'Homo sapiens' is a made-up creature based on skulls with missing pieces. Even criminals can't be convicted on such flimsy evidence. [rolleyes smiley]
Remember folks, this is CARM. It's a site set up by a guy whose request to be made a clergyman was denied because he was seen as being too radical. The purpose is so that he can hang out with all of his radical, fundie fellows.
So there you go, criminals. If you kill someone, just remove a piece of their skull and you won't get caught.
Of course, if you kill a homo sapien you don't have to worry, as there is no law against killing mythical creatures.
Do you think his missing pieces are metaphorical or he has actual lobotomy scars?
"Even funnier when one considers that she announced on a (rapture ready?) thread that she has 20-30 years of 'studying evolution' under her belt."
Well, see, that's the problem. When you or I study, we use our brains. But studying under the belt, like she does, leads to fucked-up thinking.
I just picture Carico as a homo erectus out there on the internet getting back at the people who don't believe in him/her.
Heh, heh! Good one. Poignant.
"Hadenelith, Carico is living, walking proof that yes, you can muddle through life on just the strength of your brainstem."
Strength? No, Heidi/Carico is living, evidently ambulatory proof that you can muddle through life on nothing but a brain stem, and sheer bloody-mindedness.
>>Even criminals can't be convicted on such flimsy evidence<<
I would just like to take this opportunity to point out that creationists constantly espouse that science can't determine something no one was around to witness, yet they seem to accept the science of forensics without question. Something about that doesn't add up.
Carico is actually a "she",,,,, and evidently the world's only living brain donor.
So, we don't exist? Right along with the Easter Bunny, Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy and Gawd, then?
Ah, Carico - long time no see. I was afraid LoneWolf had taken over.
[... she announced on a (rapture ready?) thread that she has 20-30 years of 'studying evolution' ]
Reminds me of the drunk on one episode of "COPS" that said, "I have 20 years of education. I did the 10th grade twice."
Whoops, your incredibly intelligent reasoning just made me poof out of existence.
...oh, wait, no. That was just my faith in humanity. You're a moron.
Ever hear of Forensic Archaeologists, Heidi? [/"CSI"]
...but I guess you think that 'My Word Against His', "I didn't commit that murder, because I say so!" by the defendant will ensure he's set free, amirite?! [/hyper-sarcasm]
Eyewitness testimonies are notorouusly unreliable, thus they aren't admissable in a court of law (thus the need for forensic evidence; also CCTV etc). Your precious Bible is 'eyewitness testimonies', is it not; in some cases, decades after the event...?! [/'Chinese Whispers'] You have therefore admitted that the Bible isn't admissable as evidence in a court of law, ergo it is LIES.
Darwinius massilae. Ardipithecus. The fact we humans (Homo Sapiens ) share at least 98% of our DNA with Chimpanzees (Pan Troglodytes ), thus Evolutionary science isn't purely archaeological/anthropological: it's genetic .
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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