Islamists #fundie

Al Qaeda, Isis and other jihadi groups are thrilled with US President Donald Trump’s executive order on immigration targeting Muslim countries, describing it as proof that the US is at war with Islam.

The new legislation signed by Mr Trump on Friday temporarily suspends the US’ refugee programme and bans citizens of seven predominantly Muslim countries (Iran, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Somalia, Sudan and Yemen) from entering the country on the grounds of national security.

Isis-friendly channels on the Telegram messaging service described the ban as “blessed”, echoing how the US 2003 invasion of Iraq was called a “blessed invasion” for reinvigorating anti-US sentiment in the region.

One user greeted the news of the “Muslim ban” as “the best caller to Islam”, hoping it will draw Muslim Americans to their cause.

Several posts suggested that the prediction of Anwar al-Awlaki – a US-born al Qaeda leader killed in Yemen in 2011 – that “the West would eventually turn against its Muslim citizens” was coming true.

Confusion reigned at border control over the weekend over whether green card holders and those with legal work or study visas should be sent back from the US or allowed to re-enter if currently overseas.

“[The ban] plays into this clash of civilisations idea, which is something that global jihadis need as fuel, to claim Americans are against them, that the West is against them,” Dr Renad Mansour, a fellow from the Middle East and North Africa Programme at Chatham House, told The Independent. “Trump is seen to be validating what they already claimed was happening.”

DoctorDoom #racist

Horseshit!That fascist son of a bitch hasn't spent a day governing since 1/20/2009. He has been in campaign mode since 2006, on a 24/7 war against his own policies for the benefit of the unfathomably stupid assholes who blindly elected him because he's a nigga. He's a wannabe third-world dictator, not a leader.

IMO, the US cannot possibly survive three more years of that treasonous, tyrannical, psychopathic cocksucker. If he is not deposed ASAP, America will die as a nation.

Responsibility2nd #fundie

We want big government? You think that?

You are clueless. I’ll tell you what we SoCons want.

For starters, how about a return to Sodomy Laws. What’s wrong with that? All 50 states used to have them. And we were a better, more prosperous county then as well.

But noooo.... You libertarians with your progressive “get the nanny state outta my bedroom” attitudes screwed things up for conservatism.

Now - thanks to you - we have homo’s in the military and Obammie in office and things are getting worse.

Chemtrail Planet #conspiracy #crackpot #dunning-kruger

The news tried to give the impression that the over 100 fires (in 2017) that occurred all at once were from a forest fire spreading into neighborhoods. Yet, most of the trees didn't burn and there is no burnt path between houses that are next to or across from each other. Notice in the picture on the left how that there was no burnt path between the two buildings and how that though both buildings were surrounded by trees, none of the trees got burnt or even singed. It is plain to see from this picture that a fire didn't go from one building to the other, but that they were both attacked from above or inside. Also, the wind could not have been strong enough to blow an ember the distance of the two buildings as there aren't even any ashes, leaves or broken branches on the ground.
The evidence that the fires were a result of directed energy weapons (DEW) in the form of lasers and microwaves, at least in part, is undeniably strong. There are also theories of smart meters or transformers blowing up being a cause. They might have contributed, but that wouldn't explain cars also being "toasted" with no burnt path between the houses and the cars. It is not at all unfathomable that more than one weapon could have been used to ensure the desired effect. On September 11th, 2001; rescue workers being interviewed said they heard bombs go off when they were inside the twin towers and also Dr. Judy Wood, a former professor of engineering mechanics, gave a presentation filled with strong evidence that directed energy weapons were used on 9/11 as the building and all it's contents dustified in mid-air and cars nearby looked toasted (video of her presentation included on this page).

I.N. #racist #psycho #homophobia #wingnut #dunning-kruger

[From "First 2022 post"]

Hello Mr César. First of all, allow me to express my deep gratitude for feeling that my comment from exactly a year ago deeply resonates with you. It is an honour
I hope this comment grants me access to your select group of SS-like Seers[…]and zealots devoted to the manifestation of our pure and unquenchable desire to watch or at least contribute to the eventual absolute and uncontested domination of the Aryan superman over the entirety of this globe
A future in which energy consumption from a constantly growing and mentally passive and incompetent population of shitskins (that can barely function in their day to day lives without big state welfare at our expense or grasp rudimentary concepts, much less work) exceedingly supersedes the rate, the percentage and the quantity of the extraction, distribution, availability and affordability of rapidly depleting natural resources, is unsustainable and falls into the realm of childish science-fiction
Non-Nordic so-called ‘whites’ must accept that they are nothing more than stepping stones for Nordids and failed test subjects in this most intricate experiment called Life that evolution has chosen to discard
As for homosexuality, Himmler aptly addressed this matter in his speech dissecting this pathology and linking it with the chastity of the Catholic clergy
Sooner or later, all other hominid subspecies, even those that have common enemies with us or have forged uneasy alliances with whites in the past like Palestinians, Syrians, Iranians and Japanese respectively, are to be sacrificed at the altar of the doctrine of utter exterminationism like you espouse Mr César
Whites should honour and pay tribute to their heroes and forefathers[…]and strive to surpass them[…]Adolf Hitler was right and if the West refuses to accept this fact it will sooner or later be annihilated

