Gravity: Doesn't exist. If items of mass had any impact of others, then mountains should have people orbiting them. Or the space shuttle in space should have the astronauts orbiting it. Of course, that's just the tip of the gravity myth. Think about it. Scientists want us to believe that the sun has a gravitation pull strong enough to keep a planet like neptune or pluto in orbit, but then it's not strong enough to keep the moon in orbit? Why is that? What I believe is going on here is this: These objects in space have yet to receive mans touch, and thus have no sin to weigh them down. This isn't the case for earth, where we see the impact of transfered sin to material objects. The more sin, the heavier something is.
I guess the DirecTV satellites are sin-free, since they just hang there motionless over our heads.
Assuming the space shuttle weighs about 2 million pounds, the gravitational attraction between a 175 lb. astronaut and the shuttle at a distance of about 30 feet would be about 2/10,000ths of an ounce. Play around with other gravity questions here ==> Physics Equations
The moon is in orbit around the sun, together with the earth.
Waitaminute... by his reasoning, wouldn't the Sun need to be weighed down by Sin, too?
So... who's sinning on the Sun, hm?
I do believe that T&T, Carico, and Bro.Randy are in a league of their own. With occasional guest appearances by Ceridwen. I just don't understand why they believe all this shit?
(sorry for shouting)
You know, Einstein got his Nobel Prize for (with others) inventing quantum physics, for his work on the photoelectric effect. I suggest that T&T continues to work on his/her sin physics, elaborating on the interaction of sin and ... BWAHAHAHAAAHAAAAA!!! I can't go on ... wait, breathed again.
What about the moon? By the time the moon was going to make a fly by, man had accidently his moon rocket ready to go and thought "Hmm, wouldn't it be fancy to have a moon to look at?" Whammo, touched by man and sinful moon is now heavy enough to circle the even more sinful earth. Whew, I'm glad NASA didn't send untouched virgins up there!
There is no way people can be this fucking stupid ,And know how to use a computer. or a toilet for that matter .
..It is honestly freighting thought to relize that thier are people like this moron out thier with axcess to automatic weapon and ammo .
I really do fear that idiots like this one, might find a another dim wit and might figure out just exactly what his penis is for ,find out were to put his hard on and spawn off spring that are just dumb and dim witted as there jerk off parents are ....
That just doesn't make sense. If sin was a measure of how heavy something was, wouldn't that mean that humans would be the heaviest things on the planet? But I suppose making sense is less important to you than validating your favorite fantasy, huh?
OK.....let me check out T&T's claim....
....OK back. I went and got my micro-scale. King James Bible 34.334 ounces. Hang on, gotta borrow something from my neighbor.....
.....OK back again. OK, the Bible was what, just over 2 pounds? Right. Copy of "Slammin' Man Meat," an eye-wateringly hard-core gay porn mag weighs in at 4.221 ounces.
You telling me that the KJV is almost 9 times as sinful as "Slammin' Man Meat?"
Additional: Looks like T&T is trying to get an early lead for Fundie of the Year 2007...
Science: If it mentions something, it's immediately wrong.
PS. Medicine is a myth, as well as atomic bombs and refrigerators. Everyone knows hospitals sell you poison and the grace of God heals you and then some, all the people in Hiroshima + Nagasaki vanished on the spot as a conspiracy against the US (those bonb pictures were photoshopped by God too), and the government just wants you to believe your food's cold.
I didn't think it was possible, but it happened. This is quite possibly the dumbest thing I have EVER read. I could spend some time rebutting it, but what's the use. That dude will never read it and even if he did, he will just laugh thinking that I'm posessed by some demon or whatnot. In light of rubbish such as this, one automatically wants to see the evidence but is it even worth asking?
Oh my God, I just about ruined my new laptop. Never drink anything while reading this guy's fantasies. Trinidad and Tobago is quickly eclipsing ikester, supersport and Johnr7. Congrats T&T, you are a prince amongst idiots.
