Jim #sexist blog.reaction.la

The trouble with Rotherham is not that white girls were raped and beaten, but that Muslims get exemption to be manly as women understand manliness, and whites and Hindus do not.

The Rotherham girls were raped, threatened, and beaten all right, but they were also complicit in the violence.

For the most part, the pimp, rather than aggressively forcing his women into prostitution by the threat or actuality of violence, is aggressively, but unsuccessfully, attempting to restrain them from prostitution by the threat or actuality of violence, and to the extent that he goes along with their prostitution, is just being the dancing monkey, pretending to be in charge so as to retain some tattered shreds of manliness despite being massively cuckolded.

Human female sexuality is closer to feline female sexuality than to chimpanzee female sexuality. Apes are primarily vegetarians, but we are descended from killer apes. Even when sex involves quite dangerous violence against women plus infanticide and plenty of it, as it rather often does, human females are massively complicit in that violence and infanticide. The women that pimps go through the motions of oppressing are topping from the bottom, and pimps are more accurately understood as the cucked and oppressed victims of lustful bawdy women.

Prostitution is frequently in substantial part an alarmingly enthusiastic and endlessly continuing search for a male who is alpha as women understand alpha – which manliness and alpha character is in substantial part is demonstrated by criminal violence against women and children and being able to get away with violence against women and children.

Even when sex involves a lot of violence against women and children, as it often does, it is the pimps that are the real victims, being brutally cucked by their lustful women.

If a girl is being sexually trafficked, there is absolutely no way the pimp can stop her from wandering off with one of her customers, and whores do this with great regularity. The client is trying to “rescue” the girl from prostitution and her brutal pimp and human trafficker, but she then tries to turn him into a pimp and cuckold. Hence the saying:

“You can take the girl out of the bar, but you cannot take the bar out of the girl.”

Reality is that all the power is in the hands of the whores, not the pimps, which deeply frustrates the women, who are endlessly searching for manly power and authority in all the wrong places, and not finding it. Everyone gets hurt, no one gets their desires fulfilled.

The Democrats prefer to import Jihadis, criminals, and whores. Jihadis and criminals because they can be relied upon to vote Democratic, whores because they will become cat ladies who can be relied upon to vote Democratic. As a rationalization for importing whores, they implemented the “blue campaign”, which defined illegal immigrant whores to be victims of human trafficing, which the government proceeded to “rescue”.

The purported “victim-centered approach” – as opposed to criminal-focused prosecutions – was mostly a fraud-enabling way in the spirit of asylum/refugee fraud to give a bunch of illegal alien women yet another zero-scrutiny way to claim a victim status that was a free and quick golden ticket to a green card. Cf: U Visas). “Some evil man trafficked my humanness here and took all my documents which are totally from a country that is both unable and unwilling to cooperate with your investigators.”)

Men who come here to kill us and take our stuff will reliably vote Democratic, and women who are whores will remain single, and thus reliably vote Democratic.

Hence the striking and conspicuous preference for importing criminals, Jihadis, and whores.

Two incidents with a woman:

I protected her.

We were walking along a little used path in a semi rural area when a dog charged us barking furiously. She would have run, in which case the dog would have done a large circle around me and attacked her (a barking dog always wants to attack from behind) so I tightened my grip on her, and turned to face the dog while sweeping her behind me like a sack of potatoes and prepared to strike at the dog with my free hand and with one foot. The dog, seeing my focused immobility, the steady predator gaze of the tiger in ambush, abruptly spun around, tucked its tail between its legs, and fled.

Heh, I thought. Massive display of protective manliness. She is going to remember this fondly.


Wrong again!

She totally and completely forgets it.
I endangered her:
“Why”, I ask, “are we at the kiddy pool?”
“I cannot swim”, she replies.

I pick her up.

“Hey, put me down”, she screams. She then realizes that I carrying her off to the adult pool. Her screaming redoubles.

She then realizes that I am carrying her off to the deep end of the adult pool, and realizes I am going to throw her into it. She screams and struggles.

I am doing this in front of her family, in front of several male members of her family. The trip from the kiddy pool to the deep end of the adult pool requires me to walk past the security guy, who is responsible for order and safety.

I am old and at that time was rather fat. She is young and slim. I am walking very briskly, so, obvious sexual predator forcibly abducting screaming young girl, or at least a guy being disorderly and endangering safety. To avoid triggering his white knight impulses, I totally ignore him, and keep my gaze steady on my destination, so I don’t know how he reacted. As usual, when I act with confidence and determination, as I have learned to do in the presence of fertile age women, no one gets in my way.

I toss her in, shortly thereafter get laid like a rug.

I really do not like violence against women all that much. The incident with the dog was way more in accord with my sexual fantasies. Truth is, I had been warned there was a dangerous and aggressive dog in that area. I had no way of knowing for sure that I would be able to intimidate it or defeat it, but was confident I could. I have plenty of experience with dangerous and aggressive dogs. Dogs, like humans, can tell if you are seriously considering killing them and think you might be able to accomplish it. It was totally a setup to give effect to my sexual fantasies. But I am a dancing monkey, and I do what it takes to get laid. Eggs are dear, sperm is cheap, so male fantasies do not matter, and female fantasies do matter. That is just the way the world is. Women do not particularly want protection, and are disinclined to cooperate with males who protect them. The early James Bond movies reflect male fantasies. Female fantasies involve motorcycle gang leaders, vampires, demons, and serial killers, and men have no alternative but to play along. I must dance, and women call the tune.

The Rotherham problem was not Muslims out of control, but women out of control. The cure is not to restrain Muslims, but to restrain women.

For women to reproduce successfully, they have to be under male authority, and in the modern world, they look for that authority and do not find it.

Female behavior makes total sense from the point of view of evolutionary psychology when you reflect that the barista with an advanced degree in women’s studies and one hundred thousand dollars in college debt will probably become a cat lady, but if Islamic State was militarily victorious, and auctioned her off naked and in chains at public auction, would probably have seven children and twenty grandchildren.

It also makes total sense if you take the story of the fall seriously. It is the curse of Eve. “thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee.”

It also makes sense of female voting behavior. Single women have no country. They want us to be conquered, they want their male kin to be castrated, so they can finally get into the possession of someone strong enough to own them.

Whenever someone talks about rape in the sense of the female not consenting, implying it is perfectly fine and completely normal if she has sex without her father consenting, or engages in serial monogamy, he is normalizing a morally degenerate male fantasy that fails to correspond to observed female revealed preference.

Women perceive protective manliness as something as natural as the sun rising in the east, and aggressive male dominance as an extraordinary gift from heavens to be adored and worshiped.

Which makes total sense from the point of view of evolutionary psychology, since aggressive male dominance is likely to result in being auctioned off naked and in chains, followed by seven children and twenty grandchildren, while protective manliness is likely to result in becoming a cat lady.

Female sexual autonomy results in defect/defect equilibrium, the equilibrium of whores and pimps. Nobody gets what they want. Queen Gwenevere cheats on King Arthur with Lancelot, King Arthur finds out, Camelot falls because of internal disunity, and everyone gets killed.