Warren Jeffs #fundie

A new edict issued by imprisoned polygamist leader Warren Jeffs is raising alarm among some ex-members of his church

The document, shared with FOX 13 News by several people, appears to call for some people to return to the Fundamentalist LDS Church and bring their children with them. Others, church observers say, are then sent away

The revelation issued in June purports to be from Jeffs himself but says it was distributed by a son, Helaman Jeffs

"Pray that Warren Jeffs will go free, and he can meet you in your congregations soon, all peoples who desire to be members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on earth," the document states

It states that baptisms and "sealings in Celestial Plural Marriage unions will take place for those the Lord revealeth to mortal Keyholder Warren Steed Jeffs who is worthy." It appears to call for some to return to the faith declaring that "fathers desiring restoral can gather with their birth children, and only who was their wives on earth, with the birth children present in family groups classes in your several family homes where they dwell…"

But it also warns that some may be cast out

"I, the Lord, loveth all, yet I cannot allow sin living to dwell among my Church membership any longer. Zion meaneth the pure in heart souls well tested, pure, faithful and true, living by every word of Jesus Christ," it states

It also asks members to send letters with photos and information about themselves and their families[…]
The Texas Department of Criminal Justice said Jeffs remains incarcerated, but the agency declined to comment on Jeffs' communications with visitors or anyone else, citing privacy guidelines[…]
"I have family members who have had their children taken away within the last few weeks," said Brenda Nicholson, an ex-member of the FLDS Church. "People are being told they’re no longer worthy enough to have their children. Children are being taken and re-distributed to others"

DesertFox #fundie

[On the repeal of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell."]

There are things that are best just not talked about, much less openly celebrated. Queerness is one such thing. It is not normal and everyone knows it, but political correctness forces us all to pretend it's fundamentally no different from normal sexuality. It is different, and to deny that in official policy is to deny reality, which has its worst consequences in military settings. It encourages falsification and lying, which seriously undermine morale.

Most seriously of all, it tells the normal soldier that what makes him uncomfortable doesn't matter. IOW: HE doesn't matter. Queers comprise about 2% of the population, and they're more important than the 98%. Talk about favoritism, and it sets up a divisive dynamic. Normal men are equipped biologically to feel revulsion toward queers. Fighting against biology has you fighting against yourself, and that's the last thing you want or need in combat.

Some queers aren't a problem. They're the ones who lived with DADT. The problems will be those who want to push things. And they will.

ToriNoell #fundie

I too no longer seem to want to plan for the future. Before it was, 'someday when I retire I'd like a little cottage of my own on the beach' but now I really feel my time here is very temporary. I keep looking up at the sky like never before searching for that first sight of Him. Or I'll be in the mall and I suddenly start to imagine what it would be like if He came back right then...i.e. that lady reaching out to take her icecream cone and suddenly it falls to the floor because she's gone and the guy who just handed it to her is standing there with his mouth agape!
Are we almost there Daddy?

sherrimae #fundie

*gays in the military*

If he changes the policy, we are probably going to see about 25% of the military leave as soon as they can. Many of them will be officers and NCOs. My husband is retired from the army, but if he were not, he would be submitting his retirement papers asap. We will certainly discourage our son from following his dad into the military.

I won't go into detail here but when my husband was a commander he had to deal with several problems caused by gay soldiers. One of them involved the attempted homosexual assault of another male soldier.

10thAmendment #fundie

evolution "scientists" actually have the overwhelming task of digging up the whole earth before they can begin formulating their final conclusions about their evolution hypotheses based on the COMPLETE archaeological and geological records. Otherwise, evolution "scientists" seem to think that they have the license to revise evolution "laws" every time the dog unexpectedly digs up a strange fossile. Such mentality shows that evolution "science" was born in Hollywood.

The truth of the matter is that evolution "scientists" long ago figured out that the only way that they could push their evolution fantasies on everybody was to put on their lawyer's hats and try to sell the "jury," that's you and me, on their tunnel-vision interpretation of inconclusive evolution evidence by means of slick-talking courtroom rhetoric.

The bottom line is that evolution is a mixture of scientific statistics and imagination. In other words, evolution remains nothing more than a convincing form of science fiction.

One_LoVe #fundie

Praise Jesus! I was visiting a Chrisitian bookstore this afternoon, when all of a sudden I heard it! I heard the mighty trumpet of Jesus, blowing loud and hard, calling all Christians home. It was as if I had been struck by lightning! I dropped the book I was perusing, stood stock still with my arms pointed skyward and said "YES LORD!". The shopkeep and the two other people in the shop looked at me as if I was insane. Turns out they knew something I didn't. The 1:45 fright train crosses the road every day at that time, and usually blows it's whistle when it's going through the intersection. I was sooo embarassed! But hey, at least I know I'll be ready when the real one comes! I'd rather be a bit embarrassed than unsaved!!

