I am a preacher's daughter who has raised 4 great kids... only something went wrong the day after Christmas. My 21 year old son sat me down to tell me he is gay. This has been the worst week of my life. I have raised all my children in church... I just don't know what went wrong or what I did wrong. He currently attends Saint Louis University (a very liberal university)... and although he says he still loves the Lord and has a personal relationship with Jesus, he says in his opinion... it ok to be a "gay Christian"... What am I suppose to do? I am normally the one who fixes everything... I have a very influential and demanding job... I'm always in control... but this last week, I thought about suicide and I have to take sleeping pills at night to sleep. I can't eat, sleep... I can't even breathe... I feel like I am dieing and I think his death would have been easier on me than walking through this valley. Is there ANY hope?
If that's really how you think and feel, then no - there is no hope. You're gonna have to let go of your narrow-minded fundie views. If you'd rather your son was dead than gay, you seriously need to get off the church-wagon.
"Is there ANY hope?"
Of course--there is hope that he will grow up and leave your sorry ass far, far behind, and the farther, the better. You see, I'm an optimist.
But hope for You--that's doubtful.
Your religion tells you it's wrong to be gay so to combat it you seek refuge in a thought which your religion says is even more wrong. Seek professonal help for yourself. Not only so you can work out your negative views, but because they are making you think of committing suicide. That right there tells me that you have a serious problem. Your son is an adult. His life choices are not under your control and should not be affecting you this way. Let go and love him for the same person he has always been when he was keeping part of himself from you and perhaps even himself.
Another case of christ complex. YOU are not being persecuted. Your son is not 'doing this' to piss you off or test you. YOU have problems that YOU need to deal with.
Think about it; your love for the bible and it's rules has you depressed, taking drugs and considering suicide. Is that what jesus would do?
Yes, one, no suicide. Your son is not a monster and I don´t think your father did a good job with you if you don´t understand that you can´t take away life so easily for such a nonsense. And don´t dare to stop pro-euthanasia people, of course. Just remember who Jesus had dinner with and don´t be gullible. Many of them didn´t leave their lifestyle afterwards. If you love your son, tell him your opinion and listen his, just for a while.
You are overreacting. There's nothing that needs to be fixed as nothing is broken. Your son is still your son and he is still a great kid.
BTW: If being gay is genetic, then you were a factor. If it's environmental, you were still a factor. Think about it.
"I'm always in control."
THAT says so much about this situation. I'll bet you've been "in control" of so many situations and so many people that you've effectively shut God out and built a wall around yourself to keep Him from getting in.
Thanks be to God that your son was able to find the one weak spot in your otherwise impermeable wall so that maybe God *finally* has a chance get through to you, Tina!
Hats off to Rev. Jim for his comments - which, by the way, I'm going to memorize for the next time this topic comes up in real life.
Who knows, Tina? This whole incident could teach you to become compassionate !
Get therapy, Tina. You're depressed by something that's completely out of your control, so you feel helpless. This is not the end of the world, you only think it is.
Then get the fuck over yourself. Most of your post talks about YOUR feelings, YOUR confusion, YOUR problem with your son being gay. "Oh, heavens, what will the neighbors think? How can I face anyone at church now?" You're turning your son's revelation into your own personal drama so it's all about YOU.
And you haven't mentioned what your husband or your other kids think. Maybe they're ok with it. Maybe you're the only one with a problem.
The explanaition for this is quite simple. You see your improperly placed faith system in which you claim to be a Christian but fail to live up to Christian values has angered God. As a result, Jesus sent you a gay son to punish you. While your son is guarenteed a place in heavan for his sacrifice in having to put up with a sick piece of shit like you. My suggestion is to repent and love your son, maybe God will forgive you. Oh yeah, become a liberal too.
Lady, he's gay. You can't "fix" it. I'm sorry that your belief system makes you feel that your son has suddenly become an evil monster or abomination, but he didn't. You aren't to blame. Your son isn't to blame. Your god isn't to blame. So just take a deep breath, relax, and be glad that he still wants to be a Christian, despite the abuse and discrimination he'll be facing from his own brethren.
Sheesh, control-freak much, BrokenProgenitrix? There is nothing to "fix" in your son. In you, on the other hand....
There's hope, but it's remote and I don't put any money on it being worth holding on to.
Simply put; give up your insane idea that he's doing something wrong. He's not. He is who he is. I don't care how you rationalise that with your faith, but he didn't choose it. And if his upbringing is anything like you imply, then he knows damn well how you'll feel about him being gay - ask yourself whether he would willingly cause you that distress, and whether he would risk his own standing in your eyes.
