God hates therefore I hate. God only cares about the Adamic white race therefore I only care for the Adamic white race, bastard.
"God hates therefore I hate."
As repugnant as it is, her "logic" isn't too far off. After all, "God" supposedly made man in his own image, does he not want man to behave as he does?
"God only cares about the Adamic white race therefore I only care for the Adamic white race, bastard."
I don't think one can find any support for this sentence anywhere in the Bible. If all people originated from Adam, why would the "white race" be any more "Adamic" than any other race?
So, if your book says all men came from Adam, and you assert also that non-whites didn't come from adam, aside from your implying they aren't human, where exactly DID they come from? Moron.
Doesn't "Adam" come from a word meaning "red?" Someone should point this out to her.
Unfortunately, this sort of idiot is excellent at distorting or ignoring any facts they're faced with, so it would probably have no impact.
"Doesn't "Adam" come from a word meaning "red?" Someone should point this out to her."
This wouldn't help, because this fact is used by the
bensheet boys to prove their religion is true.
White people are the only race that can visibly blush(turn red in the face).
Adam was named after that observation, therefore Adam was white.
The identity christians claim Adam and Eve were the ancestors of white people only,
the other races were created during the animal creation period.
That nice , I hate you and your god you dip sick idiot racist magot....
I think your white gods piece of white trash made up fantasy god that couldn't fight his Omnipotent way out of wet paper bag full of shit
Your god a jerk a pion slime ball racist jerk off god ..and My multi breasted god of nipply pleasure gifted with many stiff rods of pain and orifices of delight will bend your god over backward and ,,,,,,,,,,,,
well you know the rest jerk off
Holy shit, Aryana. I'm a good old fashioned skinhead, swastika prison tattoo and all, and you scare the hell out of me.
Your God's also an asshole, therefore you are an asshole.
Besides, if whites originated in the fertile middle east, why are they all crammed up in the goddamned snow now? Huh?
you dumbass mother fucker, your so called 'white adamic race'developed thousands of years after the first civilization developed in Sumaria which is in the middle east, the first written language was a SUMARIAN SCRIPT, the greatest minds and builders of early man where not white, they were Moorish,Arabic, Chinese, Eygptian, Mayan and so on, none of which were white, your headman JESUS WAS EITHER FUCKING MOORISH OR ARABIC, you know those guys who blew up the twin towers, THEY LOOK MORE LIKE JESUS THEN YOUR INBRED, BEEN DRINKING STILLPOND WATER, WHITE SUPREMEIST NAZI LOVEING, SISTER FUCKING ASS EVER WILL, NOW BEFORE YOU EVER SPEAK AGAIN LEARN WHAT THE FUCK YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT
If he only cares about the white descendants of Adam, who are the other races descendants from?, moreover, why did he waste time creating up to four different types of ethnic groups, which have been subsequently divided in different branches according to the culture they were brought up?, why did he allowed them to attain the degree of civilisation?, moreover, why didn't the enslavers think so when raping and having children out-of-wedlock with the non-adamic women?
Good, good. God also commits genocide you nasty little brownshirt.
The reason you think god only cares for whites is because you only care for whites, not because there is a good reason. Everyone's god hates who they hate.
You forgot to take your medicine.
I am going to make sure that my forum blocks out guests, so that will make it hard for you lot to quote me and my brothers.
So, not very proud of your ideas yourself, then, since you don't want others to see them?
Well, the Adamic language is believed to be the Proto-Indo-European, spoken at the time of Adam and Eve. It's clear that this language originated into what is now common English, not Arabic, therefore ruling out any discrepancies such as Jewish vs. African. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proto-Indo-European_language ) Even so, speaking from an Atheistic POV, this quote is obviously something that was said to make a bunch of people like the last 50 comments to snap and go crazy. It's actually quite funny reading your guys' posts and how racist they are. Yeah, lets make this person rebirth into two centuries before us as an African, and see if his/her racism changes. The thing you don't realize, is that in the church of those times, half the things you guys' say would be against the name of God, and result in hanging/burning/death in those times as well. Religion changes with the times, and it's all in the sake of what's best for the people. Once gay marriage is legal, the church will change to cope with it. You are all uber-lame.
I hope one day, that you all scream out in pain from the Pits of hell at us in heaven, you jew Bastards!
Honey, if heaven is gonna be full of people like you, then I'd choose hell over it any day of the week.
Also, your capitalization is ridiculous.
So when jesus was born in Bethleham, (if i mispelled it im sorry, im a buddhist, not a christian) was he albino? Because thats in the mid-east.. and im more than certain that he wasn't ADAMIC WHITE, im pretty sure he was jewish and god didnt hate him.... Or at least i dont think he did. And as for the whole ADAMIC thing... you say god only cares about the ADAMIC race- as in Adam and Eve ADAMic... i think god hated them by the end of all that- thus original sin.
Yeah, everybody knows that Jesus and all those other people in the Bible were blonde-haired, blue-eyed Aryans, right?
Well, he *is* correct that god hates, if one belives the bible..
Who he hates is another matter tho, it doesn't seem to be restricted to only non-whites, rather everyone is hated.
Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich wrote in her private revelations that indoeuropean languages such as Bactrian, Zend and Indian are first pure offshoots of first human tongue from times before Babel. In this way original human language can be only Proto Indo European. Look here: http://www.tanbooks.com/doct/origin_sorcery.htm Human race originated directly from under Earth's surface, beginning with Adam and Eve only, in Garden of Eden, that was in the same place as Calvary and its surrounding. Jesus's Cross was exactly in the same place as tree of good and bad knowledge. Adamic race was yellow, with golden hairs - being in this way different than current black, red, white and yellow people, that without any exception descended from Adam and Eve, but differed later without exception from Adamic race because of sin.
John 3:16
"For God so loved the world , that he gave his one and only son, that whosoever believe in him will not perish but have everlasting life."
And from this I can tell who AryanaAquillia's god is not .
Wait, what the fu-
Oh, it's Aryana again.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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