Protective manliness that protects the sexual autonomy of women, protective manliness that protects Queen Gwenevere’s sexual autonomy, is not only unappreciated by women, but is white knighting, is wicked, evil, and morally degenerate. The curse of Eve is that women should not have sexual autonomy, and endlessly look for a man strong enough to take it away from them.

Be that man.

In order to reproduce successfully, women need to be conquered and subdued. Her owner can then safely invest in her. With female sexual autonomy he cannot, so he does not. Her bearing children for her owner, means her holding hostages against him, thus cooperate/cooperate equilibrium.

Charles Rayney #fundie scienceblogs.com

It must be so easy to be a science-worshiping atheist. You folks can just deny-deny-deny the noses on your own faces because you liars think no one will hold you accountable. God knows differently, of course...

The facts are simple. Racism is the result of the Darwin cult's dogma. The Holy Bible states, clear as day, that mankind shares a pair of common ancestors in Adam and Eve. Do the math: one shared set of common ancestors equals common descent of all humanity. We're all created in the image of God and we're all equal.

Then that liar Darwin came onto the scene and claimed that human beings evolved from monkeys. Not one set of monkeys, mind you, but multiple sets - monkeys from all over the world just happened to mutate into a single species, albeit with different characteristics in different regions. Uh-huh. Thank the Good Lord these are YOUR beliefs and not mine... I'll take what the Bible says over this nonsense any day, thank you very much.

You can have your hoax science and follow your god Darwin. It won't save your soul. Good Americans know that it is the lying left which is full of the real racists, as racism is the ultimate fruit of your sick evolutionist doctrines. Anyone with more than rocks in their head can see that liberal policies like welfare and affirmative action are the direct result of latent liberal racism.

Liberals = atheists = Darwinists = racists. End of story.

BarbT #fundie rr-bb.com

Satan has the "power of the air" right now. He messes with TV, radio, phone signals all the time. Most of the time he fails because God has His boot on his back. He has a short leash. But it is still possible for him to succeed in occasionally to cut off communications that would prosper the kingdom of God.

Benjamin Fulford #crackpot #conspiracy #wingnut benjaminfulford.net

There is a massive attack taking place against the Satanic ruling cabal in most Western countries. This is being seen in mass demonstrations, military moves and criminal prosecutions.

Take a look at these huge demonstrations in Italy, Australia, Austria, Switzerland, Brussels, etc. It looks a lot like what happened just before the fall of the Berlin Wall in Eastern Europe.

The pattern is the same, the ruling class -facing bankruptcy and popular revolt- increases repression of the population. This creates a negative feedback loop by causing ever more popular discontent until the military and police join the people and overthrow the ruling class.
The Gnostic Illuminati has also now re-emerged in East Asia. They have declared war against the Unification Church, the East Asian drug and weapons dealing allies of the Bush Nazi faction, Illuminati sources say. They say they will use one of the 500 megaton nuclear bombs they took from the Russian submarine Kursk in 2000. The specific target is the Kansai plain in Japan. This area includes the cities of Osaka, Kyoto and Kobe. The sources say they will be destroyed on December 21st unless the following demands are met:

The Japanese government use state and corporate media networks to inform its people the truth about what happened in Fukushima on March 11, 2011.
Arrest all Japanese politicians, gangsters etc. who were complicit in the attack.
Inform the Japanese public that the pandemic is fake and apologize for coercing people to wear masks, take vaccines and suffer economic hardship as a result.
Arrest all people involved in promoting the fake pandemic and vaccines in Japan.
Stop financial support for the criminal and fake Biden administration.

The White Dragon Society supports the demands of the gnostic Illuminati but does not support the mass murder of innocents for political goals.

A Freespeechzone #racist amren.com

Notice that many blacks and self-loathing Whites take that position that the facts in this case, as we know them, are irrelevant and that punishing Zimmerman for daring to defend himself from a known, violent thug must be done at all costs.

This is aided and supported by the DOJ, Obama and self-loathing White liberals who did nothing when Zimmerman had a bounty put on his life by the new black panthers. Lawless blacks can threaten and put bounties on people knowing they can get away with it--now if a White put a bounty on a black thug, Obama, Holder and the DOJ would engage all the resources of the country to find and prosecute.

Whites had better 'wake up'; if Zimmerman is convicted, minorities will be literally given the 'green light' to attack and murder Whites--knowing little, if anything will be done to punish them. God help the White person who acts in self-defense; they will be a target of the courts and government.

The results of this trial will change the way 'justice' is administered in the future. If you are White, be very afraid....

aussiemama (aka katyanne from teens4christ) #fundie av1611.com

(On cases where giving birth would kill the mother and/or the baby)

Having a premature baby is far different from having an abortion because the mother "will" die (in the doctors OPINION anyway). Trusting God is not murdering the wife, it's saying "we will obey God by not murdering our baby, and trust Him with the wife's life".

(later on)

I'm a mom to two young boys and my husband said he would never want to lose me, but both us and our church believe that murder is wrong for ANY reason. I don't know why this concept is so difficult for people...it's emotional for sure, but the Biblical commands are clear here so we just have to put our emotions in check and OBEY.

Micheal Egnor #fundie evolutionnews.org

We are more different from apes than apes are from viruses. Our difference is a metaphysical chasm. It is obvious and manifest in our biological nature. We are rational animals, and our rationality is all the difference. Systems of taxonomy that emphasize physical and genetic similarities and ignore the fact that human beings are partly immaterial beings who are capable of abstract thought and contemplation of moral law and eternity are pitifully inadequate to describe man.

The assertion that man is an ape is self-refuting. We could not express such a concept, misguided as it is, if we were apes and not men.

aussieincel #racist sluthate.com

The most subhuman race on the planet is Australian Aboriginals (or 'boongs').

I live in Australia and legitimately don't consider them as human. Despite living in a developed country with all the food etc they need to maximise IQ scores, their average IQ is 62. This is far below blacks (average IQ of African-Americans is about 90). I have NEVER seen an Aboriginal (that actually looks like one, plenty of people who are 1/16 Aboriginal say that they're Aboriginal to claim benefits) working or in work clothes (other than the digeredoo buskers), the majority of them are unemployed and mooch around public housing estates, parks, train stations etc asking for money, drinking cask wine all day, abusing and threatening people who walk past and just being a general shit stain on society. Being legit here, anyone who has been to Australia would know this. Boongs make up 2.5% of Australia's population, yet 25% of all prisoners here are boongs, and in juvenile detention over 50% of inmates are boongs. A 'race' that is 2.5% of the population commit the MAJORITY of youth crime in Australia. Also, Aboriginal 'parents' raping their own children as well as other forms of child abuse has been described as 'common practice' in many Aboriginal communities. Many live in little communities (all paid for by the taxpayer of course) that get brand new houses every few years because the boongs simply destroy them, they have a habit of tearing up the floorboards in their houses for firewood. They are incapable of living in a modern, civilised society.