Trinidad and Tobago: The formula for gravitational pull is image
m1 =Mass of object A
m2 =Mass of object b
G=6.67-11 . That's 0.0000000000667
d=Distance. So this basically means that if you get twice as far away, the pull is one quarter as strong.
So you need an object of incredible mass to have a noticeable pull.
Also, the moon orbits the Earth and the Sun both, though the Earth is what it orbits most directly. This is because the moon is significantly closer to the Earth. The moon is approximately 238,327 miles from the Earth. The sun about 93 million miles away. That's an immense difference. Okay?
So, shouldn't the earth, weighted down with all of this 'sin', just fall to the bottom of the universe?
It's VERY simple, T&T. The moon orbits the earth, and the earth orbits the sun, therefore the moon travels around the sun with the earth, and thus it also orbits the sun . It's a little thing called superposition.
As a physics teacher, I can authoritatively say that this T&T person has never had a physics course. If he had, he would have seen sample problems showing how gravity works. Simple problems like the force of gravity between a person and a mountain, or the force of gravity between the sun and pluto. It doesn't take Einstein to figure out that Newton's law of gravity does exactly what we say it does.
Definately fundie. I gave it a five.
@Captain Janeway
Breathtakingly ignorant. This is on par with 'spirits in your skull cause your headache' - leading theory in the 13th century.
Nothing mysterious about the origin of my headache: T&T, Bro. Randy and a few others got me headdesking myself into a concussion...
"Gravity: Doesn't exist. If items of mass had any impact of others, then mountains should have people orbiting them"
The graviational influence of a mountain - extant albeit very small - was used to calculate the force of Earth's gravity in the eighteenth century, iirc.
So... if atomic theory is false, how does a Geiger Counter or a spinthariscope work?
If continental drift is false, why does South America tuck so neatly into Africa? Why are the rocks on the Jersey Shores very much like those in Morocco? Why are there dinosaur fossils in Antarctica?
This just goes to show, the world will never run out of , or short on, stupidity.
Why don't you read a science book instead of just making up moronic theories for things you don't understand?
If you do a bit of reasearch, you discover that the moon is orbiting the earth, but if you look closer, it's more reasonable to say that the moon is orbiting the sun, but is moves a bit odd because of the influence of the earth. The sun pulls the moon much more than the sun does. So this quote is fundi to the bone.
He/She just proved his/her points by themselves. The more massive an object is, the greater its gravitational pull is. The Earth is a keck of a lot bigger than a mountain so we stick to the EARTH. The sun is more massive than the space shuttle so astronauts stay in orbit around the SUN. Last time I checked, the sun HAS stolen our moon. The moon is revolving around the sun primarily, then revolving around the Earth secondarily.
PROTIP: Gravity is the weakest of what we commonly refer to as the "four fundamental forces", even though it may seem contrary to our common sense. It's effects only become visible at large scales (such as in the case of astronomical bodies). In addition, we often do not percieve the other forces or do not percieve them as such: eletromagnetic charges often cancel each other out, we percieve the nuclear forces as the stability of objects.
Nigga, I love this gangsta shit.
The ignorance, the stupidity, the misuse of Biblical AND scientific concepts. This quote's position of #1 may never be usurped, for all we know. Candidate for post of the decade.
does this guy at all realize that even though the earth is full of umm "sin," which I guess would include him because he lives here, that the earth is also umm floating in space because there is no gravity out there? Does he think earth is just sitting on the ground??
I'm glad for you that sin makes the weight of something. Because if it was idiocy, I think you'd be constantly squashed on the ground.
Wait, is idiocy a sin? Is being an imbecile an offense to God? My poor dear, if I were you (I'll try not to imagine that too often - it might cause leasures to my brain) I'd quickly open a book and learn about gravity with an open mind. Do it for your sake. Everyone's sake actually.
Wishlist : Someone please tell me T&T is fake or a hoax. Please. *beg*.
So. Sin. Right.
