[Quote : Iosef Stalin, Mao Tse-Tung and Saloth Sar did not commit any of their atrocities in the name of atheism.]
But they WERE atheists! I find it amazing how people like Lanny and you will say that Christianity was the reason that the Nazis killed the Jews, but when it comes to your side, well that's different. Their atheist ideology affected their actions. If atheism was the pure and peaceful philosophy that you claim it is, then atheists wouldn't be this violent. Whether they did it in the name of atheism or not is completely beside the point. THEY DID IT.
[Quote : Another mistake you are making is thinking that atheism is a monolithic bloc. All atheism is is the non-belief in deities.]
How many times do i need to say this. PEOPLE USE PHILOSOPHIES AND IDEOLOGY TO JUSTIFY DOING THINGS THEY WOULD OTHERWISE SEE AS WRONG. Religion is a convenient justification for such deeds. While atheism does not nearly provide the covering that religion does, it HAS BEENN USED AS A JUSTIFICATION FOR ATROCITIES IN THE PAST. Those atheist dictators I mentioned earlier 'exterminated' religious people on the belief that their allegiance to their gods could cause resistance to the state. Atheism was preached as the state religion because people who believed it would be, in their opinions, easier to control. Go ahead, deny it. You will only prove that you are a revisionist historian who thinks he has all the answers. Your BA in history doesn't make you an expert, my friend.
[Quote : Your conclusions regarding the actions of Stalin, Mao, Hoxha and Pol Pot are just as biased as mine.]
Defend the gods of atheism at all costs. You are pathetic, dude!
"Atheism was preached as the state religion because people who believed it would be, in their opinions, easier to control."
Uh ... no. Historically, it has been fanatical religious devotion that has made people easier to control. That and whipping people into a furor over a common "enemy" that they are told they hate.
My feelings as a Christian points me to my Lord and Saviour as a fighter. It points me to the man who once in loneliness, surrounded by a few followers, recognised these Jews for what they were and summoned men to fight against them and who, God’s truth! was greatest not as a sufferer but as a fighter. In boundless love as a Christian and as a man I read through the passage which tells us how the Lord at last rose in His might and seized the scourge to drive out of the Temple the brood of vipers and adders. How terrific was His fight for the world against the Jewish poison. Today, after two thousand years, with deepest emotion I recognise more profoundly than ever before the fact that it was for this that He had to shed His blood upon the Cross. As a Christian I have no duty to allow my self to be cheated, but I have the duty to be a fighter for truth and justice...and if there is anything which could demonstrate that we are acting rightly it is the distress that daily grows. For as a Christian I have also a duty to my own people. ~ Adolf Hitler
If I were to blame the deaths committed by countless secular leaders who were also Christians solely on their religion, I would be in error. Why then is it okay to do this with atheist leaders? If you're looking for a common ideology among those listed, I can think of one other...
Man, there is a fact. Neither Stalin nor Hitler did what they did because of religion but the truth is that Stalin didn´t say that in order to be a good communist comrade you had to do it. Christian butchers, or moslems or Jewish for that matter, need to match their attrocities with their beliefs and quote extensively the parts of the Bible in which they think their moral issues seem to be justified. This is a double crime, for the crime per se and for the misguiding of the good-will people.
Besides, the second paragraph is the pinnacle of double standards. So, Christians are not to blame if a guy says "God wants us to"(motto of the crusaders), they were not brainwashed. And all the communist people were justified solely on that?, be consequent.
I find it amazing how people like Lanny and you will say that Christianity was the reason that the Nazis killed the Jews, but when it comes to your side, well that's different.
Seeing as Hitler said something along the lines of (I can't be bothered to look up the exact quote at the moment) "In ridding Europe of the Jew I am confident that I am doing the work of the Lord", I think it's safe to say Christianity was, at the very least, a convenient justification for him (and probably the reason a large part of the German public bought into it).
If atheism was the pure and peaceful philosophy that you claim it is, then atheists wouldn't be this violent.
The same could be said of every single group throught history. Newsflash - people are not always good. That's true no matter which group you speak of.