Dolores Cannon #crackpot #ufo #conspiracy #magick amazon.com

"The Convoluted Universe" is the sequel to "The Custodians". This book contains some of the more complicated concepts in Metaphysics that Dolores Cannon discovered through twenty years of using deep hypnosis to explore the subconscious mind.

Some of the topics explored in this book: The origin, knowledge and destruction of Atlantis; The explanations of Earth mysteries, including - the Pyramids, Easter Island, the Bermuda Triangle, the Ark of the Covenant, Loch Ness Monster, Nazca Lines; Characteristics of other Planets, Parallel Universes, Parallel Lifetimes and Realities; Other Dimensions and much more.

This book is intended for those readers who want their minds expanded by the more complicated Metaphysical ideas that border on "Quantum Physics"
"For those who are just now joining us, welcome to the adventure and the journey. For those who have been part of the entire journey, welcome back and I hope you find more interesting concepts as we continue the adventure. So read with an open mind and be prepared to have your minds bent and twisted like a pretzel. After all, pretzels are an interesting shape. They really resemble the symbol of infinity, don't they?" --from the Foreword

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

The worst gangsters of the early 1900's and the 20th century weren't Pretty Boy Floyd, Baby Face Nelson, Bonnie Parker and Clyde Barrow, Al Capone and John Dillinger; they were the Rothschild's, of Europe, Lazard Freres (Eugene Meyer), Israel Sieff, Kuhn Loeb Company, Warburg Company, Lehman Brothers, Goldman Sachs, the Rockefeller family, Federal Reserve officials and the J.P. Morgan interests. These were the cutthroat villains behind the Federal Reserve Scam of 1913.

You'll never learn any of this in a Communist public school, nor a heathen State university. I am telling you the truth. You can read much more in William Guy Carr's eye-opening book, Pawns in the Game. See my webpage, Root of All Evil.

And as you might imagine, the descendants of these early criminal gangsters, otherwise recognized as the International Banking Cartel, are the Banksters of today's organized criminal underworld. Worldwide fans of the historical era still idolize the early gangsters; such as Al Capone and Bugsy Malone; but the gangsters of the Roaring Twenties were nothing but a big Cover-up for the real gangsters who made their debut in 1913.

It was the criminal banking cartel who met in Jekyll Island, Georgia in 1913 to imagine and devise an evil work, who have wreaked havoc upon the United States, looting and bankrupting our economy, and causing tens-of-millions of American citizens to lose their homes and end up on government welfare. As I type, 40,000,000 Americans are receiving government Food Stamps. Hasn't anyone stopped to realize that it was treason for our government leaders to allow American corporations to relocate tens-of-millions of U.S. jobs to foreign soil? And now no one can find a decent job. If that's not bad enough, Americans are now competing with illegal immigrants for the minimum wage jobs that are left.

Conservapedia #dunning-kruger conservapedia.com

Although Wikipedia standards require discussion of gender, sexuality and homosexuality in straightforward plain English terms, the article "Netball in the Cook Islands" (a subject that has nothing to do with sexuality) decided to comment on the fact that some men and boys on the Cook Islands play what was historically a women's sport: "Most of the men and boys who play in these gender subverting netball games are straight, though a few of the men are laelae."[22] Why use judgmental terms like "gender subverting"? How many readers understand the full connotations and implications of the word "laelae"? What research was used to determine the truth of this sentence—did interviewers walk up to young boys playing netball on the Cook Islands and asked them how they felt about girls?

Liz Wheeler #conspiracy #fundie #wingnut twitter.com

- Project Veritas sues the NYT. - The FBI raids O’Keefe’s home. - NYT knows about raid immediately. - FBI steals O’Keefe’s reporter notes. - NYT publishes what his notes were. This is nuts. The FBI is LEAKING O’Keefe’s privileged info to the NYT. Helloooo deep state.

Installgentoo #crackpot #pratt debate.org

10 reasons why atheists are dumb

1. they constantly say gods aren't real like they're angry about it. If you're angry about something not existing you should seek it out, not reject it.

This describes the behaviour of most internet atheist celebrities.

2. you follow evolutionary hypotheses like the faithful, even though the scientifically knowledgable you aspire to be wouldn't do that.

3. if atheism is the absence of belief then you are all stupid by default

4. they think evolution from animals to man happened dispite there being no good evidence for that "fact", then blast theists for not having any evidence for the existence of ONE deity. Fail!

5. they refer to themselves as free-thinkers but won't think freely about God(s)

6. they have never studied Christianity past what they learned in Sunday school

7. they sympathize with other religions as if they were good, but hate Christianity

8/ they hate close-mindedness, yet follow atheist celebrities advice like it's gods will, in everything they do

9. they think since some holy books are bullsh*t therefore all holy books are bullsh*t- that's crazy logic

10. they hate their parents and that's the main reason they stopped believing in religion

white_usa_ #racist stormfront.org

No, we are not recruiting liberals in this thread. Instead, we are transforming them into White Nationalists by eliminating the effects of brainwashing perpetrated by perfidious Jews.

The so-called ‘racial equality’ is a weapon Jews are using to destroy white societies.

To liberate white minds from the effects of Jewish brainwashing we must first destroy Jewish egalitarian ideology.

In this thread we expose ‘racial equality’ as a gigantic lie by demonstrating that nonwhites belong to genetically inferior races.

White liberals read this and realize that they were gullible, wrong on all these issues and worst of all, that they supported the destruction of their own people. Shame on them!

Fortunately, armed with the knowledge they absorb in this thread liberals figure everything out and change their horrific behavior: ’I will no longer be a race traitor! I am now a WN!’

Consequently, we are not recruiting liberals, but WNs.

This is how it works.


We first show this disturbing image to white liberals and ask them: Does this creature look like an ape or human?

Well, “it” has features of both apes and humans because aboriginals represent a transitional species between apes and humans. Technically speaking they are sub-human or Untermensch.

Everybody, including liberals agree with this assessment, because it is self-evident.

Okay, then we ask liberals: Do you think that only 1-2 million aboriginals in Australia are profoundly subhuman, but the remaining 7 billion+ ‘people’ are miraculously all at the same level of evolutionary development?

Of course not! Pigmies and bushmen are also subhuman. What about the Bantus? Perhaps borderline human. Maybe? No?

Cross that—Sub-Saharan Africans, particularly Congolese are also subhuman!

Then we discuss Dravidians that are vastly genetically inferior but not subhuman. Indonesians? The same thing.

So liberals finally realize that various races, subraces and mongrels are all part of a comprehensive racial hierarchy.

Racial hierarchy looks like a pyramid, with subhumans at the bottom. As you climb the pyramid, nonwhite ethnicities have ever higher percentage of humanity.

At the very top resides genetically vastly superior white race!

But make no mistake: All nonwhites, without exception, are genetically inferior beings!

So a white liberal reads this and goes: ‘I get it! If nonwhites are genetically inferior, then we must not mingle with them, because they will degrade our racially superior Aryan genetic pool with their retrograde genetics, right?’