Nikola Bijeliti #racist

Away in the Ostmark, on Deutschland's doorstep,
The little Adolf Hitler lay down his sweet head.
With Germany's troubles a-coming real soon,
The little Adopf Hitler, asleep in his room.

The sun is now rising, the baby awakes,
But little Adolf Hitler no crying he makes.
All the evils of this world he will one day see,
The little Adolf Hitler, our Fuehrer-to-be.

Be near us, our Fuehrer, we ask you to stay
Close by us forever, and lead us the way.
I love you, my Fuehrer; look down from Valhalla
And lead us to victory against the Pantalla.

Lou #fundie

[re: House Democrat Rep. Zoe Lofgren (D-Calif.) told us that abortion would be covered in the socialized medicine bill proposed by Obama and Democrats]

Chopping up babies is what liberals call health care.

Zergocel #fundie

Has anyone seen the commercials for this new movie? It [a remake of the Exorcist] looks very disturbing and I feel like it might harm people who see it. It paints a terrible picture and everyone inside the theater will be immersed in that for 2 hours.

The commercial just came on as I type this.....

Come soon Lord.

thewoesofyaoi #sexist

(Submitter note: These are excerpts taken from an argument about a fanfic trope called "omegaverse," in which some male characters may go into heat and be able to become pregnant. The runner/s of this blog believe this is inherently homophobic and transphobic, and gets rather Tumblrina about it. There's plenty more at the source)

the homophobic stereotypes in the lines of “gay men always think of sex” isn’t a new thought. it’s been with us for decades. the lgbt community has tried to work against this stereotype for decades. it’s a battle we still fight today, and one we still are losing constantly because homophobes continue to lable gay men as sex crazed monsters only thinking about sex.

creating content where men in a m/m relationship are so influenced by their “heat cycle” that they cannot stop themselves from having sex – or if they can, can’t stop thinking of sex, even if they’re far distanced away from a sexual situation – comes, directly, from this stereotype. you, a non-mlm writing about men in m/m relationship, having gay sex in this way, it is directly drawing from these stereotypes.

it doesn’t matter if your fanfics doesn’t contain non-con (though many fanfics in the omegaverse circles do). you, a non-mlm describing men in m/m relationships still benefits from this homophobia. this kind of homophobia will never affect you, and thus, creating content for it is you benefitting from this homophobic view of gay men. and for what? so you can enjoy a sex scene? is it worth it?

and i’m sure you’re not a transphobe, but again, omegaverse a trope was created due to transphobia. it was created because cis people would rather see a cis man get pregnant through his (self lubricating) anal, rather than think of trans men being a part of their precious gay smut. it draws from the transphobic view that trans men (women) are not real men (women), and only real gay sex is between two cis men.

you may not have transphobic ideas when you write omegaverse, but you still create content which was thought up due to transphobic views. you’re not a trans man, and thus, if you create content where you would rather have a self lubricating anal rather than toy with the idea that there are self lubricating trans men out there who are okay with vaginal sex, you are benefitting from transphobia. your content is a product of this transphobia. even if you don’t write “transphobic” content yourself. even if you toy with trans people in your omegaverse fanfics. omegaverse cannot excist if transphobia is removed.

random_guy #fundie

[regarding an article about funding to study plant evolution...]

This release only deals with micro evolution. Read the statement,

"The outcomes of this new program will tie together studies of the evolution of gene structure, function and regulation across the whole plant kingdom," said Collins.

they only talk about the plant kind. Come back when Collins talks about across the whole macrolevel kingdom (as in goo, dogs, and bananas).

Dry Spell #fundie #sexist

Going outside is TRAUMATIC/PTSD-inducing

Whenever I go out people just HAVE to look at my subhuman features. When I see people look at me in public, it ruins my confidence and makes me want to hit the person.

I see it and I feel it.

No, I'm not just being paranoid.

Can't wait until Burqa's become socially acceptable to wear.

FluffyMuffy #fundie

It's definitely not going to be pretty if we (the united states) keep making demands on Israel, and she makes moves to giveing up their God given land. Even an inch of it, is a no no!

DissentingOpinion #fundie

It was during that decade of the 1960’s, in the year 1966, that a woman named J.K. Rowling was born. This is the woman who has captivated the world in this year of 2000 with four books known as the "Harry Potter Series." These books are orientational and instructional manuals of witchcraft woven into the format of entertainment. These four books by J.K. Rowling teach witchcraft! I know this because I was once very much a part of that world.

Matthew Ehret #wingnut #conspiracy

What must be kept in mind for our present purposes is that cultural warfare during this intense post WW2 period was full spectrum in nature- taking every major branch of human life into account and extracting all traces of creative reason, universality, Freedom, and Truth anywhere it could be found.

