Prophet Michael Mullen #fundie

[Veilhawk accuses Michael of being misleading and a False Prophet]

I pray for you. You have been kidnapped. You are not even close to being a "Christian." You are destroying the very foundation of Jesus Christ. You have become blind and clueless as to what the Evil One is doing to you.

You know nothing of the journey you have taken. Nothing about the Rapture. Nothing about the Prophecies. Nothing about behind the scenes of current events. You THINK you do, but this is NOT about the flesh and conspiracies. It is about who is going to sit on that Throne!!

And you are working overtime, to make certain that Satan regains it. I was wrong. You do NOT need a site about Apologetics. You would not SEE one Word. You are "veiled."



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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