Interracial dating is beastality, akin to a human mating with a chimpanzee. God created the races to be separate and it is in the Bible that they should not mix. I think anyone who participates in it will go to the lowest form in the afterlife.
It is not based on love. The racially inferior being wants to worm their way into the "upper" white class while the white person usually is someone who has been rejected by other prospective partners in their race and has to turn to a lower human form. For people who aren't race concius a lot of them would rather be with an inferior person than be alone unfortantaly.
The most common interracial couple I see here are white men with asian women. You have to really wonder about a relationship that's based on two people who have been rejected from each of their races and come to each other in desperation. asian guys are not that picky, so for them to shun an asian girl she must be REALLY unattractive. A lot of the cases are just brides from China who want a canadian passport and use the guy for that, while the guy just wants the girl because he can't have the more socially desirable white girl.
The only thing to do is let other people know how we feel and hopefully they will agree with us. I know I stare daggers every time I see an interracial couple and I refuse to serve them at my work as a travel agent (my boss understands and agrees with me in a lot of ways, but she will still serve them.)
She made another hilarious comment on the same board, it finished:
"The worst is when I hear "oh what if they realy (sic) love eatch (sic) other" NO THEY DON'T! For one thing most chinese can't even speek (sic) english, how could you have love if you can't even comuniceat? (sic) What the woman REALLY wants is a Canadian visa!"
Well indeed, everyone needs to comuniceat is in the Bible that they should not mix.
So the fat, uneducated, bigoted, white bitch with the office job, twinkie addiction, sour disposition, superiority complex and axe to grind is a better catch than the slender, petite, fit, balanced, sexually aware Asian seductress.
You're more socially desirable how exactly? You'd rather eat than fuck? Good for social circles. Bad for relationships.
Have you ever had anyone look at your twice without vomiting?
Did that change the minute you opened your mouth you rancid pile of decomposing whale blubber?
Frankly, call me picky but I want a partner who can spell
Oh, and she actually needs to be a human being, so you wouldn't qualify even if you could afford a spell checker.
I just can't comprefend how people see race as an issue when dating. I really hate to be vulgar, but I love this saying: "You can be white, black, yellow, or brown, they're all pink on the inside"
Yeah, you go girl, way to give dirty looks to interracial couples! I'm sure, thanks to you, we'll be a fully segregated society in no time!
She REFUSES to serve interracial couples? This is a lawsuit waiting to happen! What is her boss thinking? Even if she's as repulsively racist as this moron, I would think the boss would be concerned about legal action from a clear case of discrimination.
And Marianne, honey, your total lack of self-esteem comes through loud and clear. Don't hate asian women just because you're a dog.
I feel an irrepressible urge to murder this fucktard with my bare hands: throttle her, beat her to death, pop her eyes out, rip her throat with my nails, anything... Such a hate bag needs to die before it contaminates people!
Holy freaking hell, this is one of the most grossly offensive posts I've ever seen on this site. I would be slightly less pissed if this were actually a religious issue, but it's not. It's just personal ignorance flimsily guised by religous zeal. mariannej, you are an unholy bitch.
For someone whom I've never physically seen before, your bilge-pump ramblings of grand wizard sleeping off a three-day drunk paint you as one of the ugliest 'people' I have ever had the misfortune to listen to.
If YOU had sex with a human, THEY would be committing bestiality. I hope you choke on an eggroll.
I've had those stares and they generally come from people who lack something in their life. In this woman's case I'd say that first of all, she's lacking a decent job, then, an education and given her attack on Asian women, a tight body and youthful face.
Life isn't fair and sometimes it's easier to find a scapegoat than it is to improve your own situation.
First of all, let me remind you that the slavers in the 18th century were, by your standards, guilty of bestiality, BECAUSE THEY HAD BASTARD CHILDREN WITH THEIR SLAVES. And Alexander Dumas Sr is the living proof(is he retarded or what?). And what about if I marry say, Denzel Washington(if he becomes a widower, that´s it), do you think he will be trying to promote himself OR THE OTHER WAY ROUND?.
Let´s go to the Bible. Not only intermarriage abounded(see Solomon or Moses, who married black women), but also, they never mentioned "thou shalt not marry a black person". Some people say that the MOST they forbid is marrying a non-Jewish, who you are. The reason why God doesn´t condenm intermarriage is that he didn´t make races to be separated, just to make them adapt BETTER to their surroundings. It´s not the same as with a chimpanzee(the proof is that they have a healthy descendancy). The problem you mentioned is the interested part of slavery, something God didn´t mingle with, because in Europe it didn´t started until 18th century, long after the Bible was written. Now, if you wanna say that instead of a cow we´ve got an Ox, be my guest, it´s your problem.
"Interracial dating is beastality, akin to a human mating with a chimpanzee."
Since animals don't have souls, does the result of this mating have a soul or not? If the result of this mating mated with a white person, would this quarter animal have a soul? If not, at what point in this process would a soul appear? And what would you use for a soul-o-meter?
Isn't science fun?
"every time I see an interracial couple and I refuse to serve them at my work as a travel agent "
You don't sell them a ticket to auschwitz?
