Haha this amuses me greatly...Quite frankly organized evelangical religons have done nothing good for humanity and should be completly and untterly wiped out. Religon encourages ignorance and narrow mindeness and is a severe mental disorder that results in delusions, schizophrenia, and other mental problems and disorders.
Religon should be treated as a mental disorder and cured with eletric shock aversion therapy. Religous people are scum who deserve to be exterminated.
OK, so he expresses a lot about the way I feel about religion except he takes it a little too far by recommending electroshock therapy for the religious. While I may agree the rabidly religious might require that kind of treatment, the average folk just need a little bit of education.
He starts off being just mildly pertrubed, not unlike many other atheists, then he starts spiraling into assholery, and finally comes crashing down into insanity. Weve been getting a big influx of secular fundies this month
Can you name any mental disorder that can or should be cured through shock aversion therapy? There are ways to treat mental illness, you know, and they don't involve torture.
Also, what's wrong with religion? Obviously, it can lead to limiting health care for everyone, destroying science, or even murder, but much of it is neutral and harmless. As long as religious people restrict their beliefs to their homes, their temples, and their own lives, it's harmless. You can pray, as long as you don't make me do it. You can go to church, as long as you don't make me join you. If you're gay, you can refrain from marrying, but you can't force other gays to do the same. If you're a woman, you can refuse abortion, but you can't force other women to do the same.
I would say that it's not religion that causes the narrow mindedness, ignorence, and delusions, it's fanaticism in general. Here, we have a clear example that fanaticism isn't limited to just the religious (and there are plenty of examples of religion that doesn't result in any of those. Practice all things in moderation, or something like that)
"Can you name any mental disorder that can or should be cured through shock aversion therapy?"
Well, it's still used to treat severe depression that is unresponsive to other treatments. Today it's used with anesthesia and muscle relaxers, and certainly not without the patient's consent, so I don't think it can be rightly characterized as torture.
WebMD has an article about it here
@Silver 2039
Religon encourages ignorance and narrow mindeness
True of some religions, yes.
and is a severe mental disorder that results in delusions, schizophrenia, and other mental problems and disorders.
Wrong. While some religions can result in delusions to a certain extent, schizophrenia is completely independent and is more likely to increase belief in the supernatural.
Religon should be treated as a mental disorder and cured with eletric shock aversion therapy. Religous people are scum who deserve to be exterminated.
Fuck off and die, you piece of human excrement.
One of my friends lives in a flat-sharing community full of fundamental evangelic christians (yes, over here in germany). They used to splash holy water against the door of a catholic girl that once lived there. Another guy went schizoprenic, because he dared to doubt in god. His flatmates made his life a living hell, until he really made the step and abandoned his belief.
This is one extreme case, and merely an anecdote. But you should go and see Richard Dawkins' "The Root of all Evil". Although he never says (and don't mean it) to exterminate all religious folk, he comes to the conclusion that religion encourages ignorance and narrow mindedness.
Sorry, english is not my first language.
He was put under pressure by is flat mates. He entered the community as a christian, fundamental evangelic like the others, so they accepted him. But he expressed thoughts of deviation, like the earth was not created in 6 days 6000 years ago, and his flat mates put him under pressure, questioning his faith. The stress he was in lead to mental breakdown and signs of schizophrenia, and he needed psycholagical treatment.
"Religous people are scum who deserve to be exterminated."
No, they are not. Religious people are deluded victims of the world's biggest con scams. They deserve to be enlightened.
Electro-convulsive treatment saved my life. Currently (pun intended) they use much less voltage than in the past and only "shock" certain areas of the brain. It was the best and quickest treatment for my severe depression.
Shock aversion doesn't sound like a real treatment. It just reminds me of that early Simpsons episode where each of the family members end up shocking all the others.
While most of the athiests on this site are rather cordial, this silver guys sounds like some athiests on other sites I've been to that will say things like "All Christians bomb abortion clinics" and when any Christian responds we are greeted with phrases like "Stupid F***ing Idiot!!!" and other deep philosophical names. I guess it just goes to show that there is ignorance on both sides of the coin.
WebMD has an article about it here
This isn't quite the same thing as "shock aversion therapy," in the sense Silver was referring to, unless I'm mistaken.