That’s right! We don’t want them anywhere near our race, because their genetic inferiority transforms them into racial parasites. Nonwhites are absolutely worthless to us!

For example, I bet you that 10-20 white liberals reading this are nodding their heads in agreement: This makes perfect sense! Lying Jews have managed to fool me, but now I get it!

So they join our ranks.

This is the template we will use going forward to win this fight and liberate our people!

Makes sense?

unknown #fundie christiananswers.net

Prayer is conversation with God; the intercourse of the soul with God, not in contemplation or meditation, but in direct address to him. Prayer may be oral or mental, occasional or constant, ejaculatory or formal.

Christine O'Donnell #fundie huffingtonpost.com

[In response to her opponent, Chris Coons, who said, "I believe that creationism is religious doctrine," (interrupted here by O'Donnell, insisting that the "theory" of intelligent design is different than creationism)... "Evolution is widely accepted, well-defended, scientific fact."

Wow, you've just proven how little you know, not just about Constitutional law, but about the theory of evolution, because the theory of evolution is not a fact, it is indeed a theory, but I'm saying that that theory, if local school districts want to give that theory equal creedence to intelligent design, it is their right. You are saying it is not their right. That is what has gotten our country into this position. It's the overreaching arm of the federal government, getting into the business of the local communities. The Supreme Court has always said it is up to the local communities to decide their standards. The reason we're in the mess we're in is because our so-called leaders in Washington no longer view the indispensable principles of our founding as truly that, indispensable.

[Shortly after...]

Where in the Constitution is the separation of church and state?

[Room full of laughter at that question. Later...]

So you're telling me that the separation of church and state, the phrase of, "Separation of church and state," is found in the 1st Amendment?

[More from Coons]

Let me just clarify. You're telling me that the separation of church and state is found in the 1st Amendment?

[Coons quotes the establishment clause]

That's in the 1st Amendment? *snicker*

[Room fills with laughter again]

George Yurich #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

Atheists do not think logically and analytically. If they thought logically and analytically then they would come to the logical and analytical conclusion that there is a Supreme Intelligence at work governing the universe. I use logic and analytical thinking and that is why I not only believe in God but I believe that Christ is God Incarnate and that God is a Holy Trinity consisiting of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit and that is why I received Christ as my Savior by praying to Him and asking Him to come into my heart and cleanse me of all sins and become my Savior. You atheists should try praying to Christ and ask Him to come into your heart and cleanse you of all sins and become your Savior. Just pray "Lord Jesus I ask you to come into my heart and cleanse me of all sins and become my Savior. In thy name. Amen."

Angry_runt #fundie reddit.com

Even during sex, females are looking for better Chads

You know how women can't be quiet during sex? Well, maybe you don't know but most of them will start moaning at some point. What could be the reason for this? Hmm.

One of the main purposes of females vocalizing is the induction of mate guarding behavior in males. Conversely, calls may also be used in order to attract high ranking mates who can prevent intercourse with the initial partner. This is done to incite male mate competition.

Source is Wikipedia but with unchallenged citations

Of course the cited paper limits itself to nonhumans, because if someone accused human females of moaning for the same reason, they'd get hounded out of academia faster than a climate change skeptic. Read through to the In humans section however, and you'll see it's basically the same shit.

On the one hand, researchers have noted some apparently communicative patterns in women’s copulatory vocalizations that suggest some parallels with those of other primates (including an invitation to sperm competition, given that female sexual vocalizations, like those of other primates, serve as "copulation calls" noticeable to other men and exciting to them if overheard).

To be clear, this kind of behavior is atavistic. It's unlikely your girl is consciously hoping some Chad will break down the door, kick you off of her and take your place, but that's exactly what would have happened in primitive societies up to 5-6 thousand years ago, and her urge to moan exists for that original purpose.

(Links and emphasis in original)

Steven Rowlandson #racist realjewnews.com

The UN might try to teach Israel and world Jewry the law but most of the students are not listening and will never listen or obey.

If Jesus and his heavenly father couldn’t persuade more than a small minority of Jews and Israelites what chance do you think the UN will have?

The only thing that intimidates the Jews for short time is a big defeat in war or their near total massacre.

So long as they have this invincible attitude that they are above the real God and the so called Goyim the Jews can not be taught, reasoned with or trusted.

That just leaves severe or lethal disciplinary action against them.

Bruce #conspiracy illuminatiwatchdog.blogspot.ca

"5 Reasons Conspiracy Theories Are Destroying the World" is based on multiple fallacies and Illuminati lies. The first "reason" concerns the amount of knowledge available to us via the internet. The writers assert that more knowledge leads to more theories and thus more ignorance. That cannot be further from the truth. Knowledge is power and will always be so. Only those who want to help usher in the NWO would promote such anti-intellectualism.

The second one is possibly one of the most vicious, and that's the one accusing truth seekers (anti-vaccination advocates) of killing people with our perspectives. We had a hard time stomaching just how low Cracked went on that one. Do not trust the stats on that website. They are most likely manipulated. Besides, there is a preponderance of evidence that America over-vaccinates its children. If you don't believe us, just check how many shots other developed countries recommend in comparison to the U.S. We'll save you the time and give you the answer, it's a lot less.

The remaining garbage items on Cracked's list don't even come close to holding water. The third one indicating that conspiracy theories are a big business is rubbish. Most people who do their homework on pundits such as Alex Jones and Glenn Beck realize that they're just pieces of the Illuminati's gigantic puzzle. And as far as "bringing out the worst in people" (#4) goes, that bit is just poorly connected anecdotes that lack any real numbers.

The fifth and final item that accuses us of making it "impossible to fix the real problems" is way off the mark. For starters, WE ARE TRYING TO FIX THE REAL PROBLEMS!!! The hidden forces that control our world is the most pressing issue, and we are doing everything we can to raise awareness to stop it. How dare Cracked try to insinuate otherwise.

Unidentified man #fundie startribune.com

[on the vehicular vandalism of a planned parenthood clinic in St Paul, Wis.]

Several employees were in the building at the time, said Planned Parenthood spokeswoman Kathi Di Nicola. She said the SUV hit the front door of the clinic two or three times, damaging the clinic's front door and surrounding stonework.

When Di Nicola arrived at the clinic, she said the man had gotten out of the SUV and was pacing around it, holding a crucifix and chanting. "He was agitated and he was saying, 'shut down this Auschwitz,' " she said.

Kent Hovind #conspiracy kent-hovind.com

Chemtrails, you know, the airplanes that fly over in a criss-cross pattern in the sky - you know, makes the big checker board trails in the sky - when they are releasing chemicals that are dispersing through the atmosphere and covering large cities. Many people have gotten extremely seriously worried about this, and rightfully so. [.....] There's a lot of theories about what is going on - there is a whole lot of secrecy too about what is going on - nobody seems to know for sure. It appears there are some people who seriously would like to reduce the population of the planet to about a half billion. [.....] And there are an awful lot of folks who think, and I happen to be one of those that agrees, that this chemtrail thing is one of the things that sets up the population for plagues, or whatever, coming soon.