Defend the gods of atheism at all costs
That is an oxymoron. Atheists, by definition, have no gods.
"While atheism does not nearly provide the covering that religion does"
?? Did he just admit that religious dictators have gone on killing sprees, too?
I'd like to see some of this atheistic philosophy he talks about. Even though I try to shy away from comparative study of religions, I really want to know what this guy thinks we use as our Holy Book.
So close and yet so far. In caps no less.
"Your BA in history doesn't make you an expert, my friend."
But your lack of commons sense makes you an expert?
"Defend the gods of atheism at all costs. You are pathetic, dude!"
Your ignorance of the meaning of the atheism you attack shows how pathetic you are dude.
Hitler, who sang in the local monastery choir as a boy, considered himself Christian. Stalin was a student in a seminary as a young man. Mao believed in the supremacy of the state, and mass killings were a pragmatic way to achieve his ends, which had nothing to do with the furtherance of atheism.
Christians claim that god knows all and that god created all, therefore, any killing done in the name of any religion or LACK of religion would technically fall back in the x-tian god's lap. He knew ahead of time, he did nothing to stop it. I believe that would make god the perpetrator or at the very least an accomplice on all deaths, ever.
"Gods of atheism?"
Gee, are you people being ignorant again in your defense of your gods of atheism? Why Stalin was a god to atheist, and so was Mao. In fact, god is man and man is god in atheism. If the god Mao spoke and was not obeyed, hell fire and brimstone was sent down from above in the form of a little red book which was the word of the god, Mao.
Why, in fact, god was followed soo religiously(beyound reason according to atheist,based on faith of Mao) that educators were even found to be in error to the great Mao.
Seems those educators were serving food at the temple of Mao schools of atheism, which was not up to the standards of the little Red Book and were then sacrificed to rid the nation of such "apostate" atheist. Rampant REVENGE( justice according to the Little Red Bible of Mao) was common when those educators were simply roasted on a spit and served to other apostate Maoist who were given a choice to either die or eat their fellow educator with a smile on their face. And the reason for cannibalism being justice and rightous? Why, the food was not up to par and the educators were accused of robbing the food budget. Ah, those atheist and their Anthony Bourdain sensibilties. But, what else is there to live for but sex,drugs, and a fine foie gras meal when your a atheist? Whoops, not those drugs under the reign of godman Mao. Seems he had a vicious streak about opium and those atheist who sold them to his fellow believers in his bible. But, not to worry, eventually he got liberal Americans to fund his religion by selling opium/heroin to those same atheist such as Bill Maher. . After all, twas those famous liberals of the USA, such as F. D. Roosevelt who became rich selling opium to those Orientals. So, expect atheist to die for another hundred years doing their part to protect the liberal rich who sold joy and peace to those yellow savages. And who rebeled first against those opium sellers/consumers in China? Why, a man who found a religion which was not based upon despair and dispicable morals of pre destination named Hong Xiuquan. Oh, if only Jesus was not around to inspire a man to revolt against simple atheist who sold drugs to fellow Chinese. After all, atheist/Buddhist Chinese have no reason to not make a gold coin selling heaven to foolish Chinese who were bred and born to despair and fate. And since the sixties those liberals are now enjoying the loss of their own children to that
fine white grade 4 heroin to balance the scales of justice for "sins" of their fathers. Enjoy being that stooge for the religion of Mao and his religion of reason and man.
The Little Red Book was the bible to those who worshipped Mao. Why, all those gigantic posters and banners were everywhere and in every home. But, top that off with those candle light parades dedicated to the god Mao and his god vision of Heaven on Earth. To defend, rewrite, and hide the hideous religion based upon man as god and reason is to hide those millions of deaths within yourself in a sheer fanaticism devoted to being a dogmatic atheist. And for the village idiot atheist slogans were always kept simple and short since their ability to remember more then 10 words in a row was lacking from the lazy minds atheist are known for. So, here is your slogan for the day which is sweet, short and to the truth of what god is for atheist; "Power comes from the end of a gun barrel". So saith godman Mao. A most rightous dogamtic mass murdering religion was he, the godman of materialist/rationalist. And still the atheist defend their religion which made hell on Earth their mission with all the zeal of a Muslim.
