buddy RJ #psycho #mammon youtube.com

They [the US] have been through that in 2009 with H1N1 and many live thru it, so the new one won't be any different. If it doesn't kill you, it will only makes you stronger.

Let's face it, to contain the virus, it needs the whole world to work together. Sadly, there are many poor or developing countries that cannot fulfill this task due to economic problem and their healthcare system. One country fails, it means the virus will live on, God forbid it mutated, and someday it will find its way to your country no matter what your country has done to contain it. How long your country is willing to do it? a year? 2 years? your country's economy will fail! It will eventually get to you. Our only hope is a validated working vaccine, but as many outbreaks have shown in the past, the vaccine is always late. Maybe this is why the US and EU are reluctant to do anything about it, they let you have it and bet on your body develops the immune system to withstand the virus, wherever they may come from, without scarifying the economy and the cost trying to contain it. To the majority, this is merely a flu, some will have it harsher than the other, but most will survive given the fact that the fatality rate is only 2-3 %. Unfortunately, some people will die. But then again, it will mostly kill the unproductive old people with pre-existing disease, if they die, it will only save your tax money for the healthcare, and so, you see where this is going? Like what they say, life is unkind.

Various Incels #wingnut #sexist reddit.com

ITT: Braincels in the middle ages

King Chad rode by my village yesterday. Every filthy wench in the town flocked to the road to see him pass. I guess he just has good nobility. JFL.

Everyone was a manlet in this time period.

Sir may I have some of the cope you are on I would very much like it. Low IQ even if the average was shorter there’s always GigaChads 2ft above the average. OMEGAcoping

The manlet scale just shifted downwards:

HyperChad: 5'9

Average 5'6

Manlet 5'2

You'd probably have a looksmatch serfwife, at least

imagine being the only one in the village who could count his chickens, get sent to Lutheran university: never even see a woman for 8 years during your studies. never get to go carousing in the tavern with Chod and Brod. never get to visit a whorehouse or pinch a lass's bum at harvest festival. never get to rape sand hole on conquest. tfw diddle the new altar boy to sustain yourself

Pat Riarchy #fundie practicalfreespirit.com

So it is now “society” that is holding females back. “Society” is made up of people. So people, both men and females, now hold females back from achieving their full potential. It’s everyone else’s fault. Females are never to blame. That’s why females have still achieved nothing in comparison to men. Females have had an eternity to invent things and build things and make empires. Apparently, females are so good at management that every company should have at least one.

What you highly intelligent females don’t seem to realise is that whoever makes the most money gets the promotion. This is called “free capitalist enterprise”. Apparently, tho, females are unable to reach these giddy heights on their own. Females are unable to create global empires. Men do it all the time. You can count the number of females on one hand. Yet these super intelligent females who are naturally super communicative and naturally able to run countries and corporations and have a natural urge to merge who are naturally better managers don’t ever seem to be able to put their super skills into practice. Maybe it’s because it’s all lies and females are virtually useless. Like females say they can do 2 things simultaneously and do them each as well as if they had done one at a time. This is nothing more than outright lies and not one psychiatrist in the world would agree with it. But that doesn’t stop females making these fairy tales into their “reality”

If females were actually intelligent they would solve the problem. They don’t. Females just introduce yet another third party to blame for their ineffectiveness.

The greatest piece of technology ever produced on this planet to date is the Hadron Collider. For all the resources poured into the project it has given us a return on our investment which is simply outlandish. We now know how many theories are incorrect. We now know that Professor Doctor Higgs’ calculations in the 60’s were correct. Mr Higgs was present in the lecture theatre when the second confirmation came through. He was sure his calculations were correct but did not expect it to be proven in his lifetime. Amazingly, there were no intelligent females on the project. One would think that when spending those sort of resources the best of the best would be warranted. And they were. And still no females. And why? Well, it’s society (meaning other females) that are holding females back because females have to be unambitious and talk drivel instead of intelligent conversations that men have. Intelligent females can’t have these conversations with other females because other females are as thick as 2 bricks. So intelligent females must dumb down their conversation. Funny that no intelligent females have ever thought to go against the mold but are forced to comply with it. This is yet another excellent example of why there are few females at the top.

Apotheosis #crackpot #quack #transphobia apotheism.com

When they can no longer push away their doubts, the song of fulfilment they were sung by psychologists and medical professionals turns out to be not only utter nonsense, but even worse: the surgery has failed to give to them the good of femality and it has broken what good they had as a male. From this point, their identity is completely shattered. The doubts they had before surgery are completely rekindled, and then intensified to the maximum extreme. It is for these reasons we see their identity crumble into total nothingness: the organ is a failure not only by way of it failing to attain the sexual goodness of the vagina, but it also now suffers a state of inferiority to the penis.

True femality now impossible, risk of self-harm and suicide is at its most acute as the identity is turned to oblivion. The transsexual’s path from here is either their total self-destruction, leading to damaging behaviour such as self-harm, substance abuse, and/or suicide. It should be noted that the self-oblivion episode is often constrained and not expressed by the transsexual; a stigma has developed against negativity towards the efficacy of transition which encourages silence on these concerns.

Transsexuals have built communities that form up sometimes the totality of their trusted support network, and since the members could be liable to doubt or criticise were a transsexuals’ episode of self-oblivion be expressed, it is completely internalised and suppressed for as long as the transsexual can do so. It is for these reasons that outwardly happy individuals who insist on the goodness of transition and the fulfilment they’ve received from the therapy can suddenly suicide.

I hope these insights may prove intriguing and enlightening on the question of transsexualism’s psychotelestology.