Patrick Scrivener #conspiracy reformation.org



In 1881, Nikola Tesla had his EUREKA moment while walking in a park in Budapest, Hungary. At that time he saw a vision of a fully functioning alternating current (AC) electric induction motor.

In April 1882, Tesla moved to Paris, where he began working for the Continental Edison Company, designing and making improvements to DC electrical equipment. His boss there was a British textile industry employee named Charles Batchelor:

Formerly a resident of Manchester, England, Batchelor was a "master mechanic" who had been sent to America a decade earlier to present innovative thread making machinery research created by his employers, the Coates Thread Company. There he met Edison and shortly became his most trusted associate. (Seifer, Wizard: The Life and Times of Nikola Tesla, p. 28).

During Tesla's stay in Paris an important Electrical Exhibition was held to standardize the emerging electrical industry.

While working for the Continental Edison Company in Paris, Tesla's boss was a Briton named Charles Batchelor.

Batchelor was a native of Manchester, England, an employee of the Coates Thread Company, and a close friend of Edison.

It was Batchelor who advised Tesla to go to New York and he gave him a letter of recommendation for Edison.

Batchelor wrote a glowing letter of introduction for Tesla to give to Edison. He also telegraphed Edison that Tesla was on his way and told him all about Tesla's revolutionary discovery.

In June 1884, a young, naive Nikola Tesla walked into Thomas Edison's office in New York.

Little did he realize that the Edison Company was a front for the British Secret Service.

Nikola had few personal belongings and was virtually penniless.

Nikola told Edison of his revolutionary invention and the "skeptical" Edison asked him for a demonstration.

Like Francis Cabot Lowell, Tesla had a photographic memory and everything was stored in his head. He went ahead and constructed the motor in Edison's laboratory. That was his fatal mistake in trusting Edison. Even before he arrived in the U.S., Tesla was a great admirer of Edison and had no reason to suspect that he was a British spy.

Edison already knew all about Tesla's remarkable discovery but his outward reaction was to deride Tesla and his AC motor:

When Tesla enthusiastically described his polyphase system and told Edison he believed alternating current was the only practical kind of current to use in a power-and-lighting system, Edison laughed. Edison was using direct current in his system. He told Tesla very bluntly that he was not interested in alternating current; there was no future in it and anyone who dabbled in that field was wasting his time; and besides, it was a deadly current whereas direct current was safe. Tesla did not yield any ground in the discussion–nor could he make any progress in his efforts to get Edison to listen to a presentation of his polyphase power system. On technical grounds, they were worlds apart. (O' Neill, Prodigal Genius: The Life of Nikola Tesla, p. 62).

After that conversation, Nikola Tesla should have walked out the door and never looked back. So enthralled was he by Edison's reputation as an "inventor" that he actually went to work for him. His employment there only lasted only a few months until he finally quit in disgust. By then it was too late. He had already shown Edison all of his inventions.

Edison sent Samuel Insull swiftly to London with Tesla's AC motor plans!!

While Edison was deriding Tesla and his AC motor, Edison ordered Samuel Insull to leave for London immediately. Insull knew all the important people in the British government–especially James Judovic Lindsay.

Samuel Insull's contact in London was James Ludovic Lindsay, 26th Earl of Crawford.

Lindsay was close friends with Sir Coutts Lindsay–the founder of the Grosvenor Gallery.

When Lindsay returned from the Paris Electrical Exhibition, Coutts Lindsay asked him to electrify his gallery.

Upon returning from the Paris Exhibition of 1882, the Earl of Crawford recommended that Lindsay install electric lighting in the Grosvenor Gallery. In Britain at that time there happened to be another fake "inventor" named Sebastian de Ferranti. Ferranti was the forerunner of Guglielmo Marconi.


Tesla died in poverty in 1943

Even though he had electrified and lit up the dark world, Nikola Tesla died in poverty and obscurity. Just one of his inventions would have made him a millionaire but he filed hundreds of patents during his lifetime.

In 1943, Tesla should have been the richest man in the world. Instead, he died in poverty, in a hotel that was lighted by his AC current.

The British government owned him millions in royalties but he received absolutely nothing from them.

In "the most unkindest cut of all," the British used Tesla's technology to create the Dust Bowl in the Midwest.

The theft of Nikola Tesla's inventions was one of the worst cases of industrial espionage in the entire history of the world. Never was a poor man, and a stranger in a strange land, so exploited and trodden underfoot by the iron and clay monarchy of Britannia. All true Christians should be praying fervently for its soon downfall.

EmpathicDesign #wingnut #psycho deviantart.com

See what I did there in the title? ;)

So, it has come to my attention just how ugly leftists are. And I mean that in every literal way possible.
They're physically unattractive, when they talk it's always a few octaves louder than required when presenting a point, they always look like they drank raw lemon juice just before they speak and it's as though they have mastered the usage of every other vital function but the ones that matter i.e they know how to talk, but their ears are used conditionally, they know how to think but feelings entangle into their thoughts and do not separate before coming out their mouths.

Oh, and they support criminal activity i.e AntiFa, BLM and illegal immigration, and they protect pedophiles, rapists and murderers. They also historically supported slavery and condemned its abolition.

Why are these people not being lined up at the execution range en mas and by the truck loads? There will be absolutely no negative repercussions for getting rid of these monsters; evil is not meant to be condemned or imprisoned, it's mean to be destroyed entirely from reality. Duh.


Donald Trump #conspiracy #wingnut #pratt thespectator.info

HH: Ambassador O’Brien said China wants Vice President Biden to win. Why do you think that is?

DJT: Because they’ll own the United States if he wins, and with me, they were having the worst year in 67 years because I tariffed the hell out of them. We took in billions and billions of dollars. I gave some of it to the farmers because they were targeted, and I put the rest in the Treasury of the United States. We’ve taken in tens of billions of dollars from China, and it was having a huge impact on China, negative impact on China.

HH: You’re still the best interview…

DJT: And China will own, just like when his son walked out with $1.5 billion dollars from China to manage, where he’ll make millions of dollars a year. Look, China will own the United States if this election is lost by Donald Trump. If I don’t win the election, China will own the United States. You’re going to have to learn to speak Chinese, if you want to know the truth.

HH: Well, will Hunter Biden come up at the debates, Mr. President?

DJT: And you’ll have to learn it fast. They will own the United States. And I’ll tell you another thing that’ll happen. The market’s up 350 points today. It was up 350 points yesterday. It’s ready to break new records. NASDAQ has already broken a record. We’re doing very well in everything including Corona, as you call it. But let me just tell you, we’re getting to an end. We’re getting to, and the vaccines are ready to rock. We’re going to be very close to a vaccine. We’re ready to distribute, and we’re there for the therapeutics, which to me is even more important, frankly. It makes you better. It’s more important than the vaccine.