Iosef Stalin, Mao Tse-Tung and Saloth Sar did not commit any of their atrocities in the name of atheism.
But they WERE atheists!
Correlation is not causation. Mao Tse-Tung killed people and he happened to be an atheist. He also believed the sky was blue. On the other hand, the Crusades, the Spanish Inquisition, and the Holocaust were performed because of religion the perpetrators of each believed they were doing God's work.
I find it amazing how people like Lanny and you will say that Christianity was the reason that the Nazis killed the Jews, but when it comes to your side, well that's different.
Hitler said that he was doing God's work by killing Jews. You have yet to come up with an example of anyone killing in the name of atheism.
Their atheist ideology affected their actions.
Atheism is not an ideology. It's simply recognition of the fact that there is no evidence that any gods exist.
If atheism was the pure and peaceful philosophy that you claim it is, then atheists wouldn't be this violent.
Atheism isn't a philosophy. It is merely a belief that there are no gods. Nothing more.
Whether they did it in the name of atheism or not is completely beside the point. THEY DID IT.
It is not in any way "beside the point."
Apparently, Mao Tse-Tung's favorite foods were steamed Bao Zi and a classic bowl of steamed rice. I think we can all agree that his enjoyment of these foods did not motivate his actions. He did not kill anyone to advance enjoyment of steamed Bao Zi and steamed rice. According to you, however, whether this was the cause of his actions is beside the point therefore, according to you, steamed Bao Zi and steamed rice are both bad.
Another mistake you are making is thinking that atheism is a monolithic bloc. All atheism is is the non-belief in deities.
The problem is that atheism is not a philosophy, nor an ideology. I was, in fact, wondering how many times I would need to say this.
Religion is a convenient justification for such deeds.
Really? No shit, Sherlock!
While atheism does not nearly provide the covering that religion does...
Atheism doesn't provide any justification for anything. How do you get from "there are no gods" to "my actions are not wrong?" This is a non sequitur, although Christian fundies like to make the absurd claim that morality is merely a set of arbitrary rules decreed by a god, which thus requires a god.
When? By who? You provided examples of killers who happened to be atheists, but none of them used atheism in an attempt to justify their actions.
Those atheist dictators I mentioned earlier 'exterminated' religious people on the belief that their allegiance to their gods could cause resistance to the state.
Killing religious people to advance your own political power =\\= "killing in the name of atheism."
Atheism was preached as the state religion...
Atheism isn't a religion, you obtuse dimwitted fool! Atheism is merely the rational response to the fact that there is no evidence that any gods exist.
...because people who believed it would be, in their opinions, easier to control.
Actually, people are easier to control when they think that God gave their leader a divine right to rule.
Go ahead, deny it.
You are wrong.
Usted es incorrecto.
Vous avez tort.
Sie sind falsch.
Siete errati.
Você é errado.
U bent verkeerd.
Take your pick. I've got more.
You will only prove that you are a revisionist historian who thinks he has all the answers.
Ah, I see. People who disagree with you are "revisionist historians."
"Revisionist history" is "bullshit," so you claim that anyone who disagrees with you must be wrong. This means you claim to be infallible.
No wonder you're so pissed off at atheists we keep telling you that you're not a god!
Your BA in history doesn't make you an expert, my friend.
Unfortunately, someone already made a joke about your BS in history.
Your conclusions regarding the actions of Stalin, Mao, Hoxha and Pol Pot are just as biased as mine.
Defend the gods of atheism at all costs.
"Gods of atheism" is an oxymoron, moron.
You are pathetic, dude!
And also with you.
Anyway, Anonymous Troll, your post is long, rambly, and incoherent. I don't speak Idiot very well, so you'll have to translate your post into English if you want me to fully understand it.
For the most part, though, your arguments seem to be based on the premise that atheists consider Mao Tse-Tung to be a god. Since this premise is so false it's pathetic, the rest of your argument is complete bullshit. It may be a scathing criticism of maotheists, but I don't think there are any such people, so it's mostly worthless.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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