Whether it was in the fine arts and music or whether it was in scientific practice, new dualisms were imposed severing logical thinking from the “pollution” of subjective emotions. Where the arts became shaped increasingly by hedonism liberated from reason (with a “high” post-modern art for the elites and a “low” populist art for the dumb masses), the sciences became governed by the dogmatic faith in cold mathematical sterility governed by “statistics”, entropy, and blind fatalism.

Random paint splashes of CIA-funded artists like Jackson Pollock or the fuzzy squares of Mark Rothko became the new artistic ideal while scientists found themselves trained to think like computers modelling their minds of the methods of Bertrand Russell’s Principia, Norbert Weiner’s Cybernetics and John von Neumann’s Information Theory. Bertrand Russell’s role coordinating the CIA’s Congress for Cultural Freedom should not be lost on anyone.

With the severing of creativity from reason, the minds of those processed by this new cultural field was increasingly shaped by blind rules and axioms enforced by expert consensus rather than personal acts of discovery. Computer modelling thus found itself replacing acts of genuine human thought and within this sterile intellectual climate, a new cult of artificial intelligence began to find fertile soil to grow its perverse roots.

Mick_Donalds #sexist


Years ago in a bar I was having a drink with two war buddies. We're sitting there, bullshitting, having a beer or two, and one of my friends says hello to a girl he knew from college. She comes over and chit chats with him for a few minutes and is introduced to the other two of us. Of course, she calls another one of her friends over (presumably to hook her friend up) with one of us. Her friend comes over and pulls up a bar stool to our table and wants to chirp in on our conversation. After telling us she works at "wherever", she asks us:

"So you guys have been to combat, right? So, if you can take the life of a child in war, don't you think that's the same thing as Abortion?"

Now, I want you to imagine a girl who's easily a decent '8' on the looks scale. Makeup, high maintenance, great body, nice skin, the whole package. Now imagine the dumbest sounding girl you've ever seen. Like the girls that do the news segments on campuses because they're protesting "whatever". That was this girl. Just absolutely the dumbest piece of shit I've ever seen.

One of my buddies couldn't believe she asked us that. I spoke up and said "We're not having this conversation. Guys, don't even respond. We're NOT doing this. You can go away now. We're done here."

Little Miss Abortion justifier gets VISIBLY butthurt about being rejected. Tries to badger us into a nonsensical argument to justify abortion versus collateral damage in Iraq. We refuse to debate or talk to her and shut her down. My friend finally tells her "Look, leave us alone to drink our beers and seek life elsewhere. I'm gonna throw a fuckin' drink in your face if you don't leave us alone"

She became UNGLUED, and started hysterically yelling about us not wanting to talk to her. Her friend finally pulled her away from the table as we told her to get her away from us.

That was my "realizing" moment. I realized that this dumb broad had never been rejected by some guys that were decent looking (I'm not Christian Bale or anything, but I did well...). For that matter, she'd probably never been told "No" at any point ever in her life. It changed how I perceived women that have zero personalities who manipulate men because men are simps that put pussy on the pedestal. Women don't face nearly ANY rejection from men. It was oddly satisfying, even in that moment to see a hot girl who has NOTHING to offer but her pussy to Chad and Tyrone, get shut down for probably the first time in her life.

Andrew Anglin #racist

A Bowl of AIDS for Breakfast: Cheerios Runs Commercial with Faggots Molesting Kidnapped Monkey Child

Mark Joseph Stern, huh? Nothing more adorable than the abuse of a helpless monkey child, Jew?

As society continues to disintegrate, the overall weirdness is becoming unbearable. Now, we have faggots with a kidnapped Negress child parading around in commercials for breakfast cereal. Cheerios has become the first (I think) food to feature faggots with a helpless kidnapped child.

The Jewish media, ever in the process of attempting to become more of a parody of itself, has come out in forced to celebrate how “cute” and “adorable” these sick and bizarre degeneracy is.


How does anyone tolerate this?

I would say “boycott Cheerios,” but I know you are all low-carb/Paleo already, brothers.

Bowls of useless carbs have always been for faggots and other untermench. We high-testosterone soldiers of the revolution eat pig for breakfast.

tractsforchrist #fundie

I would just like to say that last night I felt a strong urge to get a rapture ready kit together... I put a couple of tracts inside, a couple of book tracts, and an apologetic book that shows that Jesus has to be real... . I also have a sealed envelope that says 'Do Not open unless millions dissappear: The Rapture' With a dated letter showing that I knew about this before hand.

Andrew Anglin #sexist #conspiracy #racist

[From "Total Collapse of Feminist Hoax Machine as Bill Cosby Freed!"]

