A Vacuum is absent of matter and gravity is in relation to bodies of matter.
Without inertia there is no gravity.
Uh... well, mass IS, strictly speaking, a measure of an object's inertia, so he almost has a point.
Too bad gravity is the interactive force between any two given masses in the universe as well as being a force field. Force fields don't simply "vanish" at some point, they just become too weak to be noticed. (With the caveat that most of space still has a good amount of gravity acting on you, it's just that since the whole system you're travelling in is in freefall, you won't notice).
1/25/2006 10:57:46 AM
Without inertia? wasn't it without air in your previous quote? Come on, man, make up your mind.
No air no Inertia
hahahaha... this is just too good to be true. Hey, WITNESS THE REAL, answer me this:
Two spacecraft (of equal weight on Earth) are in region of the solar system devoid of any atmosphere (ie, no air). One of them is motionless relative to the sun, the other is moving at a constant speed relative to the sun.
1) are spaceship #1's engines on? Are spaceship #2's? Explain your answer.
2) Say spaceship #2 runs into spaceship #1. What happens? Does either start to move/continue to move? Does either one stop moving? Explain your answer.
I'm not sure what point you are trying to make. I was responding here to defend a statement of mine that was taken out of context. Also, you haven't given me enough valid information to give you an answer.
Do these spaceships have reverse thrusters? How distant are they from the sun? What kinds of material are they made of?
What angle do they bump each other at?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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