The spread of AIDS is merely a small part of the evil Gay, Atheist, Liberal, Abortion, New World Order conspiracy! Gays will all infect themselves with AIDS by sinfully engaging in sodomy. Then, a bunch of stupid gay-loving liberals will go all soft and have mercy, and give them money. The gays will use this money to fund ads telling true Christians that prayer can't heal them, and that they need to go to evil "hospitals" that all belong to the antichrist. Then, the "doctors" who are all members of GALA-NWO will give them AIDS with blood transfusions and abort all their babies. And then they'll turn them all gay so that they fall away from CHRIST like in the prophecy, and THE rapture will HAPPEN. Already, we see AIDS affecting all queers and a few straights, but it won't end here.
I don't hate gays, I've got a few gay friends, but I think they're horrible sinners worthy of torture, death, and hell. Several of them have admitted why they're gay. One of my gay friends said: "I don't like it when people discriminate against me, and I've been beaten up on a few occasions. Sure, being gay is rough, but it's worth it, just to turn people away from the path of holiness. I don't plan on becoming straight, I love sin way too much."
It makes me sad that people like Coffee and CousinTed go to great lengths to defend the evil Gay Atheist Liberal Abortion New World Order. You obviously believe it's a good thing; that it's "tolerant." Well, it may be tolerant, but that's bad! JESUS doesn't like tolerance! Christians are being persecuted by evil gays and atheists! If you "tolerate" gays, why not "tolerate" people like us who want to kill gays, atheists, and liberals? Sure, it's bloody, gory, and horrible, but it's holy! Sure, it causes great pain and suffering for no reason that anyone can independently verify, but it's the Lord's work! That's what matters! If you tolerate gays, atheists, and liberals, then what? You may reduce hatred and bloodshed in the world now, but what do you think will happen when God returns and finds you pushing for legislation to remove Him from the government's key decisions? Do you think He'll like it? NO! He'll throw you in hell forever! So stop supporting the evil GALA-NWO agenda and defend the Christian States of America by picking up a gun and killing any gays, atheists, liberals, and abortion doctors you can find. (While you're at it, you can also kill Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Bhuddists, Wiccans, Druids, Democrats, moderates, bisexuals, transexuals, feminine men, masculine women, other women, Catholics, Quakers, Mormons, Unitarians, agnostics, pantheists, deists, foreigners, doctors, scientists, blacks, yellows, redskins, purpleskins, and any other sinners.)