Science is almost entirely theory. If you can't prove it, make up something that makes a jot of sense, then convince enough people that it's true. Voila! Science!
Try making shit up and getting it into a peer-reviewed journal. I'm not saying it's impossible, but your odds aren't good. And if you do get in, you can bet there will be a few dozen articles debunking it (or at least pointing out that you have no grounds for your theory) by the next month.
So far with all the religions on Earth past, present and....
NONE have convinced me that god (any god) exsists.
The only thing that has been proven is mans own ignorance and cruelty towards his fellow man, usually using their god as a weapon against them.
The Christian Religion is the absolute ultimate Power. If a person practices Roman Catholicism they can gain absolute Power. I have absolute Power by The Blood of Jesus Christ. I cannot die. I cannot be defeated. I will always have everything I ask for. That is absolute Power. God gives you absolute Power. Don't be fooled by cheap imitations from the kingdom of darkness. Anything that denies personal responsibility for sin, or allows justification of sin is a cheap imitation of true power. If you are in darkness you cannot escape the light. But, if you are light, darkness cannot hurt you. Confess your sins. Ask Jesus Christ for forgiveness, by The Power of His Blood, and you have absolute Power over all creation. You can do no wrong. Align yourself with The Holy Bible and you will tap into the source of all Power. Then you will know what true knowledge is. Science is a catalog of observations that the universe does the will of God, perfectly. The Will of God being perfectly followed by all of Creation is the reason things can be predicted through science. But, without true knowledge, science becomes sorcery. The applied science of medicine is now the cause of illness. The aborteress makes death to the doctor through the sin of medical practice. Medicine is no longer practiced, but committed. When you go to see a doctor, he is programmed to suck as much cash out of your sickness as he possibly can. This is what happens to science without God. Patients are being sacrificed, being given expensive, lethal drugs in order to get every last penny out of them before they die. This serves as a sacrifice to the demon, Mammon. Science has been turned into witchcraft and sorcery. By ignorance to Jesus Christ man has doomed himself to use all his knowledge for destruction. If The Name Jesus Christ is not proclaimed throughout the world, the disease of deceit will corrode man away like cancer. Homicide, abortion, sodomy, disease, starvation, suicide, genocide, use of artificial birth control, human sacrifice, and cannibalism are all symptoms of the disease that infects mankind. Our mockery of Jesus is our last cry to Him before we perish from an otherwise perfect universe. We are infected, and dying. Mankind is over.
The Christian Religion is the absolute ultimate Power. If a person practices Roman Catholicism they can gain absolute Power. I have absolute Power by The Blood of Jesus Christ. I cannot die. I cannot be defeated. I will always have everything I ask for. That is absolute Power. God gives you absolute Power. Don't be fooled by cheap imitations from the kingdom of darkness. Anything that denies personal responsibility for sin, or allows justification of sin is a cheap imitation of true power. If you are in darkness you cannot escape the light. But, if you are light, darkness cannot hurt you. Confess your sins. Ask Jesus Christ for forgiveness, by The Power of His Blood, and you have absolute Power over all creation. You can do no wrong. Align yourself with The Holy Bible and you will tap into the source of all Power. Then you will know what true knowledge is. Science is a catalog of observations that the universe does the will of God, perfectly. The Will of God being perfectly followed by all of Creation is the reason things can be predicted through science. But, without true knowledge, science becomes sorcery. The applied science of medicine is now the cause of illness. The aborteress makes death to the doctor through the sin of medical practice. Medicine is no longer practiced, but committed. When you go to see a doctor, he is programmed to suck as much cash out of your sickness as he possibly can. This is what happens to science without God. Patients are being sacrificed, being given expensive, lethal drugs in order to get every last penny out of them before they die. This serves as a sacrifice to the demon, Mammon. Science has been turned into witchcraft and sorcery. By ignorance to Jesus Christ man has doomed himself to use all his knowledge for destruction. If The Name Jesus Christ is not proclaimed throughout the world, the disease of deceit will corrode man away like cancer. Homicide, abortion, sodomy, disease, starvation, suicide, genocide, use of artificial birth control, human sacrifice, and cannibalism are all symptoms of the disease that infects mankind. Our mockery of Jesus is our last cry to Him before we perish from an otherwise perfect universe. We are infected, and dying. Mankind is over.
