mariannej #racist

Interracial dating is beastality, akin to a human mating with a chimpanzee. God created the races to be separate and it is in the Bible that they should not mix. I think anyone who participates in it will go to the lowest form in the afterlife.

It is not based on love. The racially inferior being wants to worm their way into the "upper" white class while the white person usually is someone who has been rejected by other prospective partners in their race and has to turn to a lower human form. For people who aren't race concius a lot of them would rather be with an inferior person than be alone unfortantaly.

The most common interracial couple I see here are white men with asian women. You have to really wonder about a relationship that's based on two people who have been rejected from each of their races and come to each other in desperation. asian guys are not that picky, so for them to shun an asian girl she must be REALLY unattractive. A lot of the cases are just brides from China who want a canadian passport and use the guy for that, while the guy just wants the girl because he can't have the more socially desirable white girl.

The only thing to do is let other people know how we feel and hopefully they will agree with us. I know I stare daggers every time I see an interracial couple and I refuse to serve them at my work as a travel agent (my boss understands and agrees with me in a lot of ways, but she will still serve them.)



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