Man, I wanna come to your travel agency, and when you refuse to serve me, I can be rich. Lawyers will be ringing ME up begging me to let them take the case.
Isn't Michelle Malkin married to a white guy? True, she's Filipino, not Asian per se, but she's attractive ... when her mouth's shut.
Isn't it illegal to refuse to provide your services to people based on their ethnic group?
Y'know what? Stupid white-supremacist misanthropes aren't all that interesting.
She REFUSES to serve interracial couples? This is a lawsuit waiting to happen!
Especially since she admitted it in a public forum.
Yes, anything a person says on the internet by way of a message board or Myspace is fair game in any legal action.
BTW, for one of the fiction series I write I have an inter-racial marraige. The husband is an American with strong German descent, and the wife is Japanese with a dual citizenship. A large part of the time I give to them is devoted to explaining the fact that although they have had issues blending their two backgrounds, they truely do love each other.
God created the races to be separate and it is in the Bible that they should not mix
So a guy having sex with you (not that he'd want to, and that might be the reason for your diatribe against normal females) would be bestiality because face it're a cow.
It is also the Bible that says "In Christ there is neither male nor female, slave nor freedman, civilized man nor barbarian" and also "What God has called clean you are not to call unclean"
He demanded racial purity for the Israelites yes, but since the Christian religion is comprised of countless people from around the world I don't think he gives a shit who we marry,and from what country.
And for someone who takes the Bible to an extreme literal translation you seem to forget that God created all human beings EQUAL!
In the paper today, there was a Korean woman who was killed by a hit-and-run driver. Her Japanese husband held a press conference.
They live in Vancouver because they couldn't stand living as a mixed-race couple in either of their former nations.
MD 20/20 -
No such thing as an ugly mixed-race baby! 8)
Wow. So much ignorance in one post. I'm a little speechless, a lot angry, and a medium amount of sad (tempered only by the hope this is a troll).
Ironically, the song I was listening to the exact moment I read this was "Chiaroscuro" by Paula Cole, about mixed-race love.
"How we lived a secret life from racist eyes..."
Christian Nazi Racist of the Month Award goes to this bitch, mariannej.
Mariannej's just jealous, because Asian women look a lot hotter than she does, I bet you.
Dear Ignorant, If humans only interacted with the ones of the same race (... yeah right, most of the people aren't 100% white, or black, or asian... we're all mixed already, idiot), our flaws would increase, therefore we'd be weaker and weaker.
The reason why a Human seeks for a different race is to enhance the genetics of their children.
IT is the way for us to become healthier, stronger.
Dark skin is stronger against the effects of the "sun".
Dark eyes are also the strongest (light eyes such as green or blue are weaker, making the possibilities of having to use glasses or having other sight problems a lot MORE).
That is the reason why a white person with blue eyes, might search for a "darker" partner, so the eyes and skin of his/her children are stronger and they survive.
Please stop being stupid =D.
Guess I should only be dating mostly-black a little white people, then.
I can't wait to see God holy bitch slap them into hell where them belong.
FUCK YOU IN THE FUCKING NECK. Seriously, if you breathe a single moment longer, I'll nuke your ass to the moon and past! What fucking gives you the right to say two people who love each other can't get married, or participate in activities that suggest love?! EVERYONE IS EQUAL!!! And the goal should be that everyone loves each other, no matter how sappy it sounds! I hope that travel agent boss of yours and you spend an eternity burning in a lake of fire.
Some days, I wish Christianity was irrefutably true, just so when the Rapture comes Jesus can come to Earth and personally condemn people like this to hell. I so want to see their faces when it happens.
ok guys I totally agree with EVERYTHING you guys are saying.
but um, wouldn't it be better to tell it to the source, by say finding the original website?
because this is off of a website making fun of this sort of stuff. It's a collection of idiotic quotes from all around the internet.
but still, this is beyond horrible.
maybe we should find the source, and copy paste all the comments made on this to the original place. Then every single post will actually have a chance of it being read by the original writer.
who's with me?
yaaarrr no ones rejected from anywhere and not everyone is judgemental like you, have you ever thought that people get with someone because they like their looks and personality and are open minded enough to not care about interracial dating? your just limiting yourself with these stupid thoughts, white people are not better than any other race. every race is equal with same dna and same bodily functions so stick to your inbred racism if you must, you just look stupid.
There's... nothing in the Bible forbidding interracial marriage. The idea comes from a bizarre interpretation of Genesis saying that all the plants and animals produced offspring after their kind as a moral law forbidding interbreeding, rather than a statement of how things worked to produce the quantities of life we see today.
In fact, Moses married a black woman, and when someone complained, God cursed them to be as white as a leper -- I'm not clear from the specific passage whether God actually gave hem one of the forms of leprosy that destroys skin pigmentation, or just made them as pale as if they had it. (The word used in English is "Leprous", which can either mean they had leprosy, or had traits as if they were a leper.)
Get the hell off my planet.
I'm serious. We should deport racist idiots like this to the moon, so they don't fuck up the Earth any more than they already have.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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