Posted this on that other Everest Whats-his-name post, but here we go again:
Here are some decent reasons to criticize President Obama:
Drone strikes that kill civilians
Allowing whistleblowers to be punished when they reveal the government's wrongdoing.
Not closing Gitmo and stopping "enhanced interrogation." (Actually that might count as 2)
Not respecting states' rights with regards to medical marijuana.
Letting the NSA continue to spy on US citizens and allied world leaders.
Conceding way too much to lunatic Republicans. (Of course, that one is actually a problem with the Democratic Party in general.)
Those are at least decent, right? With reasons like that, why do they always go for:
Birth certificate!
And now we have handshakegate. Republicans are having a tantrum because Obama shook hands with another leader without criticizing him in the 1.5 seconds they took to shake hands at the funeral of Nelson Mandela.
I don't get it. There are so many good reasons, but they go for the lunatic bullshit. And when they do, they're so loud that they drown out the legitimate criticisms.
Anyway, please choose from one of the above reasons next time you criticize the president.