even further.
I'm not sure college admissions people would take the time to review your case individually and look at it long enough to realize that your bad grades were actually a good sign in this case. They'll just see the low number and pass you by.
To be in that position of having to parrot dishonest crap in order not to harm your grades - that must really suck.
Only three explanations can be given for how fucking stupid fundies are. These are summarized in the following table:
1. God created them this fucking stupid.
2. Their brains evolved from nothing, and since they don't believe in evolution, they ended up with nothing.
3. God created them with slight stupidity and set in motion forces that caused them to be this fucking stupid.
How does God describe those who reject creationism?
He...doesn't. Peter's narrating the whole thing. It's a letter he wrote, after all.
God is saying "Although scientists know they are wrong, they refuse to admit it!"
No, PETER is talking about people who do believe but deny they do and mock others for it (I don't know what the technical term for this is; "apostate" maybe?). This is very different from religious scientists who honestly don't believe in creationism, or atheist scientists who honestly don't believe in God.
I guess that's how Fundies work, though. Anyone who disagrees MUST know they're right but denies it anyway. I mean, it's not like anyone could really, sincerely have a different belief system.
1: It isn't a real statement.
2: The verse claims earth was formed out of water instead of through gravitational forces or anything involving a accretion disk.
3: He doesn't seem to be bothered by it.
And when they grow up and go to their state university (well c'mon, that's the only one that isn't a bible college that will have them) their science professors get quiz papers from them that look like the answers to this sheet. And their science professors think "Damn! To think I could have gone to work at Columbia instead of here."
True story.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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