Victimized Negro Gentleman Bill Cosby has been freed after having been falsely imprisoned in a feminist hoax

The entire feminist agenda is now at risk, as everyone is realizing that if you go to a big black buck’s house and take his pills, you’re not a “victim” – you’re a filthy whore

Furthermore, there isn’t even any evidence – all of the sudden, 30 women just came out of the woodwork? Is that believable? Why?
Cosby was targeted because he was the single useful black man – look at this BuzzFeed article whining about how he told the blacks to stop acting like a bunch of niggers

Cosby’s entire legacy was about telling American blacks to stop whining and blaming white people
What they did to Cosby was disgusting. They destroyed his entire legacy when he was 80 years old, because sluts were on a rampage just trying to destroy anyone. Every other black that was accused got off, but they nailed Cosby to the wall, specifically because he is one of the single living American blacks who stood up against the Jewish agenda to tell blacks to blame whites for all their problems

This is Bill Cosby talking to the Jew-controlled mulatto Don Lemon in 2013, just a few years before they decided to hit him with the rape hoax. He slammed dirty black sluts who won’t raise their own kids or stay married. He again told blacks to stop whining and blaming whites

I half expected them to do a rape hoax against Thomas Sowell next!

RaphaelTisserand #sexist

The comments are even worse. A bunch of normies and bluepills telling guys like us how we're wrong, while at the same time confirming the blackpill without even noticing. One of them goes on about how the fact that Chad doesn't care about women and has plenty of options is what makes him more attractive than guys who might "catch feelings" or otherwise get attached. She says it like it's some kind of ideal to strive for, not noticing that she just admitted that what foids want more than anything is to be pumped and dumped by an attractive man, and not to be in any kind of actual relationship with somebody who cares about them.

Shoshana #fundie

[Shoshana addresses a Gentile woman who is in a relationship with a Jewish man.]

Even if you "convert" you will not be Jewish. Because conversion means keeping the mitzvahs in the Torah. Even if some Jews have stopped keeping them, they are still Jewish because they were born to Jewish mothers and they never loose their Judaism. But if someone wants to gain admission to this unique club called Judaism, to be part of the people who stood at Sinai, then he must fulfill the Laws that were reveled to us at that time. Otherwise it's a phony and invalid conversion. And you might ask, "so what?" Because if your fiancee marries a non-Jew he is turning his back on the Torah that we received at Sinai, on his glorious ancestry starting with Father Abraham, on the Jews who sacrificed their lives to remain Jewish during the Spanish Inquisition, and the time of Chanukah, and on his own family. Marrying out is the greatest disloyalty to the Jewish people. HIS CHILDREN WON'T BE JEWISH AND IT IS THE DESTRUCTION OF JUDAISM. It is the SILENT HOLOCAUST.

Adam79 #racist

Yet another question for all those who oppose racial realists,race groups etc.

What if we are right and you someday realize this?...
{I mean about Jewish world domination and the human races.}

What would you do then?...

*I find it very very interesting to think about because it would seem to me that you would likely rather chop off a body part or put your head into a vice then ever dare face the possibility that you were wrong or mistaken regarding the race issue.
I can just see the look of utter horror or dread on your faces right now.Followed by a mass flow of tears that could fill up the whole earth.

But again,what would you do?...

Would you at least agree that we would have to take some very serious action then?...
Or would you simply continue to bend over and cave in to your own miserable deaths then ever have to actually do something about it?...

Patriotwolf #fundie

We are not talking about your interpretation of Genesis or your devotion to God.

[Oh, but we are. You're saying that I'm not a Christian, but an agnostic, if I accept the Theory of Evolution and everything else that usually goes with it in the scientific consensus. You're yet to tell me how that makes me not a Christian, as I believe I have fulfilled the criteria that actually matters.....]

Saying you truly believe God exists but also truly believe Evolution is completely real is a logical fallacy and hypocritical. You are just trying to please the other side and save you beliefs.

The Bible talks about evolution and says that people that believe in it are fools. Does that meet your criteria?

Shadow #fundie

[incest in Adam and Eve's family]

In ancient times, when the air contained double the amount of oxygen, there was nothing wrong with incest. Incest was genetically safe.

A brother and his sister are still a man and a woman. Nothing wrong with that. People today are just grossed by it due to cultural influence.

yeshuasavedme #fundie

To argue from ignorance [of what has been revealed by God, through His prophets -and Muhammed is not one of them] is-----ignorant.
The actual dimensions of the sun itself are exactly the same as the moon, according to Enoch, who was taken on a tour of the universe by archangels, before the flood, and all was shown to him for him to write for his posterity.
Enoch states two times that the sun, itself, and moon are the same circumference. Enoch states that the sun shines seven times brighter than the moon in its fullness.

convairXF92 #racist

”´Whites and East Asians are natural allies.´ Only according to stupid people.”

Blacks and yellows plan on teaming up to defeat us.