Say that i found an innocent old woman who was a kind christian. Then i killed her. Then i smeared her blood all over my fingertips. Then i smeared the blood on a pancake. Would that pancake suddenly be 2 tons? No. It would gain mass, but only a nearly unmeasurable amount.
If you hadnt noticed, im not stupid, im making fun of the whole 'sin = weight [not mass lolol]' thing.
and plus, if sin made something heavier, then wouldnt everything be orbiting earth? I mean come on dude. Its not like we've touched the sun, yet it's been getting all the attention. yet we're fuckin living on earth and nothing's orbiting us cept for the moon. Yeeup.
Mmyep, this post is pretty fuckin' hilarious.
I guess Ding-Dong here forgot to consider the part of the explanation of gravity where the amount of gravitational pull is in proportion to the amount of mass an object has. The moon has 1/6 the mass of Earth, and so it has 1/6 the gravitational pull of Earth. The earth is much larger than the mountains upon (duh) so the gravitational pull of the earth supercedes the pull of mountains...
T&T does have a small point, though... on top of his head!
After reading this...I have come to a conclusion
I don't not believe in any gods. Because you cant pity something if you don't think it exists.
I pity all omnipotent singular deities. They have fools like this one believing in them. If they are up there, down there, across there...Whatever...Then their probably facepalming over the stupidity.
This is hilarious! Please, it's awesome. T & T you are the stupidest person I have ever heard of!!!!!!!!
You, sir, are hilarious. Astronauts have been to the moon, and you don't see it falling to the ground.
Oh, by the way, I'm Christian, I just believe in gravity.
This article is complete, irredeemable copypasta. The submitter is Bat Fuck Insane, and deters at the beard.
If you attempt to optimize this, you will most insufficiently become Bat Fuck Insane yourself.
Or the submitter will rebel your peanut.
Are you people idiots or just ignorant? of course graity exists, infact we all have our own gravatational pull, its just tiny: about the strength of a gnats wing. run your hand under a tap, sometimes the water travels vertically down your arm, now thats proof of gravity you fuck face
Hairball wrote: "Hot water is the worlds biggest lie!"
Thermodynamics is the work of the devil! Maxwell admitted as much when he included demons in his theories!
Hot water is a lie! There's no such thing as heat, what you are feeling is a premonition of the eternal torment that awaits you for your sins! That's why lacivious places like Hawaii feel so hot! It's not the sun stupid, it's the immorality!
Why are angry people described as "hot and bothered"? Because anger is a sin! It's their sin that is making them hot!
It's not Global Warming, people, it's Global Sinning ! Jesus is cool! Repent and you can be too! IT'S IN THE BIBLE!
@Dumb Bitch
The more sin, the heavier something is.
Yes, because we all know condoms and diaphragms weigh TONS .
The more sin, the heavier something is.
Right. And that's why I keep seeing monks and nuns flying around all the time. Oh, wait, there was that one TV show...
#186507 2007-Mar-01 07:17 P
Waitaminute... by his reasoning, wouldn't the Sun need to be weighed down by Sin, too?
So... who's sinning on the Sun, hm?"
Not that I like doing it, but you have to move into their mindset.
Christians believe the sun orbits Earth.
I see. Does that mean that the likes of Nero, Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot etc each weighed millions of tons and had a noticeable gravitational affect on their surroundings - or was the mass increase effect of their sin somehow (and unfairly) distributed amongst the general population. And if...sorry! I'm going to have to go and burn out my eyes for having read this insanity. How the hell does this guy manage to tie his shoelaces without setting his hair on fire? And does this guy have the vote?
Either a fellow follower of the FSM, or a really, really, REALLY, obvious troll.
reminds me of something billy from the billy and mandy show said once...
"gravity is just the heavy back pack full of love god gives us!"
it's also equally as stupid.
You terribly confused creature, T&T...
ROFL @ "sex toy" comment. Good one, dude.
