If you have a degree then you’re already well past peak sexual attractiveness and in a truly free sexual market most men probably wouldn’t even look at you.
So 23 is too old?
Sick fuck.
Hm. Surprise, more than one comment over there lamenting how they can't lust over teenagers without getting in trouble... Yeah. So long as women are made freely available to men and they are pretty enough, young, and have untouched pussies that's all that's important... What man could possibly be interested in an educated woman, after all?
Speak for yourself loser, personally there is nothing sexier than an intelligent, driven, hard working, highly educated woman.
BTW if you think a woman in her early 20's is "past peak sexual attractiveness" Chris Hansen will want a word with you.
In the UK most people who get degrees get them by 21!
Furthermore, I know plenty of attractive women in their 30s and 40s.
Finally, who made you the great arbiter? Go and fuck yourself, I doubt anyone else will do it.
You truly, honestly think that no woman over 22 is attractive enough to *look* at?
In all honesty, you're either literally blind, or have a very sick idea of what constitutes "attractive".
Doubting Thomas is right, to the MRA weaklings, women with intelligence are threatening to them because MRAs are all weak manboys.
I, not being an MRA, would find an degree that a bonus on the attractiveness scale.
About 85% of all women in the US have married at least once by the time they're 40 - the percentage is even higher if you exclude lesbians, asexuals, the severely handicapped and other women who aren't in the market for a man - so, to put it bluntly, you're full of it.
peak sexual attractiveness
Let me guess: for theantifeminist a woman has to be 18, have huge fake boobs, and run around all day on high heels in a bikini to be sexually attractive, right?
I reckon his motto for women is: shut your mouth, open your legs.
This may shock you anti, but most women aren't as desperate for sex as you are. Some of them even think of things other than sex, such as self-improvement. No, really, its true!
(I'll let him mull that over, then gradually introduce the suggestion that most men aren't as shallow and one-dimensional as he is either: wish me luck)
My mental-illness-to-English translator came up with this:
"I equate human sexual relations to a meat market and then feel angry when no mature woman will even take the time to urinate on me. Children can't figure me out right away, so I'd still have a shot if the world wasn't so unfair."
Reality: The girl-women you would approach have a friend, brother, or father who will kick your nuts into your chest cavity. If they don't, there's a whole bunch of us out here that will volunteer.
Sh*thead #1: "Damn, look at that babe."
Sh*thead #2: Naw, Sh*tty, she ain't a looker. She's got a degree.
Unlike you pathetic MRA losers, real men do not want brain dead teenage bimbos. We prefer real women, with brains, education, and the ability to think for themselves.
The men I know are none of them enslaved, I have three degrees, I'm seventy, and though not seeking it, I still get the odd look. In your case, however, I would not look back.
The men I know are none of them enslaved, I have three degrees, I'm seventy, and though not seeking it, I still get the odd look. In your case, however, I would not look back.
That's strange; women's peak is usually around 50, that is; the peak of women's enjoyment in sexual activities. Who cares for any other peak? Men's peak is usually around the age of 18.
If you get the right treatment during and after menopause, the peak doesn't have to mean the end, just that your man can't keep up with you any more...
In what way is the sexual market not truly free? It's only the ultra-conservatives who want to reign in the sexual market, stupid. I've been married for 25 years; my husband still finds me irresistible, as I do him, btw.
People, people! The man is just trying to say that he thinks it takes a woman 80-something years to get a degree! No pedophilia, just good ol'-fashioned misogyny. Or perhaps he just assumes that getting a degree is that hard for EVERYONE, given his obvious personal difficulties with higher education. When did you call it quits on school, anti? Kindergarten? Or did you tough it out to winter break in 1st grade?
Breakerslion hit the nail on the head.
Sadly, borderline ephebophilia (or even outright pedophilia) doesn't seem uncommon amongst MRAs. Ugh.
Post author
May 23, 2011 at 7:27 pm
Scarlett Johansson is nowhere near as hot as she was at 17, and only gets that close because she's a/ in the top 1% genetically gifted females for looks and b/ because she has Hollywood stylists and the money to buy whatever clothes and cosmetics she wants to
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