I've read many of the rape victims in the world are multiple time victims. Is there something that singles them out? More than that is there a point where you have to stop pitying the victim (while still blaming the perpetuator) case in point if a black man storrms a KKK meeting screaming Black Power I can't pity him when he gets beat down. So what are other logical opinions?
"if a black man storrms a KKK meeting screaming Black Power I can't pity him when he gets beat down"
SeanRenaud only believes in freedom of speech when it applies to his pro-fundy rantings, it seems. Myself, I pity the poor hypothetical black guy (he's missing his sense of self-preservation, and probably wits), and I pity the country in which someone could be beaten down for expressing his ideas, but most of all I pity that Sean's parents didn't get an abortion while they could.
Hope that helps,
Grey Wolf
One of the problems with fundyism is that these people set hypothesis while having in mind a stereotypical scenario. What this idiot is having in mind is the typical teenager who dress this way of the other and drinks(see the whole post). Ok, when we take into account the world(Is it allowed in Saudi Arabia to drink and dress provocatively?, hey, it´s part of the world too), we´re meaning something that breaks the stereotype. We´re meaning women molested, REPETEADLY, by their male relatives or friends, victims of aduction, of war or just bad luck, NOT SLUTS AS THIS IDIOT THINKS. The analogy with the black person is ridiculous and misses the point. Even if a woman seems to be asking for it, the perpetrator, be it KKK men or a rapist, can control themselves and don´t make anything. What we punish is their intention of not adjusting to social norm, not the fact whether they have been provoked or not.
I get the feeling you've never felt any pity, or even merely compassion, for any black man who got beat down by white men for being "uppity," nor for any woman who was ever raped (as long as it was by a white man).
One black man storming a KKK meeting is foolishness. Ten thousand black men storming a KKK meeting is justice.
Let's see, racism, sexism, retardism, obtuse-ism, idiotism, and fuckheadism.
I've never met you sean, but I can honestly say I hate you.
While someone may argue that a person starving to death can be excused for stealing some readily available food, the same argument can't be used in the case of rape. Regardless of what a young guy may tell his girlfriend in the back of dad's Buick, you can't die from lack of sex. Rape is never the victim's fault.
I've read many of the rape victims in the world are multiple time victims. Is there something that singles them out?
I'm guessing that "something" would be that they have a close relationship with the rapist - their teacher, their priest, boyfriend, husband, uncle, or father.
"Other" logical opinions?
My theory is that what underlies this "blame the victim" mentality is the same thing that explains why fundies think that anyone who does not share their belief in bible god has no morality and might be apt to commit all sorts of mayhem and also why they assume that everyone has to worship something like they do (such that, for example, they see “Darwinism” as a religion).
Simply put, most fundies have no sense of empathy . Though they’d deny it, they are totally self-absorbed. Their “devotion” to god isn’t really directed outward but instead is fixated inward on the god meme within their own minds. When they proclaim that they have a “relationship” with jesus, what they really mean is that they are infatuated with a figment of their imagination which they continually reinforce through prayer and other fundy-accepted forms of self-hypnosis.
Most fundies can't put themselves in the place of another person, so they can’t understand or sympathize with a crime victim’s suffering. If they practice the Golden Rule, it’s only because the fear of hell or hope of a heavenly award motivates them to do so not because they really understand or care how another person might feel if they commit some bad act against that person.
A lack of empathy is also a trait of habitual criminal offenders. If we could figure out how to instill empathy in all people from the time of their very early childhood, we’d have fewer criminals and fewer fundies.
Er, what about situations like Darfur? There are many women and girls being raped repeatedly. I'm pretty sure they aren't "playing the victim". Gangbangs don't only happen in war-torn countries either.
You, sir, are a fucking moron.
Excellent post, Jezebel's Evil Sister. Although Ambrielle raises a good point re: cause & effect.
I think fundamentalist religion appeals to many of these people because it allows them to be as mean & nasty as they like while still allowing them to keep a "moral high ground" of sorts. They can maintain the illusion of righteousness while simultaneously taking out their aggression on their intended victims. The KKK and Fred Phelps' Westboro Baptist Church are two classic examples of this phenomenon. These people are using religion as a weapon against people they don't like, rather than as a tool to improve themselves and their society.
I don't want to contradict Jezebel's Evil Sister's thoughts, but this attitude comes from the Just World Hypothesis, in which many Christians believe in deeply.
The idea is, if you're a bad person, bad things happen to you. If you're a good person, good things happen to you. The concepts of Heaven and Hell are rooted in the Just World Hypothesis.
Someone who believes in the JWH, will on some level hold the opinion that only people who deserve to be raped, will be raped. Therefore, we get the "she was asking for it" apologetic as a means of justifying this (or any crime) being perpetrated against someone.
The irony is, if someone is raped, who obviously was dressed conservatively, those who show evidence of use of the Just World Hypothesis will show very little empathy for the victim, as they cannot see why they deserved such treatment, but are certain that they did. On the other hand, if the victim is dressed provocatively, the observer can pinpoint why they were raped, and show some empathy.
Its a little quirk of fundieness.
I read a lot of social psych papers.
Too bad we don't have rep points on fstdt. Jezebel's evil sister and Matilde would both get points from me.
Well stated! BRAVO!
(JustinGG: out of curiousity, what would one call a person like me who believes that good and bad things just happen , to good people and bad people alike -- and whether one is "good" or "bad" has no bearing on what happens to us, e.g., "good" people have their houses blown away in a tornado; and "bad" people DO literally "get away with murder" (OJ Simpson, for instance)?
I'm not sure why it is, but I seem to piss the hell out of a lot of fundies!)
Because many rape victims are either trapped in horrible enviornments with a load of rapists strolling around, or in abusive relationships where the rapist keeps at it multiple times.
And the perpetuator is always wrong. It doesn't matter if a woman rips her clothes off in front of a guy, no still means no. Believe it or not, most men can control themselves (you can stop yourself from physically grabbing and immobilizing someone - voluntary muscles, duh). With some of these fundie guys, though, it's hard to tell how much control they try to have over themselves...
I've read many of the rape victims in the world are multiple time victims.
When I read this first sentence I thought this quote was going to be about a Conspiracy Of The Rape Victims, like, there ARE no real rape victims and it's all a wicked abortionist scheme. Turns out he wasn't quite that imaginative. He's still an asshole, though.
If you're the victim of paternal, maternal or spousal rape, odds are you're a multiple time victim, yes. Most rape victims are not raped by a stranger in a dark alley, but by people they know, in the "comfort" of their own home.
No, there is no point where you have to stop pitying the rape victim, any more than there is a point where you have to stop pitying the child-abuse victim.
What do you mean with other logical opinions? Your opinion isn't logical in the slightest, stupid.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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