So if you're beaten and raped by Aryan Nations thugs, do you have to tell anyone, least of all the police, Rabbi Penis Feedman...?!
It's no-one's business after all. You said it, I didn't.
And y'know what? I hope they do. That'll demonstrate how your so much as thinking of what you've said has absolutely no right to exist in anyone's mind, least of all yours, therefore anyone who does - and thus condones child abuse by anyone, certainly religious clergy; Catholic/Protestant Judeo-Christian, and Judaic - deserves everything they get.
'Molestation'. Oh suuuuuuure, there's nothing wrong with it, Rabbi. Until it happens to you. You'd be singing a different tune then, guaranteed.
"Rabbi Friedman later had this to say:"
"I want to apologize for my completely inappropriate use of language when discussing sexual abuse" tl;dr...
Yeah. Well, you should have thought of how inappropriate your 'language' was before you so much as thought of saying that, prior to flapping your diseased yap.
It's too late for that, pal. Because your so much as thinking about thinking what you did covers up a multitude of worse-than sins in ultra-Orthodox Judaism. And you've just admitted it, condemning your entire sect of Judaism out of your own mouth Can you say 'Paedophile Priests - as in Catholic - Rabbi? I know you can.
And now you know why the phrase 'Political Correctness' exists. Learn those words. they could save your life. Literally.
'Political Correctness'. And I, as an Atheist, like being Correct. Because being Correct is the superior state to be in.