Nationalist Asatru News #racist nationalistasatrunews.com

[Article claiming that the BNP is too Jewish]

Every few years Nick Griffin at conference, pushed a softer version of BNP policy, Nick Griffin never once stood back and tried to make the party more right wing, it is alleged at every meeting, Nick Griffin led the subversives, the Jewish racists, the Christian Philo-Semites and the leftwing infiltrators in making the BNP into a non nationalist party.

Nick Griffin famously stated via twitter his new-found anti-English position: "The BNP has and welcomes, Jewish members, Nazi cranks not wanted" 'Nazi cranks' meaning: all genuine nationalist who demand that as English, Northern European folk, we too have the right to exist, Nick Griffin branded such people as 'cranks'.

This in itself shows you all you need to know about Nick Griffins agenda, that when he took over he was allegedly privately a pro-Hitler, anti-Holocaust, National Socialist, and within less than 10 years, had reached a stage whereby he could openly declare he wanted Jewish members more than any other member, and not just any Jew, pro-Israel Jews who would share a common hatred of Islam: Jewish supremacists, who have led the revolution against Europeans and our right to exist worldwide for over 2000 years and Nick Griffin wanted to purge the BNP (in a Stalinistic fashion) of all genuine nationalists in order to make the BNP palatable to Jewish supremacists, the very same Jewish supremacists, who through their control of the media were and have since prevented the BNP from making any electoral inroads.

suzy #racist realjewnews.com

World Zionism is the architect of global terrorism, the Man Behind the Curtain if you will.

Ever since the establishment of the terrorist state of Israel in 1948, there has been a major increase in violent terrorist acts across the globe.

The world has plunged into an era of chaos, destruction, war, tyranny and strife, and all this satanic madness can be traced back to International Jewry’s doorstop, Tel Aviv.

Israel is engaged in a global “strategy of tension,” a maniacal effort designed to drive a wedge between the Western world and the Islamic world.

International Jewry will continue to exacerbate and exploit the contrived divisions between the West and the Islamic world, Christianity and Islam, until they achieve their final objective –- the annihilation of the hated Gentiles and eventual world domination.

wereqryan #crackpot #sexist incels.is

RE: This Redditor finds out the hard way that chad sex is different

JFL at this Reddit cuck. I would leave any relationship where its apparent that either one of us aren't sexually satisfying enough for the other.

Imagine the how much the number of sexually frustrated males grows when we take into consideration cucking relationships and deadbedroom betabux-based relationships!!

I had a conversation with a foid about this dual mating strategy thing where women are sexually almost unresponsive when it comes to having sex with men who aren't Chads. This is what she said:

"To tell u more, I have dated someone I wasn’t attracted. He was just nowhere on my attraction radar, how much love do u think I could give him? Not even a fraction of what I had to offer. It just couldn’t come out! When he gave me always felt bland. So the conclusion I have drawn is, If it’s a relationship where I feel like I am settling for him, It’s goona create a void in me. The void dosent help people in the relationship be the best they can be, infact it poisons relationship beyond words. Better to be single then rather than spiting and resenting the person in relationship."

Total Imbecile #sexist #psycho incels.is

[Based] It feels good being a guy, it feels good knowing I could break any females neck I see IRL if I wanted to

Apart from being incel that is

Ive been working out and eating proper for like a number of weeks now and I actually look so much better and healthier tbh

I dont actually wear hoodies when I go out anymore because I have some decent arms and can wear T shirts now

It also feels good knowing that any female I see out IRL I could just approach her and snap her neck with 0 effort, brutalize her ragdoll body before cutting it up and dumping it next to some remote highway in Nevada thanks to being desentizationmaxxed due to fapping to guro

@female lurkers how does it feel knowing that youre at my mercy like this? The only reason I wouldnt do it is because Im a nice guy

DerrickJ79 #fundie sporcle.com

Bacteria strains and flu virus strains are not examples of evolution. They are simply variation within a kind. Also, none of the examples in that article that bazmerelda posted the link to are cases of evolution, either. Most people don't know this fact: speciation is not evolution. Most people also don't know that creationists believe that different species arise by natural selection. Speciation and natural selection are different from Darwinian evolution. Darwinian evolution is the creation of a completely new "kind" of creature. The term "kind" fits mostly with the taxonomic "Family" group (roughly: bears, cats, dogs, whales, etc.). A change from one Family group to another has never been observed, thus, evolution has never been observed.

Berit Kjos #fundie christiananswers.net


Barbara Whitehorse started seeking answers after her son asked a typical question: “Mom, can I get Pokémon cards? A lot of my friends from church have them.” Much as she wanted Matthew to have fun with his friends, she gave a loving refusal. Matthew’s tutor had already warned her that the Pokémon craze could stir interest in other kinds of occult role-playing games such as Dungeons and Dragons. At the time, she wondered if the tutor had just over-reacted to some harmless entertainment. After all, the cute little Pokémon creatures looked nothing like the dark demonic creatures of D&D. But when she learned that a local Christian school had banned them because of their link to the occult, she changed her mind. Later, during a recent party for Matthew, Barbara heard two of the boys discussing their little pocket monsters. One said, “I’ll just use my psychic powers.” Already, the world of fantasy had colored his real world. So when some of the kids wanted to watch the afternoon Pokémon cartoon on television, Barb again had to say “no.” It’s not easy to be parents these days.

Cecile DiNozzi would agree. Back in 1995, her son’s elementary school had found a new, exciting way to teach math. The Pound Ridge Elementary school was using Magic: the Gathering, the role-playing game called which, like Dungeons and Dragons, has built a cult following among people of all ages across the country. Mrs. DiNozzi refused to let her son participate in the “Magic club.” But a classmate gave him one of the magic cards, which he showed his mother. It was called “Soul exchange” and pictured spirits rising from graves. Like all the other cards in this ghastly game, it offered a morbid instruction: “Sacrifice a white creature.”

“What does “summon” mean?” he asked his mother after school one day.

