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Note: Humans are mammals - not animals

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When you can show me an animal (that are not mammal) that its milk is produced by modified sweat glands called 'mammary' glands and have a diaphragm (which is a shelf of muscle extending across the bottom of the ribcage).

If you can produce this animal (not mammal) then I'll consider your logic.. Until such time mammals are not animals..

[Another post]
This is what the evolutionists are reduced to Dion.. Debating whether mammals are animals.. Anyone that spends 5 sec in the dictionary and reads any science literature conclude mammals are not animals..

[After someone mentions just going to a dictionary to seeKingdom Animalia includes mammals]
Now Laoldar says "Kingdom Animalia" include mammals

Lets go to the dictionary
taxonomic kingdom comprising all living or extinct animals [syn: Animalia, kingdom Animalia, animal kingdom] Do you see mammals listed?.. Didn't think so
Nobody in science would conclude mammals are animals - except atheists to push they're agenda and a few evolutionists trying to cover-up Darwin's error..

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Kingdom Animalia, just like any other word or phrase (such as God, or God's kingdom) is only valid for those that believe in it..

[Another post]
Oh, I see.. this is the same as motor vehicles (as Kingdom Animalia), under that comes trucks (as mammals) and motorcycles (as animals)



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