David J. Stewart #fundie jesusisprecious.org

Here is a list from 2011 of the top 10 DEAD celebrities still earning the most money...

¦ #1 Michael Jackson – $200 Million
¦ #2 Elvis Presley – $60 Million
¦ #3 Marilyn Monroe – $30 Million
¦ #4 Charles Schulz – $26 Million
¦ #5 John Lennon – $15 Million
¦ #6 Elizabeth Taylor – $13 Million
¦ #7 Albert Einstein – $12 Million
¦ #8 Dr Suess (Theodor Geisel) – $11 Million
¦ #9 Jimi Hendrix – $10 Million
¦ #10 Stieg Larsson – $9 Million

SOURCE: The 10 Highest Earning Dead Celebrities | Celebrity Net Worth

Psalms 73:12, “Behold, these are the ungodly, who prosper in the world; they increase in riches.”

Isn't that something? All those famous celebrities are dead, many for decades; yet, their worldly works are still generating millions of dollars in financial profits. Tragically, they're all burning in Hell.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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