I learned this in Physics in high school. The influence of gravity becomes weaker the more you pull away from an object. The Sun's gravitational pull on the moon is much weaker than that of the Earth, so the moon stays in orbit around the Earth. Everything has a gravitational pull, however, sometimes one thing over power the other. Case in point about your example with both the spaceship and and the mountains. Nice job embarrassing yourself.
mass of space shuttle:2*10^6 kg
mass of earth: 6*10^24 kg
which is bigger? THE EARTH BY A LOT gravitation is governed not by the mass itself but by its magnitude in relation to the mass of the other object. thats why the gravitational force generated by earth can be calculated GM/(r^2)
Things orbit because they are constantly falling toward another body while moving to the side creating a projectile parabolic arc. Only since the body is so far away the object revolving falls past it and continues its parabolic arc creating a circular motion. So Pluto and Neptune aren't really held in orbit they are simply falling, just like a skydiver on earth toward the sun while traversing in one direction very quickly.
All objects in space attract one another at all times no matter the distance, but the attraction is stronger if they are closer. In fact I'm attracting everyone on earth right now as they all attract me at the same time. It is just not strong enough to have any effect. The entire earth is a lot larger than one mountain :P
Ignorance of natural laws.
But further???
I love to see him explain how stars, the sun, planets, moons, etc. seemingly behave as if gravity exists and yet there is no gravity.
And how does sin weigh people literally down?
And wat about animals and plants?
Are the big ones more sinful than humans?
I say cuckoo...
t&t should sit down and have a conversation with stephen hawking. maybe the proven laws of quantum gravity might put t&t on the right track to REALITY. although...ideas from people like t&t's mind tend to make normal peoples' heads expolode.
why is the sky blue, t&t? blue pixie fairies must have sprinkled their love dust above our earth from space while they were orbiting around mt. everest.
Do me a favor. Get in a spaceship, fly to another planet, either mars or venus or whatever, and test your theory. Good luck to you.
If items of mass had any impact of others, then mountains should have people orbiting them
Are you like 9 years old?Plz tell me you are.
That was posted March 01 of 2007. 2007! Not sometime in the 12th century! I guess its foolish to think that all modern day Christians have accepted scientific discovery. By this rational, a 130 pound serial murderer has sinned less then a 180 pound devout, faithfull Christian.
You need to understand the principal of gravity first. Gravity is a mutual force, acting upon all objects including light. In the equation [g=(m1+m2)/d^2], g means the rate at which the two objects accelerate towards one annother, m1 and m2 are the masses of both objects totaled up for one total mass, and d^2 is the distance between the two objects is squared. So the total mass of you and the Earth compared to you and a mountain is overwhelming, and in all senses cancels it out.
Last time I checked, God cursed the GROUND for Man's sake (Gen. 3) - meaning, for his own good. Probably so they would have something to do when "there's nothing to do." The sun is a ball of flaming gases, last time we checked... As for Gravity, either it is or the earth sucks. Some of these statements seem quite intelligent, but really, sometimes people make of Christianity a mockery by stating things like this.
And I am a child of God. (No, not of the Children of God).
So, you're saying that mass doesn't have an effect on universal bodies, but SIN does effect...wait, will you re-post that article, please. I think that your original post was in error.
he spelled tectonics wrong...
Plus, gravity is the weakest of all forces, indeed, the force does operate between all things of mass, but for the most part it's so minuscule that it has no affect. It's not until you start getting things which are absolutely massive before you start getting noticeable affects. This guy is absolutely ignorant of the maths behind gravity. It seems people like to stab out at science as a whole because it challenges the things they want to believe; yet they make no attempt of understanding that which they attack and therefore lose before they've even started.
If you went to school you could have seen the logic of physics. Why isn't the moon pulled towards the sun? The sun does have an influence on the moon but in physics we say that objects in space are attracted to bigger objects and this theory is influenced by distance. Earth is very close to the moon and so the moon turns around the earth, Earth is bigger than the moon so it hasn't got any influence from the moon but it DOES have influence of the sun and so the system earth-moon itself turns around the sun. If you don't believe this, why do you believe a story where a man kills a giant whit 1 rock? There's no proof of the existence of giants. The fact is that you don't have to take the bible literally.