“Summon? Why do you ask?”

He told her that during recess on the playground the children would “summon” the forces on the cards they collect by raising sticks into the air and saying, “Spirits enter me.” They call it “being possessed.”

Strange as it may sound to American ears, demonic possession is no longer confined to distant lands. Today, government schools from coast to coast are teaching students the skills once reserved for the tribal witchdoctor or shaman in distant lands. Children everywhere are learning the pagan formulas for invoking “angelic” or demonic spirits through multicultural education, popular books, movies, and television. It’s not surprising that deadly explosions of untamed violence suddenly erupt from “normal” teens across our land.

Occult role-playing games teach the same dangerous lessons. They also add a sense of personal power and authority through personal identification with godlike superheroes. Though the demonic realm hasn’t changed, today’s technology, media, and multicultural climate makes it easier to access, and harder than ever to resist its appeal.

Angelic Overlighters of all Realms via Galaxygirl #crackpot #ufo #magick voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

There are many Galactic Federations, for there are many galactics. We are here with a simple message for humanity. Be at peace in this moment of where you are. As the equinox approaches, we wish for you to feel that inner balancing. (I am seeing an egg stand on its own, balanced perfectly.) There must be an internal calibration of peace for the body, the human template, to fully absorb these energies and unlock the DNA activations within. <...> Humanity has many dams around their hearts, around their wounded areas. The dams must be broken to allow the light to flow through it, to allow for the energy and the full circuitry of healing to recalibrate the human body into the higher dimensional frequencies.

This has been an extraordinarily dense realm to exist in. The human body has been very, very dense, denser than originally designed because of the hostility of the environment of the weight of fear and loss. We wish to gently remind that fear is your own creation. Humans are profoundly creative, which is why so many clamor to be one, for they want the experience of unlimited flow of creativity, of manifestation. This is coming.
This is to be a very powerfully igniting weekend for the human collective, for those with eyes and hearts that are open.
For those who accept this activation deeply over the next few months you will see the illusion completely fall if you have not already. There will be signs in the sky. There will be sounds in the air. (I am hearing trumpets). There will be an unleashing of lovelight to quench the fear continually being created by the unawakened. Many are awakening at this time. Many will see and will not understand. Know that all will be well for all have chosen. Some may need assistance with their choosing, so they may assimilate that which they wish to assimilate but do not yet have the circuitry or capacity energetically to do so. Do you see?

Mr. Bond ft. Dido #racist youtube.com

(Lyrics to song "Dear Donald", by Mr. Bond and Dido)

[Hook: Dido]
My tea's gone cold
I'm wondering why I got out of bed at all
The morning rain clouds up my window
And I can't see at all
And even if I could it'd all be gray
But your picture on my wall
It reminds me that it's not so bad, it's not so bad

[Verse 1]
Dear Donald, I voted you in, why aren't you responding
can you see me from your Tower man, I'm down here at the bottom
I sent a million tweets in autumn
and I 'm sure you got 'em
There probably is a problem
'cause you're POTUS now or somethin'
I know the secret service keeps disturbances from bothering
But anyways, fuck it, what's been up, man?
How's your daughter?
My girlfriend's pregnant too, I'm 'bout to be a father
If I have a daughter, guess what I'ma call her?
I'll name her Melania
I saw the bullying the media did to her and Barron
that was so disgusting man
you seem like awesome parents
I know you probably hear this every day
But I'm your biggest fan
I got a Trump sign in my yard and bumper stickers on my van
I got a closet full of posters, MAGA hats and pictures, man
I love how you owned Rubio and Jeb, that shit was phat
Anyways, I hope you get this, man, hit me back
Just to chat, truly yours, the only one who cherished ya , it's white America

[Hook: Dido]
My tea's gone cold
I'm wondering why I got out of bed at all
The morning rain clouds up my window
And I can't see at all
And even if I could it'd all be gray
But your picture on my wall
It reminds me that it's not so bad, it's not so bad

[Verse 2]
Dear Don, you still ain't called or wrote us
I hope you notice
I ain't mad, I just think it's fucked up you ignore your voters
remember when we talked outside your rally about jobs in LaFayette
You even signed an autograph on a MAGA hat
for my little brother, man, he's only six years old
He waited in the blisterin' cold for you
For hours that's how much you give him hope
Our life is pretty shitty man and you're his fuckin' idol
the working class whites out here
are struggling for survival
I ain't that mad though, I just don't like being lied to
Remember when we met in Denver?
You said if I vote for you, you'd have my back
See, I'm just like you in a way; don't like politicians either
All they do is cheat us man we really need a leader
That's why I could relate to your debates and all your speeches
Jobs are overseas now where production is the cheapest
‘And I don't really got shit else
So that shit helps when I'm depressed
I even got a tattoo saying MAGA on my chest
And twice I almost got beat up by guys who called my Nazi
I just want a future for our kids, why would they try to stop me?
See, everything you said is real
And I respect you ‘cause you told it
My girl said you're just a show and won't trust you for a moment
But she don't know you like me Donald, bet my life that she's mistaken
They way you hugged those people on your stage you wasn't faking
You gotta call me, man
I'll be the biggest supporter you'll ever lose, if you keep up this barrier
sincerely yours, White America

[Hook: Dido]
My tea's gone cold
I'm wondering why I got out of bed at all
The morning rain clouds up my window
And I can't see at all
And even if I could it'd all be gray
But your picture on my wall
It reminds me that it's not so bad, it's not so bad

