voltairefree #conspiracy salon.com

Is Salon now now auditing Alex Jones?

I would have ignored Alex Jones’ charges if I had heard them mentioned anywhere other than Salon.

Somebody at Salon is now apparently very worried about what is coming out of the slightly loony Jones’ mouth. When a “respected” site like Salon suddenly starts paying what appears to be a lot of attention of a fringe personality like Jones, I wonder if Jones might be right in what he is charging.

I wonder if this sudden attention results from Jones’ earlier comment that the suspected bombers “looked like Israelis.” Such a charge apparently made the rabidly pro Zionist Alex Seitz-Wald start trembling all over and he had to immediately respond. Israel, by the way, is the world’s undisputed leader in the staging of such “false flag” events.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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