And you're sick in the head for thinking it might have been easier for him to die. (Although if we remember that other post here, he might end up dead anyway through your lack of compassion and common sense, so you'll get the best of both worlds.)
RevJim ftw!
Good for the pastor.
Now someone help her calm down please, and give her advice.
Knocking her off the high horse is a good first step, but then you've got to disciple her in how to be loving towards her son.
Yes sister, there is hope for you yet. Let go of your irrational hatred of gay folk. Let go of your fear of hellfire and damnation. Let go of the idea that your god hates your son. If your god is truly Love, why the fear? Why the need to self-destruct? Let it go sister.
St. Louis University is a liberal school? I grew up in St. Louis, and if I'm not mistaken, it's a Jesuit school!
Although, it does like somewhat liberal compared to BYU! ;)
And Reverend Jim? Very awesome. :)
You see, there's a handy little contraption called a 'gun'. Now if you take it-first make sure it has bullets in it!-and put it to your forehead-right in the middle- and pull the trigger, the pain goes away!
Kudos to Rev Jim.
Tina is obviously a type-A who discovered that her "control" is an illusion, and suffers anxiety attacks in consequence.
Po' baby! Awwwww ...
Nobody needs a mother like that. Nobody.
Such is the penalty when you give your life to judgementalism. At least the posters on that thread, even if many of them were very homophobic (and at least one appeared to be in serious denial about being gay), were generally spot-on about maintaining a relationship.
I hope she learns to respect her son's homosexuality as something inherent in him rather than a choice, and I hope she's been able to keep herself together after having such a shakeup. And I hope she learns to open up. She obviously cares a great deal, but has never really been taught to understand tolerance.
Sad that people can be so retarded to feel like that when their child comes out of the closet.
I did that, personally, not too long ago.
I'm glad to say that I'm still loved in my christian right-wing family.
Because isn't that the idea of being a christian?
To love?
What am I suppose to do? I am normally the one who fixes everything
Try to understand - he's happy, and he's in university, presumably on the road to a good education and a good life. There's nothing for you to "fix".
I feel like I am dieing and I think his death would have been easier on me than walking through this valley.
I was feeling kind of sympathetic for you in your brainwashed bewilderment, right up until that sentence. Indoctrination or not, anyone who could think that is unfit to be a parent.
"What am I suppose to do?"
well, according to Jesus, you are supposed to sell all your things and give all the money to the poor. Until you do that, you should consider teh gays a non-issue, and focus on why you are such a bad Christian yourself that you thought you had a right to save your own money.
He is still the same as he has always been, it's just your mental picture of him that has gotten a serious crack. If you just mend that crack with love, and mold it into a new picture of him, that is closer to reality, you will soon find that this thing is of little importance really. He is your son, he seems well adjusted and is getting an education, and he's corageous; saying that to you can't have been easy for him.
Thou shalt not kill, that is in with the Ten Commandments, the ten most important rules from God. Suicide is killing someone, wishing death on someone is not pious, either. "Don't be gay" is NOT among the Ten Commandments, so that can't have been that important with God.
Yes Tina , there is Hope. God will touch your son, he will bring home a nice christian girl and announce their engagement. Thia will all be a terrible dream. Have faith.
Or get a grip and accept you have a gay son.
your choice.
According to the Bible, being gay is just as forbidden as wearing clothes of mixed fabrics or cooking meat and dairy in the same pots and pans and then eating them together. If you can eat a cheeseburger, then you can have a gay son.
You'd rather have a dead son? Didn't your god say Thou Shalt Not Kill?
“I feel like I am dieing and I think his death would have been easier on me than walking through this valley.”
Because it’s all about you. That’s your problem. To you, your child’s identity is supposed to reflect your ideology, your faith, your image of him.
Grow up. He’s a discrete person. Deal with that..
Worst week of my life? Probably my wife’s miscarrage. Maybe Dad’s death. Or when one of my sons was arrested. Shipmate’s death during a training exercise.
When one told me he was gay? Meh. I had a greater emotional reaction to the doc telling me i had to have a colonoscopy. I think that’s appropriate, as you’ve got your head up your ass.
Imagine if you were Catholic and it was 80 years ago. And your son broke it to you that he was Left Handed, and he didn’t care what the nuns did, he was going to write as a leftie from now on.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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