Stan #wingnut #crackpot #racist #pratt atheism-analyzed.blogspot.com

Never forget: The Democrat Party was founded on racism: its sole purpose for formation was to perpetuate slavery of blacks. It fomented the Civil War in order to protect slavery. When it lost the war, it formed Jim Crow segregation and the KKK, both of which persisted for roughly a century. Then, in response to the Republican Civil Rights Act of 1964, LBJ created the welfare plan with the Orwellian name, War on Poverty, to perpetuate blacks in poverty and also make them perpetually dependent Democrats... and the blacks fell for it, even making some of their own blacks into their racist Democrat oppressors. The 60's Leftists were first to shriek "white privilege" while calling white babies "pigs" needing termination. Racism, the root of the Democrat Party, became a Leftist tool and it has been wielded with characteristic Leftist violence. Trump will be claimed as inspiration for all sorts of summer-time "racial" protest-violence intended to shut up the opposition by denying them speech venues, as happened in Chicago.

The violence against freedom (speech and assembly) is wholly predictable, because it is in the genetics of the Left, and has always been there historically. It is the party of race tyrants. It will not change now.


Black Lives Matter, otoh is purely racist against all whites; the intent is to instill a new cultural standard for black ghettos: drugs, gangs, theft and killing are now black cultural standards which whites may not interfere with or try to control. The new standard is black separatism, i.e., the new segregation into a subnation which is inaccessible to whites (or browns). This already exists in certain blue model cities in the USA, where whites dare not go, and cops dare not arrest.

Unregistered #racist niggermania.net

If I didn't have any relatives or any close friends to leave my house to, I'd make sure it went to some decent white family that was down on their luck and really needed the help. It certainly would never go to some whining, useless, gibsmedat nigger. However, I might leave them the kitchen trash can full of garbage as a symbolic gesture to represent how worthless to the world they are and how much meaning their existence has. Can you imagine how they'd chimp out when told they were in someone's will and the gibsmedat niggers showed up at the reading of the will hyper excited only to be handed a trash can full of garbage?

All those niggerific dreams of buying gold teef, new weaves, getting their claws did and maybe buying a niggermobile wiff huge rims flushed right down the toilet. The chimpout would be epic! Of course, knowing niggers, they'd try to sue and claim that they were owed money that they'd loaned to the person or some other outrageous nigger lie such as "he promised me dat house!" On second thought, spare everyone the trouble the niggers would try to cause and just ignore the hell out of their quest for gibsmedats.

Jesse Lee Peterson #racist twitter.com

Nick Fuentes is not a "white supremacist."

I notice the blacks think whites are superior to them, so they come up with this term "white supremacy."

But the whites aren't thinking that. That's what the blacks are thinking! That's in their mind, not in the whites' mind!
9:08 AM · Aug 3, 2024 · 56.9K Views
237 Reposts 19 Quotes 2,338 Likes 75 Bookmarks

furcublove2 #psycho twitter.com

#agedifference is not a valid excuse for preventing people from having a healthy, stable relationship with each other! Minor-adult relations shouldn't be blocked just because of "childhood innocence" which is really immaturity idealized. Learning comes from experiences!

astro_terf #interphobia #transphobia #ableist ovarit.com

RE: DSDs - How to cut the Gordian knot?
(Submitters note regarding context: discussion about what intersex conditions should categorically exclude someone from women’s spaces)

I would exclude Swyer, CAIS and all other males with DSDs.

Put simply, it's not simply the presence of male sex hormones/ testoterone during development that leads to the physical advantages that males have over females. The presence of female sex hormones during normal development during puberty and afterwards lead to physical disadvantages for women that CAIS males do not experiences.

For example, CAIS males have a height advantage that women do not. Estrogen causes epiphyses to fuse and so women tend to stop growing taller shortly after they reach puberty.

In addition, women develop wider hips to accommodate childbirth, but this is at the cost of an increased likelihood of injuries and a less efficient running stance. See https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/nursing-and-health-professions/q-angle and https://www.livescience.com/59289-why-men-run-faster-than-women.html . Biological males who have never had any of the benefits of testosterone do not experience the disadvantages from estrogen, which would still give them a leg up on women.

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #sexist 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From "Support for the weaker sex is already too strong"]

Got your BS detectors up and running? This (anonymous) CP article is called "Canadian support for gender equality doesn't match reality, survey suggests".

[QUOTE]Canadian support for the principle of equal rights for women and men is among the highest in the world — but in practice, archaic attitudes towards gender roles are still alive and well both at home and around the globe, a new survey suggests.

Respondents to the international Pew Research Center poll released Thursday expressed overwhelming support for the concept of gender equality — 93 per cent of Canadians surveyed ranked it as “very important,” second only to Sweden at 96 per cent.

So 93% of Canadians find "equal rights for women and men" [ie. both of the only two genders... -ed] important. Sure. Hey in the rest of this article they break respondents down by sex, why don't they do it with this one too? Is it because a surprisingly large percentage of women don't believe in equal rights for men and women?

In more practical terms, however, the survey found a significant gap between men and women when it comes to which gender they believe enjoys a higher quality of life: 69 per cent of women in Canada said men have a better quality of life, compared with 49 per cent of Canadian men who said the same thing.

So women are stupid and crazy, we already knew this. What's shocking is how many men are still operating under the delusion that our "quality of life" is higher. Have they not seen how many girls get free dinners at The Keg? Have they not sat at 1STRND on Bourbon Street watching the women walking out as their husbands hold multiple bags from stores that don't sell men's clothing? Don't they know the guy working a $45/hr job and driving a 18 year old Aveo who doesn't get to see his kids in Vancouver because his wife cleaned him out in the divorce? Putting your COVID glasses on, women live longer: when we're being told that extending an 82 year old's life by another year is important enough to torpedo an entire economy how can you not rationally understand there's a higher "quality of life"?

"It is the case, I think, that people in Canada really see men and women having equal rights as very important. And they're somewhat more optimistic than other countries that women will eventually have the same rights as men," said Pew research associate Janell Fetterolf.

Oh go fuck yourself Janell Fetterolf, and make me a sandwich while you're at it.

Women already have, stop me if this is news to you, more rights than men. For starters, if I killed a baby people would at least look at me funny, not hold marches to celebrate my accomplishments. There isn't a single right that men have which women don't. That's not even something open for debate or argument. It's 10,000% fact plain and simple. Pew Research probably should have, you know, researched that.

Canadian women are also less optimistic than their male counterparts when it comes to the future of gender equality: 88 per cent of female respondents said they either are or expected to be treated equally, compared with 93 per cent of men.

We aren't dealing with rights here either by the way: if you expect "to be treated equally" part of "equal rights for women and men" then keep waiting. It's not going to happen and it never should.

Dumb broads like Fetterolf having equal vote is one of the reasons only 93% of Canadians (again, we don't know the breakdown of this number) think women should have the same rights as the menfolk.

Pastor Steven L Anderson, #fundie faithfulwordbaptist.org

If music without drums, syncopation, or a rock beat is acceptable music, then “Yesterday” by the Beatles would be suitable for a Christian. This song has no drums, syncopation, or rock n roll beat – so what’s wrong with it? It doesn’t talk about drugs, illicit behavior, or violence – so what’s wrong with it? What’s wrong with it is the source. It was written by God-hating communist devils. Rock n roll music was pioneered by ungodly sinners like Little Richard, a sodomite filthy animal, and Ray Charles, a heroin addict. The source of rock n roll music is ungodly.