[Verse 3]
Dear Mr. I-Don't-Give-A-Shit-About-My-Base
You literally broke every single promise that you gave
I just saw it on the news even the wall has been discarded
it was just a metaphor
do you think we are retarded?
was my girlfriend right after all are you just another hooker?
cause it sure looks like you're getting bossed around by Kushner
who the fuck is this guy anyway I didn't vote for him
first you said you're for the people giving power back to them
then you're starting shit with Syria launching missile strikes
and I see you in that room surrounded by a bunch of kikes?
remember the guys who called me nazi, I was forced to fight
Guess what I'm a nazi now, I think those nazis they were right
I talked to them on twitter and they brought me to the light
you no longer have a voice up in this country if you're white
I loved you Trump, and we'll still make this nation great again
in fact I wanna thank you for starting my awakening
the hate for you pushed whites back together as a group
and made us see the system is completely owned by Jews
who kill us with immigration and degenerate our youth
I can't believe two years ago I used to laugh at David Duke
this was our last try voting, now it's about survival
and it's parasites like you who force us into voting with our rifle
I tore all your pictures down and put one of Hitler up
P.S.: looking forward to the war, we'll fuck all you bitches up

Abby Johnson #racist theblaze.com

Pro-life activist Abby Johnson, who is scheduled to speak Tuesday at the Republican National Convention, said in a now-deleted June video that police would be "smart" to racially profile her son because of his brown skin, according to Vice News.

Johnson posted the video in June, not long after the police killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis in late May kicked off a series of nationwide race riots.

Johnson said she would be fine with police officers treating her minority son differently than her white sons because of crime and prison statistics.

"Statistically, I look at our prison population and I see that there is a disproportionately high number of African-American males in our prison population for crimes, particularly for violent crimes," Johnson said. "So statistically, when a police officer sees a brown man like Jude walking down the road—as opposed to my white nerdy kids, my white nerdy men walking down the road—because of the statistics he knows in his head, that these police officers know in their head, they're going to know that statistically my brown son is more likely to commit a violent offense over my white sons."

"So the fact that in his head, he would be more careful around my brown son than my white son, that doesn't actually make me angry," Johnson continued. "That makes the police officer smart, because of statistics."

Henry Makow, PhD #wingnut #racist #dunning-kruger #fundie #homophobia #transphobia henrymakow.com

The mind is a prison where the soul is tortured by thoughts. (Our feelings correspond to our thoughts. If we don't manage our thoughts, they will.)
Lately, the Satanists have launched a sexist and racist attack on white men implying that all whites males are crazed mass killers. Since when do the actions of a handful of misfits, groomed by the Deep State, condemn hundreds of millions of people? Are all Jews to blame for the actions of the Rothschilds?

The political and cultural climate is toxic because we are under constant occult attack. It's easy to have negative thoughts. Negative thoughts lead to depression. This actually may be their plan.
The Illuminati fabricate reality. Consider the JFK-RFK-MLK assassinations, 9-11, Boston Marathon and Sandy Hook. They determine reality simply by lying. They created ISIS and are responsible for war crimes as bad as any in history.

They program our minds to adopt self-destructive behavior.

Teachers can no longer refer to children as "boys" and "girls." Children are encouraged to change their gender and experiment with homosexuality. Women are taught that being a wife and mother is "oppressive" and promiscuity is "empowering." Men are taught to seek sex and not love. Society is governed by depravity & nonsense.

The mind unmoored from the Moral Order, (i.e. the soul) is malleable indeed! By soul, I am including intuition and instinct.

We experience our programming rather than reality. For example, Hollywood presents romance and sex as panaceas and we actually experience them as such...until the illusion dispels like a morning fog. The Cabalists love hypnotizing us with their "magic."

By themselves, our minds have no anchor in truth. The mental world is a house-of-mirrors.

Cardinal Raymond Burke #fundie cruxnow.com

Cardinal Raymond Burke, a senior American churchman in Rome who has been one of the most outspoken critics of Pope Francis’ push for reform, is roiling the waters yet again, this time arguing that the Catholic Church has become too “feminized.”

Burke, who was recently demoted from the Vatican’s highest court to a ceremonial philanthropic post, also pointed to the introduction of altar girls for why fewer men are joining the priesthood.

“Young boys don’t want to do things with girls. It’s just natural,” Burke said in an interview published Monday. “I think that this has contributed to a loss of priestly vocations.

“It requires a certain manly discipline to serve as an altar boy in service at the side of [a] priest, and most priests have their first deep experiences of the liturgy as altar boys,” the former archbishop of St. Louis told Matthew James Christoff, who heads a Catholic men’s ministry that called the New Emangelization Project.

“If we are not training young men as altar boys, giving them an experience of serving God in the liturgy, we should not be surprised that vocations have fallen dramatically,” Burke said.

The Catholic Church dropped its ban on girls assisting the priests during Mass in 1983, and today it is common to see more girls than boys helping on the altar. Only one US diocese, in Lincoln, Neb., still bars altar girls, though a number of individual parishes have barred them in hopes of encouraging more boys and men to consider the all-male priesthood.

In the interview, Burke also blamed gay clergy for the Church’s sexual abuse crisis, saying priests “who were feminized and confused about their own sexual identity” were the ones who molested children.

many1337numbers #fundie flickr.com

If religion is just a cock show like you're implying, then militant atheists are the biggest dicks of all.

That's not a compliment, either.

At least religions hold interfaith dialogues and form organizations dedicated to such, trying to promote understanding and increase acceptance of differing beliefs despite the extremist nutjobs people focus on. Hell, there was a big one this July, involving Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism, Taoism, and Islam.

Compared to that, what do atheists do?

Protest church gatherings, pull fire alarms at church-affiliated day care centers and sprinkle anti-religious specious rhetoric on the front lawn, or demand the banning of books even vaguely related to religion.

I'd love to say that's just another case of nutjobs, but atheists have yet to produce their own organizations and movements dedicated to tolerance and acceptance of religion. It's rather telling when you see things like this, and you see prominent atheist writers praise their beliefs as "the removal of bad ideas."