Won't work in the US. So many "nice" Chinese and Korean boys and girls in the US colleges/universities. So many Chinese girlfriends and Korean boyfriends. So many European-Americans into anime and Japanese language, for decades now. The issues with Chinese spies and the horrid ChiCom government shock and disgust us. We want that gone. Hang around a good university in the Boston or NYC area or in California and you will truly see non-racism -- between whites and East Asians. (The exception is at the academic extremes: there was an issue a couple of years ago about one school's elite math club, that it was a clique of East Asian boys who acted suspicious of those not of their kind. Maybe the rest of us just have to develop that hard focus and work harder...).

I cannot possibly imagine typical US blacks teaming up with East Asians (immigrant or "-American") against whites or for any other imaginable purpose. If the blacks wanted to successfully team up with any other group, I'd say their best chance would be with US Muslims *after* adopting the religion, at least trying to make hajj, and *behaving themselves*.

Zipphy #fundie

Comrade Stalin is highly respected because of the steady hand he guided the USSR with; he guaranteed it survival, prosperity, and liberty. The USSR was not affected by the market crashes that affected the West, the life expectancy continued to make leaps. education was prioritized and he rendered the USSR to be the first nation on Earth t practically eradicate illiteracy. Under his guidance, each person was guaranteed a job, housing, and food. Stalin's five year plans industrialized a chiefly agrarian state quickly and with no resemblance to the industrialization that took Capitalists countries through hell and to say.

The matter of 'authoritarian' and 'libertarian' exist chiefly in bourgeois-sympathizer terminology. It imposes a POV and attempts to exploit it into an umbrella of ethical analysis--which is what Marx himself chastised (Mao, too); these terms are used by socially displaced 'intellectuals' (which garner respect simply for achieving arbitrary tasks) to reinforce the ideas of brutality under a Socialist leader. Every human wishes to be free, so by establishing the idea of Capitalism being 'Libertarian' and Socialism being 'Authoritarian' it creates a predisposed disposition on the topic itself. As for it being opinionated, well, everyone has different ideas of what freedom is, and what oppression is.

tl;dr: Stalin made great strides, and carried on the spirit of Lenin's revolution. Using 'authoritarianism' and 'libertarianism' as classifiers is practically opening the door to all the ridiculous claims about Socialism.

The fact is, is that post-revolution, there will be a large, new government. The Communist Party will simply have to reorganize society, guide us through our Socialist tenants, and defend the revolution. They will assure the Dictator of the Proletariat is upheld, and will safeguard us from outside forces. This sort of government is necessary after any revolution period; socialist ones, or not.

Also, dictator? Stalin gradually relinquished power--even when the people did not want him to! Stalin protected Socialism, and kept it alive. He was a marvelous man.

Jigs&Libs #racist

I had a friend whose father was looking into "investing" into some Section Ape Housing. I talked him out of it. The niggers will destroy anything and everything they can and demand more of the landlord's time than people who pay with real money. I told him that the type of people who get Section Ape housing are the most irresponsible people in the country. Were I to have some disaster and need Section Ape Housing, I would be very grateful to the owner of the house, assure him that I will take very good care of it and thank him for allowing me to live there under government subsidies until I can get my life back together. And in a year I'd be well enough on my feet to get out of the hole I was in and move out.

Most humans think like that--Use a safety net temporarily and only in an absolute emergency. (I've never had a need for anything like that.) But niggers aren't people and don't think like that. In a nigger's twisted mind, he thinks that the landlord is making money off of him! The nigger thinks that he's the source of income for the landlord and becomes resentful, thinking somehow that living for free is somehow screwing him over. Rather than be grateful for the situation, the niggers will destroy the house.

shorelineliz #racist

The majority of Latino people in the USA are poor. They want more government handouts. This article is absolutely true. The majority favor the Robin Hood Plan. Take from the evil rich white colonizers and give to the sanctimonious poor brown and black people. Because everyone knows that poor people are all good people. They are all holy and spiritual. They are closer to God. And that rich people are all evil and of the devil. My husband worked in Mexico. No one demonizes the rich more than the poor people of Mexico. As far as they are all concerned every rich, white person in the USA is in the paid service of Satan himself while they are perfect little angels and the Lord has a "preferential option for the poor" in every Latino/Latina. Their "brand" of Christianity is Liberation Theology. GEt rid of all the evil rich white people so the poor brown people can rule the Kingdom of God. This is their theology and that is how they vote. If it is white and rich it is evil. They talk incessantly about this, are resentful and bitter and for the majority of them they would enjoy it if every white person was their pool boy instead of the other way around. They often laugh about how they should sit around by their own pools and spas and order little white boys around to cut their lawns. They want revenge not equality. Just write them all a check. They are entitled and owed since they are brown and poor.

Believe It! #fundie

Science has found that the Earth is older than the sun.

The Bible stated the Earth was older than the sun before science proved it.

I win.

[After his posting sources and his sources being debunked, with material already accounting for the following reasoning:]

Your sources are wrong. You also leave out the fact that the current age is an underestimate, since scientists believe the Earth is actually much older than that because it recycles its own mass. So I still win.