Unnamed participants #crackpot #sexist #fundie #wingnut debate.org

[Debate topic: “Are women the property of their husbands?”]

Pleased to Obey Him My first obligation is to serve and worship the Lord God; my second obligation is to love and serve my husband. ... And I only look toward him, Public and private. My body belongs to him and he may do as he likes with it (hopefully with respect and love, But it's his right if he doesn't feel respect for me at the time; I must have failed in some area). ... It is my pleasure to serve him. In return, He protects me and he is kind to me ...

Yes, Men, Ladies like me do exist. We aren't extinct. ...

I am certain I will take some heated replies from other ladies ... But ... Who is happy in their marriage and has kept that marriage intact? - I have. :)

OF course women are property, If not they're whores Women need to be the property of men or they will become whores feel guilty and say men raped them. The whole metoo movement is a bunch of shameful guilt riddled whores that know they are the property of their fathers but gave themselves away and now need an excuse as to why they're useless whores. Case in point a good women that stays home listens to her father or husband is much happier women and 100% of good women have never been raped. Or ... Claim someone raped them on their whore escapades. Look, Women don't have the mental capacity to orient themselves to the world, That's why they are liberals, Because they are stupid. ... Once realizing they are whores and disgusted with themselves always find a simp to live with and marry. Knowing they have spent all their value on many many men they find the most beta male to scream at for the rest of his life, Usually cheating on him a number of times. That it is best to not be whores and continue to be good daughters to their father and reserve them selves for the day the father gives them away to the man of HIS choice. Obviously, The father being a man will better select the male, Than her simple feeble mind can.

DrDeth #fundie boards.straightdope.com

Well- of course- the MAKING of hard-core child porn is harmful to the child, and is a heinous crime.

But then after that you get into waters where things aren't as clear. If the "kiddie porn" only involves nudity- no actual sex- it that harmful to the child? Some would say it's just our Victorian prudishness that says "the naked body is an obcene thing", an dthat "nudity is a natural and good thing".

I know one can argue that buying kiddy porn aids ands abets the person who makes it, who possibly wouldn't make it except for the chance someone would buy it. But since there were penty of sites where perverts would download for free their "work", it seems like a lot of the current kiddie porn swirling around out there isn't commercial in it's original purpose. Then again- if one doesn't buy it, but just looks at it- it's going to be hard to say that that hurts the child who was the victim.

It has been hotly debated- even here- whther or not simple "possession" of "kiddy" porn should be such a serious crime.

Note- I am not advocating "free kiddie porn"- I am just playing the "Devils Advocate" and pointing out that not all agree that "child pornography is a bad thing". It's a complex moral subject, not a simplistic one.

Anna Diehl #fundie 924jeremiah.wordpress.com

God is sovereign. Nothing happens in this universe without His approval and intimate involvement. So when we think back on 9/11, we need to see God’s fist slamming down on the United States. Considering what God is capable of, this was an extremely mild event. Considering how America treats God, a mere 3,000 casualties is shockingly merciful. We deserve much worse. We will get much worse. What happened on 9/11 was just a little wake-up call. Yes, it was shocking, but it’s impact was very limited. As is always the case, those closest to the events were the most impacted by them. We saw the usual spike in church attendance, and our anti-God media acknowledged His existence briefly. But at the ten year anniversary of the event, what did we find? A formal ceremony being held in which it was explicitly ordered that there would be no praying to God in public. Hm. Clearly America as a nation did not learn the spiritual lessons she might have learned from 9/11. As a result, she will need to suffer greater trauma, more violence, and she will need more assistance in identifying God as her attacker. None of this will be difficult to do—God already has His next lesson all worked out. But in the meantime, you as an individual Christian don’t have to follow America’s rebellious example. There is plenty for you to learn from 9/11, but now we need to make sure you’re learning the right lessons and not just ingesting deceptions and fear.

caamib #psycho #wingnut rapey.su

Trump has to stay in power. The Democratic Party of the 2020 combines the worst aspects of Nazi Germany, namely extreme racism and intolerance towards opposition (the only difference that this racism is now against whites) and Soviet Union, namely hostility towards small business. It would be a disaster if these people came to power. If Trump does lose the election he should immediately declare a dictatorship, which would enable him to mercilessly crush the left and set the stage for a peaceful partition of the US once he steps down. If I were Trump I'd just start a dictatorship after Nov 3 in any case and start a war against the left on the streets, since army would be on my side. I would not stop this war before I exterminated all of them.

JohnR7 #fundie christianforums.com

No one is saying that people should not go to doctors or seek medical treatment. That is not the issue. It is sad that you do not understand the most simple and basic of christian teaching. I am amazed that I run into doctors and Phd's that do not even have a third grade level of understanding of the Bible.

It was only a matter of time

Incels tread new, even lower ground: cannibalism.

Neggr #crackpot #psycho #dunning-kruger incels.is

[Blackpill] Becoming chad by consuming their bodies?

I mean, there is nothing to stop me from going to a grave to a newly died chad, digging it out, carrying it to a remote place, make a campfire and eat his corpse. Would that make my bones grow, I mean his genes is floating into my body, my body might be able to learn the code and grow my own chad body+face.

rcrngroup #racist freerepublic.com

Lincoln did not start the war. The rebs did. The secessionists were nothing more than glorified outlaws.

That is a bogus, political leftist-liberal-revisionist view of the South, as the South had more dignified statesmen and military leaders than the North ever had!!! They were anything BUT glorified outlaws!!!

The more I see how Obooombi socialist-fascist-communist usurper is taking down our nation day by day, the more I kind of wish the "secessionists" had prevailed 150 yrs ago or so.

We may end with our own version of "secession" if Obooombi continues to destroy & decimate our formerly great USA (or as Oboooombi thinks of it as the USSA)

jimintx #conspiracy wnd.com

The Problem is that the Mexican army is already been
making incursions into southern United States escorting
drug shipments. And the current administration has done
nothing to stop it. They if anything have assisted the criminals
remember Fast and Furious. There are members of Islamic- jihad,
Hezbollah, and God only knows what other Iranian backed groups
living on the border. And You can bet they are spreading money
to the various drug cartels to add fuel to the fire.

Judah Benjamin #racist niggermania.net

there is so much reverse discrimination in the academic world. It's bizarre that these mindless pieces of dogsh*t are permitted to teach anything. Colleges create these 'filler' zero classes like 'urban studies' just so the negroes can have a job. Alot of the doctoral programs at state colleges go overboard to recruit unqualified niggers-- the epitome of pandering.

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #fundie 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From "#JusticeForSandraBland"]

Sandra Bland looks to be just another sucidial marijauna user after all.

Sandra Bland had marijuana in her system at the time of her death in a Texas jail cell, Warren Diepraam, a Waller County prosecutor, told reporters Thursday, citing preliminary autopsy results. He said the cause of death was hanging; the manner of death was suicide.