Atheists as the theology equivalent to Wikipedian deletionists like Dragonfiend, trying to destroy what they do not (or will not) understand. Who knew?

Ana Kasparian #elitist twitter.com

CA, and especially LA, is controlled by Democrats. THEY are responsible. No more passing the buck.

Our Mayor, who was in Ghana as fires exploded in our city, cut the fire budget by $17 million. Endless amounts of money funneled to bullshit scammer homeless nonprofits. We’re the highest taxed yet we have encampments and squalor everywhere. Even worse, we don’t have enough firefighters to respond to the absolute disaster we’re experiencing right now. Rather than conserve the record rain we got last year, we just drained it into the ocean. We are a failing city run by a sick excuse for local government.

You want to radicalize people against the modern Democratic Party? Send them to LA.

NicholasMarks #fundie religionethics.co.uk

I have certainly taken images of strange planet type objects around our sun over a period, and I have also noticed the strange aspect of our sun as well...I have also seen the intense chemtrails that are being spewed out above us and timed to block the sun at sunrise and sunset, and, it seems, all over the world, without any explanation and with, what seems to be, a complete lack of health concern. So...I reckon, unless we find the health content written into the Holy Bible...one or other of these many threats, (great tribulations) are going to get us, one way or another...well before the ultimate Biblical threat gets here.

Time to repent don't you think, Seb. That's much more important than knowing the time or the date that no man knoweth except the father...who is in Heaven.

DrDiarrhea #psycho reddit.com


I Like It When Children Die
People define themselves through their children. When having a child you begin to realize that the ability to create a human being, form it's personality, and watch it develop into a loving and intelligent adult is a gift. Children can give you so much joy with such little effort.

But sometimes children die. You lose them, and the world loses them. They can die from almost anything: Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, Lunaria, a car accident, accidental poisoning, a fire, or murder.

No matter what mode of death befalls a child, I laugh at each and every child death. I even laugh at the mere anxiety over the potential death of a child. I laugh because the greatness of the child is snuffed out.

The world will be deprived of that child's uniqueness forever. All the potential stored within a child ends up putrefying in a tiny coffin and is processed through the digestive tract of a hundred thousand maggots.

The unconditional love it feels is gone. I laugh at the grief of the parents. It is a pain that is light-years beyond my comprehension because I am childless, but I can determine that it is a crushing grief in which your own person-hood is shattered beyond repair.

I am speaking to you. I am speaking to anyone who has lost a child. I know the pain skews your vision and makes you cry in the night, and I wish more suffering upon you so that I may watch your agony get the better of you.

You deserved this loss, and you suffered it because you were a bad parent. There ARE no random accidents. You allowed your child to get sick because you did not take care of it.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

List of depravity elites do on a regular basis

Drink baby blood from a living infant after killing it within the same hour

Torturing people as they cook them

Raping and gagging whomever they please

Blackmailing politicians globally to support them

Spreading poison marketed as vaccines or medicine

Murdering for fun

Falsifying financial reports

It is a very heartbreaking list

Can go on for a very long post

The point is... This is beyond what the public can and should know

It is between themselves and God

And yet, God's only desire is for them to learn love.

Punishment is never existent in God's vocabulary

Kandar888 #fundie gamefaqs.com

What I was trying to get at was how sexual content in anything creates lust. Lust is not a good thing. Sex is a pleasure, it's something that should mean something and be cherished. My opinions, I understand, but why is it becoming the norm that to be a real man you must sleep with three different women every night? Why is it okay to see as many naked women as possible? Why is okay for all of these thing? And people wonder why there's over a 50% divorce rate in the United States? Everyone is losing values and what it's like to be a morally good person. Everyone for themselves and not caring how their actions affect the people around them.

Also, I'm getting really tired of hearing about the violence thing. I opened a discuss about the sexual content and almost everyone has avoided it like the plague and instead brought up violence. These things really just aren't on the same level.

Eugene Gant #dunning-kruger #wingnut vdare.com

And lo and behold, on January 2, Twitter did indeed shut down immigration patriot Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene’s verified personal account. Also banished is mRNA vaccine pioneer Robert W. Malone. In other words, the canceling and shadow-banning of political untouchables that began under hirsute weirdo Jack Dorsey, Agrawal’s predecessor, has intensified [New Twitter CEO has brought wave of high-profile bans in short tenure, by Conor Skelding, New York Post, January 8, 2022].

This could stifle independent journalists such as Andy Ngo, who frequently uploads video of violent Leftists and communist mobs doing their thing. Kevin Lynch, founder of U.S. Tech Workers, reported that Twitter wiped out three hundred of his organization’s followers. Other Twitter users reported similar purges.

Billy #sexist menarebetterthanwomen.com

I'm a christian also. I find that the words in the bible are bable to most woman. They don't comprehend it like men. No one is perfect but most women just don't really care about anything unless it's been taught to them by a parent from their youth.

I work for some churches and the women their complain incessantly like children. They make up things to complain about.

The same applies for women everywhere, they still need someone to tell them to shut up regularly.

The Passage that says "Women are to remain silent in the church" means nothing. They have semi-femi groups pushing for more jobs, more power, higher postions, more say so, more pay, more stories told about women in the bible. The same games, same entitlement types go to church. How about Shutting up and NO!

If church women were any better than the divorce rates in church would not be the same as non-church members, but it is.

Few women have any integrity, period.

trueworldtheory #psycho #wingnut reddit.com

Imagine being in a subreddit with cartoon frogs talking nazi dogwhistles in baby talk as a goof

Imagine writing about how you think cartoon frogs are da nazi, and think that you don't deserve to be pubically beaten or treated as mentally ill. Like, fuck, I think the whole world needs to see your post.