Pastor Jack Hyles #fundie

As soon as you get to the place to where you think you’re smart without God and you can formulate your own philosophy about God and who God is, then the next step is your worship of the creature. Why? You’ve got to worship the creature if you think you can figure out who God is. If you draw up in your mind your own concept of God, you’re putting yourself before God. You’re worshipping your own mind in the place of God, and the next thing is that you worship the creature or the body.
Worship of the body is where our nation is tonight. All this open sex, nudity, free love, and body worship is the final step in the downward trend of our nation. “For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature.” (Romans 1:26) Now, you listen to me! When a nation gets to the place where nudity is prevalent, what else does it look for? One reason God intends for folks to wear clothes is because the unknown gives you added property to explore. Don’t snicker when I say that! However, when we get to the place where we strip off our clothes and nudity becomes commonplace, then man begins to search for something other than the natural man-woman relationship. To what does he turn? First, he turns to sex perversion or unnatural acts. When that runs its course, to what does he turn? He turns to women committing sex with women and men committing sex with men. Now, that is as low as you can get. Here is the order again:
1. We do not glorify god or give thanks to Him
2. We become vain in our imaginations
3. We become wise in their own eyes
4. We make a false religion
5. We worship the creature instead of the Creator
Let me say a little more about that third point- becoming wise in our own eyes. I’m not against going to a university, but let me tell you something. If you went to a university and got a degree and now think you’re better than your grandpa who didn’t go past fifth grade, then you’re an idiot! There’s nothing in this world any more sickening than for one hunk of flesh who’s worth only $1.98 chemically, a sinner who ought to go to Hell; if you’re fortunate enough to have trusted Jesus, then you’re saved by His grace.
There’s not one good thing in this world about any of us. “There is none that doeth good, no, not one.” (Romans 3:12b) “There is none righteous, no, not one.” (Romans 3:10) “For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.” (Romans 3:23) On and on the Bible goes to tell us that there is not one good thing about any of us for one of us to set himself up above the rest of us as being a scholar or an expert or of a particular sphere or caste system. It’s heathenism, it’s paganism, and it’s a result of turning from God. As soon as you do that, you become wise in your own conceit. You think you’re smart. You’ve been to college, you have your degree, so you think you’re above the common man.
Next, you begin to worship the mind and then you begin to worship the body. After that, you go into sins of the body, and the last step is the step that Sodom and Gomorrah took when God said He’d rain fire and brimstone on them. Let me tell you something, and you hear me well! There are three people who wear britches and have short hair and would be called men who sit in this room tonight who are homosexuals, and I know it. You have said, “Don’t let Brother Hyles’ preaching upset you. God wouldn’t have made us this way if He hadn’t intended for men to love men.” Oh, you pagan heathen! God didn’t make you that way! Don’t you blame God for your sin! Don’t you blame God for your rejection of God’s Word! You’ll burn in Hell forever and ever and ever unless you get born again and get delivered of that wicked sin! It’s not normal! It’s pagan! It’s iniquity! God hates it! God goes so far as to condemn to everlasting torment the soul of every person who is homosexual! Check your Bible! That’s the last step in man’s downward progression.

Mulligan #fundie

"The explosion happened at a distance of over twenty billion light years from Earth."

So, does this mean it exploded 20 billion years ago and we are just now seeing the light? So I wonder how we can see light from something that exploded billions of years before it was created 8000 years ago?

IFBaptistgirl #fundie

Yes amen. It'll cause ya pain, and you'll want to repent when you do those things.
I used to listen to country and even some of that Gaither mess (sorry but when I found out ole Gloria was a penny-cost-al preacher girl that did it for me) and tankfully when I got saved God tore me up over that. Chunked all them cd's and tapes...burnt em...stomped em...GLORY I feel like shouting all over again!
Sad thing is, if it's one of those old songs I knew before I was saved that I hear in the grocery store...I'll start humming. I hate that I didn't use my voice for God's glory then. I'll spend the rest of my time singing only the songs that HE should hear.
I got a cure for the "singing old worldy songs" problem though. Just burst into a verse of "Nothing But the Blood" or something like that....hehe it also clears the lines at the checkout too!

Frizby #fundie

There's also another way of looking at this, men are humans so are women but we are different we are designed differently, so are men really women?, no they are not, but we have the same Creator and in science we evolved from the same cells, yet man is not woman..

So why does science say humans are intelligent animals yet men are not women?, if a man is not a woman then on a wider scale is a male animal a female human, no its not, so how can humans be animals, clearly we're not..

If humans are animals then men are women, basically im saying that each creation or even each evolved organism has its purpose..

Carico #fundie


How do you know? Afterall, pluto isn't considered a planet any more. So what defines a planet as opposed to a star? So sorry, until we visit stars, scientists no more know what they're made of than they know how many stars there are in the universe. All we know is that the light from all of them is the same.