Bland did not have injuries on her hands, Diepraam said.

"The only injury that was found close to the hands were some lacerations or abrasions on her wrists, which are consistent with being handcuffed and struggling," he said. "There were no bite marks or other injuries on her face, on her lips, on her tongue, which would be consistent with a violent struggle." If there had been a violent struggle, Diepraam said, examiners would most likely not expect to see a uniform and consistent mark around Bland's neck -- which is what they, in fact, observed.

In other words, the negress killed herself.

That's almost literally the end of the story.

There is some discussion about the Waller County jailers not following the Mental Disabilities/Suicide Prevention Plan, which is probably an important thing to look at to ensure that suicidal prisoners stay alive long enough to stand trial. Probably.

But let's be frank here. Sandra Bland was probably going to commit suicide in 2015. She did so while in police custody, and there seem to be issues with the guards not following regulations, and that's tragic. But she was going to die no matter what. She was a pothead, she was mentally unstable, she was a loser.

Even if police never laid a hand on her, she'd never live to see a sunrise in 2016.

DiveCon #fundie hannity.com

[In my opinion, religious people don't want a theocracy, they just don't want to see God removed from the history of America.

They don't want to see our currency changed, holidays changed, etc.

They don't see a problem with introducing alternatives to the theory of evolution.]

they fear christians, they fear it not because they REALLY believe christians want a theocracy, but because christians remind them of how lost they are ::Winking Smiley::

David Chase Taylor #conspiracy sites.google.com

Disc Shape of Earth
Unbeknownst to most of humanity, the Earth is shaped like a disc, rather flat on the top with a convex lens-like bulge at the bottom. In other words, Earth resembles a typical alien spacecraft which looks like a discus, hence the term “discovery”. Although only conjecture, it’s highly likely that the Greco-Roman philosopher Plato first discovered Earth’s disc or plate-like shape. In short, atop the Earth is Mt. Olympus (i.e., the North Pole) in Greenland, the northernmost point of Earth’s iron core, while Ayers Rock (i.e., the South Pole) is found “Down Under” in Australia, the southernmost point of Earth’s iron core. In geography, this phenomenon is known as antipodes, any place on Earth's surface which is diametrically opposite to it. Two points which are “antipodal” to each other are connected by a straight line running through the center of the Earth, a term likely derived from Earth’s magnetized iron core which draws compasses towards the north. The notion that the Earth is a relatively flat disc-shaped object was also held by the aboriginal cultures of the Americas who believed that the flat Earth was domed by the firmament (i.e., the clouds of Earth’s second moon). The Sumerian sky-god An ruled the "heavens" which were separated from the flat disc of the earth below, inferring that there are indeed two sides to the Earth. Consequently, the Sumerians, which are an alias of the Greco-Romans, also believed that the universe consisted of a flat disk enclosed by a dome.

Greenland Pi
Although only conjecture, it appears that the ratio of the Earth's circumference to its diameter (iron core) is approximately equal to 3.14 (Pi). In other words, the Earth is roughly three times as wide as it is deep, keeping in line with the oblate spheroid theory. Coincidentally, the “p” symbol (i.e., the pi symbol) is used in mathematics to calculate the area of a disc. The Greek “Phi” symbol (i.e., “F”), which is the 16th letter in the Greek alphabet, is coincidentally found on the flag of Greenland. The “p” symbol is also found in the Roman Score (i.e., the Roman alphabet) but does not exist in the English alphabet. However, the “p” symbol is represented in the English alphabet by the letter "P" and is still used as a symbol in mathematics. Mathematically speaking, the “p” symbol has a numeric value of “8” in the Roman Score while the letter “P” has a numeric value of “16” in the English alphabet. The “p” symbol, which equates to the number 3.14159—repeating to infinity, is an acronym for “infinity” as the “p” fraction goes on forever. Consequently, the aforementioned symbols of Pi or Phi (i.e., “p”, “F” and “P”) are acronyms for Greenland, home of the Roman Empire.

Oblate Spheroid
According to scientists from NOAA, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the true shape of the Earth approximates an oblate spheroid—a sphere flattened along the axis from pole to pole with a bulge around the equator. This particular notion was central to the Greeks and Stoics who adopted a model of celestial spheres after the discovery of the spherical Earth in the 4th to 3rd centuries BC. The myth that the Earth is a basketball-like shape was only adopted during the Middle Ages. To what degree the Earth is an oblate spheroid is not currently known, but it likely mimics the discus-like shape of Earth found in Greco-Roman art.

Earth’s Iron Core
Although Continental Drift has affected the location of the continents over time, the iron core of Earth has always remained at the center. Due to Earth’s disc-like shape, it has a V-shaped iron core, the top of which is Greenland (2) and the bottom of which is Ayers Rock (1) in Australia. Although geologists state that Ayers Rock is dominantly composed of coarse-grained arkose which is white and grey in color, Ayers Rock is unmistakably rust-colored which confirms that it is indeed iron based. This notion was confirmed, albeit in a de facto manner, by the Northern Territory Geological Survey (2002) which found that when relatively fresh, Ayers Rock has a grey color. However, due to weathering of the iron-bearing minerals via the process of oxidation, the outer surface layer of Ayers Rock exhibits a red-brown rusty color. Translation: Although Ayers Rock is not iron it oxidizes due to the iron-bearing minerals found within it. Needless to say, minerals cannot oxide if they are not iron. If Ayers Rock was not solid iron, the non-iron parts of the rock would clearly be evident as they would lack the rusty-like color due to lack of oxidation. This is not the case as the entire rock exhibits a uniform rust color indicative of iron. Despite differing greatly in size, Greenland and Ayers Rock exhibit the same general shape. Aside from confirming that the two are opposite ends of the same pole, it can be deduced that if Ayers Rock is iron, Greenland is as well.

Discus of Earth
The disc-like spherical Earth was likely the single most important issue to the Greco-Roman Empire who were hell bent on world domination, a feat they unfortunately achieved. Consequently, the disc-like shape of Earth is found throughout in their respective art and culture. The classical Greek sculptor Polyclitus created Discophoros, a marble statue featuring a male holding a disc. Diskobolus by Myron is another famous Greek sculpture which also depicts a Greco-Roman male holding a disc. Although these two statues claim to depict a discus thrower, their respective poses are likely symbolic of the Greco-Roman Empire’s control over the Earth. That being said, the discus throw was a Greco-Roman sport which was one of the events of the Greek pentathlon. The discus throw was likely a sporting tribute designed to celebrate the discovery of Earth’s true shape. A discus is also depicted on the Discobolus Motif as well as the Discobolus Kleomelos Louvre, both of which feature a male holding an oversized disc in a non-sportsman-like manner. Due to its importance in Greco-Roman culture, there are at least 60 Roman-English terms (e.g., discern, disciples, disclose, discourage, discovery, discussion, dusk, etc.) relating to conversation, exploration, thinking and science that contain the term “disc”. Other Roman-English terms such as “desk” and “dusk” were likely also derived from “disc”.