Ummm.. so why do priests, nuns, cardianls' and the pope not float?
T&T.. Morons of the highest order
G(m1*m2)/r^2 is the force of gravity. for very heavy stuff, like planets, gravity has effect. for light stuff, like space ships and mountains, the effect is still there, but it just takes a while to become observable. The moon is in an orbit around the sun. right now, the moon is going around both the earth and the sun. it takes 28 to go around the earth and 365 (roughly) to go around the sun. if only sin has weight, then why are all those satellites still orbiting the earth, but we get meteors showers all the time? and why are atheists the same weight as Christians on average? Retake grade school, idiot.
sin =/= gravity
the sun DOES pull on the moon, its orbit around the earth is elliptical leaning towards the sun
The mountains DO pull you too them, but compared to the pull of the center of the earth, it is insignificant
This has GOT to be one of the FUNNIEST comments EVER WRITTEN.
How STUPID is this person?
Wait...dumb question. Clearly it is he STUPIDEST person in the history of stupid stupidity.
This has GOT to be one of the FUNNIEST comments EVER WRITTEN.
How STUPID is this person?
Wait...dumb question. Clearly this is the STUPIDEST person in the history of stupid stupidity.
This actually makes a lot of sense. Seriously. Can any of you smug SOBs tell me the atomic weight of sin? Didn't think so. So how can you prove what T & T is saying isn't true?
Non of y'all is Spooky neither.
I remember before I became an atheist, I used to make shit up like this too.
It's really amazing how it works, you see when your life is based on beliefs that make absolutely no sense, you can sort of just make up whatever crazy shit you want, and believe it absolutely without any qualms, because its just as plausible as the rest of the bullshit you believe, like God and talking animals.
COME ON people! Agreed the moon doesn't fall...because IT HASN'T BEEN TOUCHED by man. NASA is obviously a very subversive organisation funded by homosexuals. Why else would their so-called 'rockets' look like penises? And is it coincidence that "astronauts" is an anagram of "Satan's Tour"? I think not! The pictures of the supposedly spherical world we keep seeing have obviously been cleverly done in photoshop, the tool of the devil. The bible says "The camera never lies" but satan invented photoshop in an attempt to trick us into believing things that are patently untrue and which we cannot really see and therefore cannot rationally exist. Besides, if you tried to take a photograph from that height you'd collide with the sun, destroying it, and I think I'd have noticed that. QED. Furthermore, the idea that mountains are not big enough to make people orbit them is obviously farcical. I climbed one once and it was really big and I...
Sorry - I think I took this too far
This quote is hilarious, but don't get the wrong idea. I'm positive that there are very, very few Christians who think like this, and chances are that this quote is fake. Being a Christian, this is the first time I've heard this ridiculous claim come from anyone.
are you in drugs?
Why don't you leave the science to scientists?
And if you are going to make stupid posts like this, maybe you should actually research the subject.
Mountains don't have people orbiting them because the gravitational pull from the Earth is much much much greater than the mountians.
And the moon orbits the Earth because the ratio of distance between the moon to the earth is much smaller than that of the moon to the sun, so the Earth has more pull on the moon.
Why don't you leave the scientist to scientists?
And if you are going to make stupid posts like this, maybe you should actually research the subject.
Mountains don't have people orbiting them because the gravitational pull from the Earth is much much much greater than the mountians.
And the moon orbits the Earth because the ratio of distance between the moon to the earth is much smaller than that of the moon to the sun, so the Earth has more pull on the moon.
And Christians still wonder why people tell them they are stupid...
With people like this helping Jesus, who needs Satan?
Well, as a constant sinner myself, i have felt myself bein weighed down alot lately, somtimes i cannot get out of bed like i am stuck there, but rouse myself withsome kind of strength.
But maybe thats because i am a huge gluton, because im a really big sinner.