Human_Fighter #fundie

And how did you learn Pluto exists? or King Tut? Books, other people? Gee, sounds a lot like religion to me... Don't be an idiot. While I give specific examples, you give your own personal beliefs. Everything I listed can be proven to exist? It's a common philosophical fact that the only thing you can prove exist is yourself.

Linda Harvey #homophobia

I attended a recent "gay pride" parade in Columbus. I'd been to one a few years earlier, and the bad news is that the event has grown much, much larger.

Corporate support is everywhere. Macy's, J.P. Morgan Chase, Bank of America, JC Penney, Chipotle, Frito-Lay, and many others. Local Ohio banks, Fifth-Third and Huntington. American Family Insurance. All had sizeable contingents of marchers and banners.

So the continuing high incidence of HIV among males who have sex with males, generating around 29,000 new cases per year in the U.S., is acceptable to these companies and their boards of directors? Just asking. This abundant fruit, so to speak, of the homosexual community is now ignored by the media and considered a big yawn, except by those infected, of course.

JC Penney even sponsored a "Teen Village," with activities for teens from ages 13 to 19 well into Saturday evening following the parade. Aside from the disturbing thought of 13- year- olds socializing with 19- year- olds (apparently no one is concerned here about the potential for child molestation), the teen program advertised that it would include performances by "drag queens and kings," which are males and females flamboyantly dressed as the opposite sex.

And we wonder why some kids are seriously messed up?

Also among the parade marchers were proud politicians. And churches: Episcopal, United Methodist, Evangelical Lutheran and Metropolitan Community Churches, which are founded on a pro-homosexual platform.

One banner from the New Creation Metropolitan Community Church included a prominent slogan: "United Against the Flood of Homophobia." I looked around. There were thousands of cheering people and not one visible expression of homophobia, or even disapproval, much less anything like a flood. And of course, the lavish parade itself, including banners on all the city streetlight poles, was allowed on Columbus' main thoroughfare. Hyperbole, anyone? But no surprise. This movement has cut its teeth on over-the-top whining and victim posturing.

The most disturbing element was the children, lots of them, many with some sort of rainbow jewelry, flag or banner on a stroller. Signs like, "I love my two dads," which the nine or ten-year old next to "dad" had stopped holding and dad was doing for him. Again, what about the mom deliberately left out of this picture? Children want to know both their moms and their dads. To deny them this, is to be selfish, immature parents.

What these folks are proud of is deeply disturbing as a cultural trend but more importantly as an indicator of the depraved values they accept and are working actively to promote. Homosexuality is profoundly disordered, is often harmful physically [think, anal sex between two guys], is empty of the creation of new life, and ends up hurting the participants themselves as well as those to whom their lives are connected. And it's not "hate" to say so-just fact.

Homosexuality is also a considerable threat to religious liberty and free speech, as the demand to show "respect" for these lifestyles is fast becoming a club to silence people who won't assent and don't want homosexual approval taught to their children. The leaders of this movement talk about tolerance, but check out what they do, not what they say. The unfounded harassment incidents are starting to pile up.

Raimundo Atesiano and other Biscayne Park police officers #racist

Florida Police Chief Told Cops to Arrest Random Black People to Boost Stats

Officers working on a small-town Florida police force were directed to arrest any black person with “somewhat of a record” and pin unrelated crimes on them, the Miami Herald reports. The goal of this clearly illegal and highly unethical practice was to achieve perfect crime stats, which the department frequently boasted about, even if they were fake.

It worked, for a time at least. In 2013 and 2014, the police in Biscayne Park, Florida, a quiet suburb of Miami, solved 29 of 30 burglary cases. It was a point of pride for former chief Raimundo Atesiano, and according to one officer who worked under him, he wanted to keep those stats by any means necessary.

In an interview conducted as a part of a 2014 internal problem, officer Anthony De La Torre relayed what he was told by the department’s leaders: “‘If they have burglaries that are open cases that are not solved yet, if you see anybody black walking through our streets and they have somewhat of a record, arrest them so we can pin them for all the burglary.’ They were basically doing this to have a 100% clearance rate for the city.”

Three other officers interviewed as a part of that probe told an investigator that Atesiano and other commanders said to frame people so their stats would look more impressive. One of them, Omar Martinez, said he refused, telling investigators that he told commanders, “I will not arrest an innocent person in order to make the department look good.”

Atesiano, who denies directing officers to target innocent black people, resigned as the 2014 probe was being conducted. The following year, the department failed to solve any of the 19 burglary cases put in front of it.

Last month, Atesiano and two of his former officers were charged by federal prosecutors for one specific abuse of power. According to prosecutors, they framed a 16-year-old for four different burglaries while “knowing that there was no evidence and no lawful basis to support such charges.” The victim of that framing was black.

And that doesn’t appear to be the only time the Biscayne Park police zeroed in on one person and framed him for a host of crimes. In February of 2014, a black man was arrested and charged with five burglaries in one day. Prosecutors eventually dropped all the charges.