What the hell will this solve? I'm sure that most atheists here, including myself, were at one point religious. We were able to deconvert, so who's to say others can't? It's not their fault they're religious. They've been indoctrinated with it since childhood. What they deserve is some education, not extermination. If this logic were actually in practice, there would be far fewer atheists than there are now.
First sentence = OK
Second sentence = OK for the first six words
Third sentence = OK for the first eight words
Nothing good can come of the belief that God is on your side, and while I would agree that <i>religion</i> is scum that deserves to be exterminated, extending that to the people is overreaching a tad, methinks.
I would like to start off by saying one thing. Religion its self does not encourage narrow mindness (at least Islam doesn't (Me being a Muslim an all)), its the people who take it either to literally, out of context, or just contradict it in general. Being religious is fine, and I have met plenty of religious people who are tolerant and open minded. I beleive we should never use the fanatics as a repersentation of all the people in any religion. This goes from Hindu's, to Muslims, to Christians, and as this very quote suggests, Atheists.
Personally, I would prefer people on this site to not do as the people who are quoted on this site do. I.E. make assumptions on other societies, religions, and people in general. It makes you look like an ass. I believe that this quote only proves my point.
"Richard Dawkins' "The Root of all Evil"
I saw that, it was so funny, he talked to a Christian fundy, and Muslim fundy and a Jewish fundy, and from that he claimed that all religions are bad, I mean he looked at 3 bad examples and judged billions of people's beliefs on that. It was more that just slightly biased and unrepresentative.
"Religon encourages ignorance and narrow mindeness"
Ok, mabey, but you seem to be doing quite well on your own.
It's already been shown that atheism is no defense against loonyness. Just look at Gene Ray www.timecube.com
"God is a santa for adults"
No problems here
"I was not made by a queer jew god"
Okaaaay, don't see why you have to be antisemetic and homophobic but basically right
"-1*-1=1 is stupid and evil! That's like saying less than no apples times less than no apples is an apple!"
awww, did big-mouth silver blab your secret agenda? hahahahaha, as if you were any match for us, let alone God!! hahahahahahahahahaha!!!
We had an agenda, yet? No one ever tells me these things.
And this is a perfect example of a "secular fundie".
By saying that religious people deserve to be exterminated, you've just lowered yourself to the level of a retarded, bigoted fundie. You reek of the same stench you claim to be so strongly against.
Personally, I have no issues with faith. I think most sane people here would agree. Some may disagree with it, but so long as it suits the person's needs, it's okay. It's when a person's faith, or in this case, lack thereof, overrides their
functional intelligence that it becomes detrimental.
i suppose atheist fundies can exist too ... but this is just sad. appallingly, pathetically, disgustingly, sad. you've just lost the privilege to complain about religious fundies.
Silver the Wonder Tard wrote:
Rant rant kill kill exterminate blah blah fucking blah
Wrong fucking answer, clown. The world is full of people who aren't alike and want to kill each other. You make it worse with this shit. Leave each other the fuck alone or go suck off a twelve gauge and remove yourself from human memory. Your choice.
I fully agree, Silver 2039. With a few provisos. You first have to document the existence of those "evelangical religons" you're ranting about before we can "completly and untterly" get rid of this threat. Then we can treat those afflicted with this "religous" disease once that "eletric" therapy has been invented and tested.
You see, to instantly lose any and all credibility, bad spelling is very effective. Advocating genocide works great, too.
The best, though, is to do both.
Out of my non-religion.
I agree that religion has done little good, and plenty of harm, but hey, the same could be said for nightclubs.
Trying to abolish religion would only lead to more violence and resentment, our only hope is that governments quit protecting institutions that abuse in the name of their god, and that these archaic belief systems will eventually die out on their own.
Said it before, I'll say it again.
Being religious or atheist is accidental to being an asshole.
See, a lot of atheists think that all religious people are exactly like the fundies shown here. Our silvery friend here is a pretty accurate portrayal of how a lot of religious people see atheists. Fanatics on both sides of the fence, focusing on throwing names and misrepresenting others.
Atheists are not satanic communist baby eating lefties. Christians are not right-wing nazi-esque delusional homophobic schizoprenics. Good and bad in both positions.
As one person said,
"Hate knows no colors, no genders, no creed, no religion."
-A paraphrased quote by CuteFuzzyWeasel.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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