No sweetie. Cartoon frogs aren't nazi. In fact, nazis aren't real Sweetie. National Socialism is a defunct political party from Germany over 70 years ago. Stop treating Nazi like the 21st century of Satan, not all of us are religious fundamentalists. There is no such thing as "dogwhistles", that is leftspeak. Don't be a leftists, all leftists are mentally ill. You don't have a valid political ideology, you just have maladaptive psychological traits. You have a genetically ill person who thinks behaving like this is appropriate. Normal people don't act like you

Its sad GrandpaDallas, you are too far gone. Nothing can save you. the product of bad genetics and bad environment.

Various MRAs #psycho #racist #sexist #wingnut reddit.com

I'm starting to hate women.

I have been an MRA for over a year now and seeing all of the anti-male rhetoric and hatred alot of women have towards men has slowly been getting to me, I was crushing on this chick and I check her Twitter only to see that she reguarly posts about how she hates men and it's making me really sad and depressed, like it's obviously not all women but at this point I'd be hardpressed to say they aren't a majority.

As a woman I am completely on board with you. I lost a friend because I explained to her how the 97% thing is not true and she's stopped talking to me ever since. I told her she should've read the study and she said she doesn't have to. It's hard making female friends these days if a lot of women seem to hate men or believe whatever is online. Makes me sad.


Stay away from American women. Find one from overseas from a country that treats women like shit you’ll be amazed how happy you’ll be. I found a great one from Colombia and I don’t have all the bullshit to deal with.

There is soooooo much truth to this. In 2019 I went to a few places in South America. The difference in the women in particular in terms of general behavior was absolutely staggering. When I was in Colombia I met a tremendous amount of cool women, women I would call strong. They rarely complained, were very proactive, they take responsibility and mostly understand their actions cause reactions. Everyone in general where I was was just so much more happy in general, good with their roles and embraced them. The women actually appreciate what men do on top of that, where in modern western culture when we do stuff, liek build the roads, it's just expected and thankless.

Stephanie Relfe #fundie metatech.org

[I was about to submit this to CSTDT until I read the part after "What can you do?"]

At around 1 a.m. on Sunday, April 26th, two doctoral students at the Louisiana State University (LSU) were mysteriously found dead at the bottom of a swimming pool. 28-year-old Ishita Maity and 25-year-old Anton Joe were with the schools physics and astronomy department with Maity studying theoretical astrophysics while Anton was a 3rd-year graduate student studying theoretical gravity.

Maity was an author of one of the journal ‘New Astronomy’s’ most popular recent papers entitled “Black hole spin dependence of general relativistic multi-transonic accretion close to the (event) horizon”;

Joes’ most recent paper was — written for the European Organization For Nuclear Research, also known as CERN.

There is much more important information in the rest of this article is excellent. Please go here

The author Stefan Sandford points out that this part of CERN:


reminds us of the statue of Shiva, the god of destruction, which is outside CERN. Why would a so-called scientific establishment spend many thousands of dollars creating such a thing, and put lights around it to make sure you can see it at all times?



We would like to pay particular attention to this part of Sandford’s article:

“There are also several recent videos about the possible dangers of CERN including the 2nd one, a documentary from FBCFilms called “CERN: Opening The Abyss

That word “abyss” is most interesting, because the French Finance Minister used that same very word, when he made the really bizarre statement:

“We are on the edge of a climatic abyss. We have 500 days to avoid climate chaos.”


1) A very frightening or dangerous situation, or one in which there seems to be no hope

2) a bottomless gulf or pit

And remember these guys are all lawyers and every word is important. Remember Bill Clinton when he said

“It depends on what the meaning of ‘is’ is”.



The Pope confirmed that Sep 24 2015 (in the USA) is very, very relevant, because he made the bizarre step of telling us on Feb 5 that he will speak to congress about ‘climate change’ on Sep 24 2015! The same date! What has the pope got to do with climate change? With the USA government? Why did he tell us so such a long time in advance? Was this a signal to certain groups that something is getting ready to happen?

We know that many Satanists dedicate their lives to the Pope, because of what Svali told us.

Because no one believes anything the government says, would a final, last minute, “so long, pal” announcement by the Pope be what they have planned? If he finished his speech and it happened within the hour, no one would have a chance to react?

We know one thing – a giant meteor hit would certainly cause the climate to change! See what just a small meteorite can do

What can you do?

While we would like to believe that people are rising in their vibration, and that we are about to break free of this matrix, evidence is to the contrary. It seems more like we are devolving into Idiocracy and Sodom & Gomorrah. For example, how can we have a high and holy vibration when and one porn website in the USA gets 4.4 billion page views a month, and the United Nations said there are now 4 million child porn websites. [...]

It sure looks as though something is coming. We believe that for most people (that is, not the oligarchs), it will be fast and painless. [...]

We recommend you do these things:

1) Make sure you have enough food, water and supplies so you don’t have to leave your house for at least 3 weeks, if necessary.

2) Pray for guidance. Move if God tells you to.

3) Prepare for the next life. Especially pray for –

Forgiveness of anything bad you have done,

Family line curses and

Sins of past lives,

to ensure that if you have to come back again, it’s a whole lot better than this one.

Forgive anyone who has harmed you, to set yourself free, so that you can move on and don’t have to be with that person next lifetime.

4) Know that God loves you and does not blame you for the mess this world is in. The major blame is on Satan, the reptilians and the mind control and massive systems set up by the fallen angels. (For example, they drop aerosolized thought control vaccines on us, as shown by this video from the Pentagon).

Be happy. Have no fear. If we leave our bodies, it will be fast and painless for most of the people on earth. To learn more, learn about how great most people feel when they drop their body, during near-death experiences.


Remember, if they send aliens to pretend to save you, remember they are just coming to stock up their freezers and torture chambers.

