[I was about to submit this to CSTDT until I read the part after "What can you do?"]
At around 1 a.m. on Sunday, April 26th, two doctoral students at the Louisiana State University (LSU) were mysteriously found dead at the bottom of a swimming pool. 28-year-old Ishita Maity and 25-year-old Anton Joe were with the schools physics and astronomy department with Maity studying theoretical astrophysics while Anton was a 3rd-year graduate student studying theoretical gravity.
Maity was an author of one of the journal ‘New Astronomy’s’ most popular recent papers entitled “Black hole spin dependence of general relativistic multi-transonic accretion close to the (event) horizon”;
Joes’ most recent paper was — written for the European Organization For Nuclear Research, also known as CERN.
There is much more important information in the rest of this article is excellent. Please go here
The author Stefan Sandford points out that this part of CERN:
reminds us of the statue of Shiva, the god of destruction, which is outside CERN. Why would a so-called scientific establishment spend many thousands of dollars creating such a thing, and put lights around it to make sure you can see it at all times?
We would like to pay particular attention to this part of Sandford’s article:
“There are also several recent videos about the possible dangers of CERN including the 2nd one, a documentary from FBCFilms called “CERN: Opening The Abyss”
That word “abyss” is most interesting, because the French Finance Minister used that same very word, when he made the really bizarre statement:
“We are on the edge of a climatic abyss. We have 500 days to avoid climate chaos.”
1) A very frightening or dangerous situation, or one in which there seems to be no hope
2) a bottomless gulf or pit
And remember these guys are all lawyers and every word is important. Remember Bill Clinton when he said
“It depends on what the meaning of ‘is’ is”.
The Pope confirmed that Sep 24 2015 (in the USA) is very, very relevant, because he made the bizarre step of telling us on Feb 5 that he will speak to congress about ‘climate change’ on Sep 24 2015! The same date! What has the pope got to do with climate change? With the USA government? Why did he tell us so such a long time in advance? Was this a signal to certain groups that something is getting ready to happen?
We know that many Satanists dedicate their lives to the Pope, because of what Svali told us.
Because no one believes anything the government says, would a final, last minute, “so long, pal” announcement by the Pope be what they have planned? If he finished his speech and it happened within the hour, no one would have a chance to react?
We know one thing – a giant meteor hit would certainly cause the climate to change! See what just a small meteorite can do
What can you do?
While we would like to believe that people are rising in their vibration, and that we are about to break free of this matrix, evidence is to the contrary. It seems more like we are devolving into Idiocracy and Sodom & Gomorrah. For example, how can we have a high and holy vibration when and one porn website in the USA gets 4.4 billion page views a month, and the United Nations said there are now 4 million child porn websites. [...]
It sure looks as though something is coming. We believe that for most people (that is, not the oligarchs), it will be fast and painless. [...]
We recommend you do these things:
1) Make sure you have enough food, water and supplies so you don’t have to leave your house for at least 3 weeks, if necessary.
2) Pray for guidance. Move if God tells you to.
3) Prepare for the next life. Especially pray for –
Forgiveness of anything bad you have done,
Family line curses and
Sins of past lives,
to ensure that if you have to come back again, it’s a whole lot better than this one.
Forgive anyone who has harmed you, to set yourself free, so that you can move on and don’t have to be with that person next lifetime.
4) Know that God loves you and does not blame you for the mess this world is in. The major blame is on Satan, the reptilians and the mind control and massive systems set up by the fallen angels. (For example, they drop aerosolized thought control vaccines on us, as shown by this video from the Pentagon).
Be happy. Have no fear. If we leave our bodies, it will be fast and painless for most of the people on earth. To learn more, learn about how great most people feel when they drop their body, during near-death experiences.
Remember, if they send aliens to pretend to save you, remember they are just coming to stock up their freezers and torture chambers.