(website) #fundie #wingnut liberalsmustdie.com

image: What Would Jesus Do? Kick a liberal in the balls!


I have know Liberal Ball Kicker for a long time, and I know that he stands for the same things as I do.

Converting Americans and forigners to Christianity by any means necessary
Implementing a flat tax
Removing the "Death Tax"
The removal of Dicatators around the world, as well as Democratically elected leaders who criticize the United States and/or George W. Bush (I'm talking about you Chirac)
Manditory gun ownership laws
Overthrow of Roe v. Wade
Overthrow of Brown v. Board of Ed.
Merging our government with the Church of Jesus Christ.
Many many more


The election is coming up and we need to focus on the issues most important to Americans:
Gay Marriage
Flag Burning
Privatizing Social Security



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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