The other day i actually saw my friend orbiting a mountain, he has been their since so we just forget about him. Im sorry buddy, but your a FUCKING retard
I would like to take this moment to note that, given the proper distance and sideways velocity, an astronaut WILL orbit the space shuttle. Or any other vehicle that carries him up there correctly.
It is possible, though very difficult, to measure the direct attraction of gravity between two masses, through the Cavendish Experiment.
"The more sin, the heavier something is."
So that's why they nailed Jesus to a cross - stop him floating off.
I apologize for the complete ignorance displayed by the poster you've found "Trinidad and Tobago". The inundation of fundamentalism in this country (that we're both from) continues to embarass us worldwide. And sadly, much of the population remain ignorant as to why.
I felt it necessary to inform that not all of us are this stupid.
I SEE CLEARLY NOW! everything is based on the thoughts of people, and the world is set together by a glue made of pain and suffering, so when we come too the point were we can cure disease and everyone will be able too live a painless life the world will collapse on itself and the higher powers will make everything the way it was and try again.
But, oh, no! Disease does not really exist as it is a result of demons!
Just because you think something is true does not make it so, plus NOTHING IS TRUE, the whole concept of truth is put in our minds somewhere during our evolution. therefor, if there is no man there is not truth. NOES! i could go on forever but my brain hurts and i need some more beer to kill the pain.
Yeah szenah,I'm sure T & T is even into booking for a third in a row in advance.
Lesson 1: T&T should go to school or if he has ask the teacher for his money back.
Lesson 2: Either use a better grade of ganja or quit smoking it.
Lesson 3: Perhaps T & T is 6000 years old if he hasn't noticed a change in the weather in all that time.
Fuck this is hillarious. xD
This person has obviously not studied Physics. I'm taking A Level Physics at the moment and we're taking the simplest things about Gravitational Fields and their strengths. xD
So funny. So if .. A person sins everyday, do we all find ourselves stuck to their ass?
I think not...
Funny shit..
"The more sin, the heavier something is."
lol..ok what about hitler - how come he wasn't a fat ass? or are you saying he was a decent guy?
god i love fundies
@ Total Atheist:
The phenomenon you describe (water running down one's arm) is more a demonstration of surface tension... but that's a trifling detail compared to T&T's immense stupidity.
In fact, CARM's and FSTDT's servers exhibits surprising structural strength: after more than a year, they haven't undergone gravitational collapse due to the sheer mass of fail in that one post.
last time i checked i haven't seen T'n'T flying in sky. even though T'n't surely makes things fly by it's "touch".
implication: if one paws woman he takes sins away from here.
quote="Gravity: Doesn't exist."
of course. it is just mathematical/physical model for observed'n'measured behaviour in our reality. anyway i would like to see papers and repeat steps he made to discover sin particles. or maybe waves.
actually it is not such bad metaphore that good peoples go to heaven if they do not have sins, and the whole thing is caused by stopping "their gravity" from existence. so neither birds nor clouds are sinners.
it makes me just wonder how indian fakirs fit to that. they are by his definition no sinners even though the are not christians.
quote="The more sin, the heavier something is."
the heavier it is the more it is brought to ground by ... this mark of beast => Fg = k* m1*m2/(r*r).
he must be very strong person to say such words for he might be crucifed for it. and very educated and wise man for he is able to hide his though in such beautyful metaphore.
"These objects in space have yet to receive man's touch, and thus have no sin to weight them down." Oh, that's rich. And where does it say this in the Bible? That's right, IT DOESN'T. You're making up your own "religion" as you go along. Wonder what God has to say about that..."think I'll do some editing on Luke today and maybe John tomorrow." Brilliant.
Obviously you didnt pay attention in physics class ...
Oh, and our moon has in fact had people on it - yet it orbits earth, not the sun.
Anyway - you dont believe in orbits and such things, because the earth is flat and has four corners according to the GREATEST book on physics and geology EVER, the BIBLE! and its not true due to independantly repeatable experimentation, its true JUST BECAUSE IT IS!!!