Henry de Lesquen #racist #wingnut lesquen.fr

[Translated from "Comment Henry de Lesquen aurait réglé la question sud-africaine" - "How would Henry de Lesquen have settled the South African Question". From 2017.]


spoilerOn the left, a portrait of Mandela and then an arrow leading to the image of right featuring a noose

1. Nationality principle. One State on a continous territory for each Bantu ethnic group: Zulu, Xhosa, Sotho, etc.
2. Bantu states would have been South African Republic (SAR) protectorates. They would have been set for independence
3. Congoids (Black Bantus) would have lost their South African nationality for their ethnic state's
4. South African people: Caucasoids from European extraction (Whites) and mixed-blood Caucasoid-Capoid (Hottentot Blacks)[…]
6. Foreign residents in the SAR, Congoids wouldn't have acquired South African nationality, binationality being forbidden
7. Apartheid, as a regime of mandatory segregation, would have been abolished. Private persons would have kept the freedom to discriminate
8. Safety would have been reestablished through merciless repression of terrorist acts
9. Nelson Mandela would have been tried as leader or a terror group, the ANC, sentenced to death for his crimes and hanged high and short
10. Subversion of institutions and collaborating with terrorists[…]would have been severily punished

Conclusion: No Vorster nor Botha. Strong from its identity, the South African nation would have recovered its place in the world

wiki4men #pratt #sexist wiki4men.com

Sexual assault

Under feminist inflience the definition of sexual assault now used in western nations has greatly expanded and now includes sexual coercion, unwanted kissing and genital fondling through clothes.

When it comes to sex women, as a rule, don't take no for an answer. Given the standard set by feminists, virtually all men have been sexually assaulted by a woman. No means no.

??? #fundie blogger.com

Wanting to destroy the carving on Stone Mountain and replace it with a carving of Martin Luther King is no different than when they want to rename streets, schools, and parks (that they had nothing to do with planning, funding or building) after negroes. No doubt they expect whitey to not only remove the current carving and replace it at whitey's expense but they probably expect white people to carve the damn thing as well. Then they can rename it and claim, "IT OURS NOW! DIS BE A BLACK WORLD!".
I suggest they carve a giant skinny crack whore on the mountain face and change the name to Stoned Mountain. The crack whore can be holding a giant EBT card and be surrounded by 8 fatherless chilluns. She'll be standing on a sidewalk and there'll be a carving of a car with 22" rims with gang bangers hanging out of all the windows with guns blazing away as they do a driveby. Two "homies" and a 5 year old dead nearby. Can't forget the negro beggar in bedraggled clothing with his hand out saying, "Scooze me, suh. Kin I gits a dolla?"
Now that would represent the black community in a realistic fashion.

jimwhite #racist opinionator.blogs.nytimes.com

I took my younger kids to see Wall-E last night. Contrary to the opinion piece above, it was an excellent movie for children and adults. What IS missing, which is the real irritant to its critics was your typical jewish directed movie bathroom humor, football to the crotch shots, excrement jokes and basic smut pushed toward our youth to further desecrate our society.

praisingHisname #fundie rr-bb.com

Remember in the old days if you told someone that we would someday have a muslim president who would turn on Israel and bow to the Saudi King,... people would tell you to get a tin hat....oh wait...that was only 6 months ago or less

EPHRIAM777 #fundie christianforums.com

Evolution says things took vast amounts of time to evolve...Geology says that the EARTH is very old...Science says the Cosmos is "billions" of years old... So each (knowingly or unknowinly )... are working hand in hand to defend each others position...! BASED on what..?

Gerald Polley #fundie voicesfromspirit.com

[Part of a letter sent to Pope Benedict]

I also request that you send a directive to all Catholic Churches in The United States requiring that the priests in all Churches announce God's request that children ask their parents to buy them no Christmas presents this year, but to take them to church on Christmas Day so they can pray that their parents not betray them to Obama, and that they not be sold into inhuman bondage to the homosexuals.

jessedance #fundie christianforums.com

Didn't say they [kinky people] do [end up making human sacrifices]. but there is that drawing there from demons, fortunately most people have enoguh common sense to stop at some point. but more and more people arent stoping. more and more people are going deeper and deeper down that road. i don't smoke cigarettes, but I use to.... I knew whatwas happening. most people don't know its demons. then i would have smoked and ok how bout marijanaa? yea cool, how bout hash ? i dunno yea cool. How bout lsd? give it to me. how bout crack? more more.. see how it goes. if you don't stop somewhere along the line and put your foot down thats where the devil or demons will lead you. i say nip it in the bud.

Joe Hoft #fundie thegatewaypundit.com

Amazing! Trump Cuts US Debt by $12 Billion In His First Month – UPDATE: Trump Tweets Our Numbers

President Donald Trump reduced the US Debt burden in his first month in office!

On January 20th, the day of the Trump Inauguration, the US Debt stood at $19,947 billion. On February 21st, a month later, the US Debt load stood at $19,935 billion. Trump cut the US Debt burden by $12 billion and 0.1% in his first month in office!


On January 20, 2017, the US debt was $19,947 billion.
On February 21, 2017, the US debt was $19,935 billion.

By comparison, under President Obama, the US Debt burden increased by more than $200 billion in his first month in office.