Grow up people!
fat people = evil xD
*facepalm* *facepalm*
I went to the original forum, read more of the posts by TnT, and the answers by other forum members. I am astonished and find his/her ignorance to be nothing short of atrocious! I wanted to join up to try and set things straight, but when he/she/it started claiming that a computer is a mechanical device and that we cannot manipulate individual atoms I saw the pointlessness in this.
Now, in general I have high hopes for humankind - I want to see us spread among the stars - but these people, and there are an awful lot of them, always seem to take all that hope and potential away.
Shame on you fundies! Shame on you!
*spt spt*
are you serious????
*brain explodes*
fuck your god!
Damn it, I wish that 3-ton semi sitting outside my driveway was less sinful, because if it was, I'd be able to just lift it out of the way and get out of my driveway. Ironically, it's a truck from the Mormon church down the street... whaddya wanna bet it has Bibles in it?
...Wow. Okay, I don't judge Catholics as a whole, but people like this...People like this are the reason why they got rid of fractions and decimals in the educational system (TRUE FACT, by the way - look it up) of a certain city in Kansas because it was "too complicated". Very funny, though. This person makes the current president look smart. As far as I know, Bush knows gravity happens - whether he understands it or not. I could be wrong, though. You might want to check my facts...
But if gravity doesn't exist, than the weight (or sin level) of an object wouldn't matter. Also, if we are without sin, does that mean that we would float off into space and die?
So to elaborate on your reasoning, or to destroy it, rather, a church probably weighs more than a prostitute. Which one sins more? According to your reasoning, the church.
But man HAS touched the moon...
I'm confused. Does that mean a large-print copy of the Bible is more sinful that the pocket-sized copy, and people with bad vision are going to hell?
is this person fucking retarded? this person doesn't know shit about what gravity is. I hope the radiation from his computer screen kills his sperm. get him out of the fucking gene pool. it would be even better if he does it in a way that it qualifies for the Darwin awards, where you lose the ability to reproduce due to something you did that was completely stupid (ie. attempting to play Russian roulette with a semi-automatic pistol that automatically reloads the next round into the chamber). Unfortunately, this guy has a probable mental disorder, thus disqualifying him.
So if we land on the Moon it's going to crash into the Earth? Would have been nice to know that in 1969...
(Incidentally, scientists don't "want us to believe" anything. The scientific method does not work that way!)
Oh My god. You are really really dumb. You have heard enough about gravity to think you know how it works, but you OBVIOUSLY haven't thought it through buddy.
The moon DOES orbit the sun retard, same as everything else on earth.
DAMN! Why do only dumbest people post on forums? I'm dumb too but not THAT dumb... Sheesh.
Øyvind > Waitaminute... by his reasoning, wouldn't the Sun need to be weighed down by Sin, too?
So... who's sinning on the Sun, hm?
God moved Sodom and Gomorrah there, rather than destroying them. Now their sins keep our whole solar system in sync. Nifty, huh?
Now, as to what keeps the sun orbiting around the galactic center . . . I dare not think it.
Also, it just occurred to me that if we all die in orbit, we're as sin free as Christ who floated off the cross!
So what you are saying is, when the world was created in the way you believe the first bits of life simply floated away from Earth... very plauseable indeed.
I would love to take a tour of your brain but the tickets to visit an infinite black hole have been sold out for years.
Earth's gravitation is stronger than the mountains' gravitation.
The moon IS in orbit around the sun. It just orbits Earth as well.
Wouldn't Mars be orbiting Earth, then? We have had space probes landing on Mars, haven't we? Those space probes were touched by man, i.e. Mars is touched by proxy.
"If items of mass had any impact of others, then mountains should have people orbiting them."
Except the gravitational pull of the Earth is greater then that of a mere mountain, so people stay on the ground.
what horrible sin have lead and gold committed ? I would hate to wear a wedding ring filled with sin.
si feathers and styrofoam beads are fairly sinless ? good to know I can sleep in my fairly sinless bed in safety.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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