Elijah Schaffer and “Australian Talk” #racist #fundie #conspiracy #wingnut angrywhitemen.org

During the Sept. 29, 2023 episode of his show Slightly Offensive, ex-BlazeTV host Elijah Schaffer remarked that he longed for “pre-60s Western civilization”[…]
“See, but this is why I get offended when people say this show is full of dog whistles, because I don’t even dog whistle anymore,” Schaffer said. “I’m just like open about my views on the world because I think everyone’s cringe and sucks”

Schaffer said he was past the “Republican-Democrat argument,” and just wants to “close down our borders, deport these people, return back to normalcy, and get back to pre-60s Western civilization.” He added that, “I wanna abandon multiculturalism, abandon multiethnic society”

He also said that he wanted to “get back into a place where we have core values” and “where communism is illegal,” and “kick out all the Bolshevik communists”

Schaffer’s guest, who goes by the pseudonym “Australian Talk,” said that “they” — presumably referring to “communists” — “want us gone”[…]
“Look, one of my favorite things that I found, and I don’t wanna go too far down this road,” Schaffer said before Australian Talk interrupted to say “Blood and soil”[…]
Schaffer continued, accusing Republicans of “fight[ing] for other minorities to have a homeland”[…]
“You know, somebody had accused this show of being anti-Jewish[…]I am so pro-Israel and pro-Jewish, I just want to adopt the way Israelis treat Israel, and the way Jews treat Judaism, I want to adopt that, but for white, Western countries and Christianity,” he said

Schaffer dubbed this belief “Anglo-Christendom” or “Anglo-Christian Zionism”[…]
Schaffer praised other countries for “looking out for their own people, [and] their own racial group.” As examples he cited China which is “manipulating other countries and currencies,” and Russia which is “securing this no man’s land in Ukraine”

He also lauded Hungary for “protecting its own border” and Israel for deporting Eritrean migrants, which he called “based as fuck”

Stan #fundie demonbuster.com

Then you have the really stubborn demons who just will not budge, and may not even talk. It is with this kind that I say, "Do you want to go in THE BOX?" In most cases, the demon will say NO, or he will shake the person's head back and forth, meaning NO.

Here is a typical setting for this kind of demon.

If you don't want to go in THE BOX, then I command you to leave now, in the name of Jesus. Most of the time they do.

I am going to count to ten, then I am going to put you in THE BOX.

One, two, three, four...... They usually wait till you get to ten, then go.

HP Mageson666 #racist ancient-forums.com

The reality is the American middle class is being removed and the working class is being reduced to the same proletarian serf class in the previous times. The religion of the Jews as Rabbi Marx stated is capitalism and global capitalism is run by the Jewish one percent from the Rothschild's down.Capitalism is the economic system of the Torah, usury and all. The Jews are told to use economics' to enslave and conqueror the Goyim. The high price of student college and university is a created situation to destroy the middle class and make it impossible to move up. And it also ensures young people will be enslaved into the debt system of Jewish capitalism and be serfs. And campuses mainly run by Jews make all kinds of money. While teaching nothing but dumbed down Communist nonsense.

Right now people are reacting to the cultural Marxists the SJW's. However the Jews only moved to this mode because the new middle class was emerging and lower tier rich and the working class had obtained a lower middle class standard of living. So in their own writings they shifted gears to minority groups to promote Marxist revolution, destabilization and values into society. However this only went so far.

The Jews are using their global capitalist system to simply reduce the Goyim back to where they were when they created the Communist ideology and movements to take total control over the world with. The Jews are creating the problem with their control of global capitalism and they know there is going to be a reaction against them from the working class and middle class Goyim. So they take advantage of this with Communism to gain momentum and bring down the Jewish global plantation state their racial religion is built on creating.

What does this mean to us Goyim..... America is going to become a Socialist Nation, that is what. Capitalism as Marx stated ends in Socialism. It does. The current failure of the Left in America is its too weird and too early. Let us take a look at recent American history the biggest anti-capitalist organized protest that was run and organized by Communists taking orders from the Rothschild's down. Was Protest Wall Street. This was large and done in numerous cities and put hundreds of thousands into the streets.

Now what happens when America is totally reduced to the same situation those students are in..... There is going to be the rebirth of a massive proletarian socialist movement in America. The only question is how much of this is going to be under Communist ideology and how much not. National Socialism is the future we are now in the same situation that caused the rise of Socialist movements in the western world. Don't let the current in vogue liberal capitalist [Libertarians] fool you, Our great grandfathers had to go into the streets to fight for social justice for the working class against the liberal capitalist rulers. This is what brought the higher stander of living. Not shitlib capitalism. The fact is capitalism is a criminal Jewish system that allows for the Jews to steal the fruits of the individual worker and entire societies labour and then using this stolen wealth to become the ruler class and reduce everyone else to a planation state.

Communism is STATE CAPITALISM. Everything is incorporated under control and ownership of the state of which is owned by the Jewish Communist Party oligarchs as the sole owners of all the wealth and are nothing more then plantation oligarchs oppressing the slave class Goyim via the power of the Red Army and KGB like inquisition. Which is exactly what the Jewish Lenin and Trotsky stated they created the USSR to be. And they were taking their orders from the Rabbi Rothschild and the other Elders of Zion. Its the Messiah Age the Jews are told to create in their Torah. A global Jewish state where all the property and wealth are owned by the Jews and the Goyim are just a slave worker force with no rights.. The People this and that the Communist States are called simply mean the JEWS. As the Jews run these states and in Judaism only Jews are people the Gentiles are animals put here to serve the only humanity which is the Jewish Race in their Torah.

dswerling #fundie dswerling.wordpress.com

Every Atheist I’ve ever known has been some sort of loser. They may have used drugs. They may have been really overweight. They may have been whiney or sketchy. Whatever the case, I’ve never known an Atheist I could exactly qualify as “normal.”

@shakerofsalts #transphobia gettr.com

Science is not based on "feelings". You are not biologically the opposite gender of what you were born as because you "feel" that you were in the wrong body.

You need to accept the fact that you were born in the right body. You just feel wrong.

A man cannot know what a woman "feels" like because he was never born a woman, he never matured into a woman, nor was he socialized as a woman.

A woman doesn't know what it "feels" like to be a woman either. Because woman isn't a feeling a feeling, it's a sex class.