A defenition of the word "(scientific) theory" from Encyclopedia Britannica:
systematic ideational structure of broad scope, conceived by the human imagination, that encompasses a family of empirical (experiential) laws regarding regularities existing in objects and events, both observed and posited. A scientific theory is a structure suggested by these laws and is devised to explain them in a scientifically rational manner.
THAT is what theory is!! Fundies seems to habitually misinterpret this word to fit it into their bent "logic"...
"Align yourself with The Holy Bible and you will tap into the source of all Power. Then you will know what true knowledge is."
You know, it's been awhile since I attended Sunday School, but weren't Adam and Eve tossed out of the Garden of Eden for gaining knowledge? Oh sure, God said not to touch the tree, but he did not want them to have knowledge. Why do you think he suddenly wants to give us knowledge now?
<< Awesome Machine: "Ask Jesus Christ for forgiveness, by The Power of His Blood, and you have absolute Power over all creation. You can do no wrong." >>
That, in a nutshell (an appropriate metaphor), is the foundational attitude that turns religious fundyism into terroristic zealotry. This is one of the scariest posts I have ever read here, because so many of these people truly believe it, never realizing the irony of having decided that they are above and beyond the laws and morality proclaimed by the God they claim to worship.
~David D.G.
Explain then why when we try to use science to create something (IE: nuclear reactor, rocket, computer, medical device, ect) it has a tendency to work.
When guided by religion, the success rate seems a little slimmer.
This is why eventhough people may have been religious 100 years ago, more of them died from infectious disease. All they had was prayer. Today we have antibiotics and viral supressents.
"A famous one now, I think it was Thomas Aquinas (although I'm sure one of you knows for sure) who looked at a pocket watch and compared it to the human body, thinking to himself, "how could something so complex as this have happened by accident? It plainly has to have been planned by an intelligent mind, then formed by hand." That's how I see creation. Are they seriously suggesting that we are one big accident?! And if so, they're suggesting that dinosaurs did it, then died, then it happened again in humans!! Sounds pretty rediculous to me..."
I love this other quote on that page. The thought of a 13th century saint taking out his pocket watch and commenting on its complexity is priceless.
As opposed to religion, where you make things up that make absolutely no sense at all and somehow convince a lot of people that it's true.
Man, that irony meter never did that before...
"...then convince enough people that it's true."
And what do you think they use to do their convincing? We call it "evidence" in the science game. It consists of things that can be demonstrated and examined, unlike, say, god. Then the theories are weighed for predictive value based on the evidence: none of this "god works in mysterious ways" business for scientists. Then, after rigorous and agonizing examination, people might just be convinced.
Now, what does your religion use to convince people? Fear of a fiery place that can neither be demonstrated nor examined. That's it.
Science for the win.
Religion: Make something up that seems to make some sense, and keep it forever as "eternal truth". Even when evidence completely refutes it. Stop the process here, and claim to have found the "truth", when in reality you only have "faith".
Science: Make something up that seems to make some sense, and then try to find evidence for it. When evidence refutes it, discard it, and look for something new that seems to make sense. Repeat forever, and approach truth in an approximational trajectory.
Anointed Youth forum. Where every day is Backwards Day!
@J. James
"-Make shit up while on Hashish
-Wait a few centuries
Viola! Religion!"
Considering the episode of the Sci-Fi anime series "Kiddy Grade" - post-Purge Order on Eclair & Lumiere - where Tweedledee infects their guard robot Donnerschlag, and their ship La Muse & it's AI Wirbelwind, with the lethal code-rewriting virus 'Hashish', to kill their owners (as part of said 'Purge' order; as an ES-Member, even she has to obey all orders issued by her Director Eclipse, or be subject to being 'Purged' herself), seems a reasonable comparison. Because fundie religion - especially that in the US socio-politically - seems to be on a pre-programmed course of self -annihilation*.
...oh, and 'Viola!'? How did you guess that she (whose colleague is 'Cesario') is also an ES-Member of GOTT?! ;) [/Otaku]
*- As with that used by assassins of the Kali 'Thugee' cult, and named after such, said virus 'Hashish' rewites the code of any AI system to turn on it's owners/masters to the end of killing them; also self-destructing, regardless of success or failure of it's primary program.
[/'Fantasy Technology' Nerd']
Awww, looks like somebody's pissed off that s/he failed all of his/her science classes in elementary school!
@ AwesomeMachine: WHAT?! Doctors are witches and sorcerers now? Okay...I really hope that you do NOT have kids, ever! Enjoy your agonizing disease death, while I consult my "witches" and "sorcerers" that help me stay healthy!
Yeah, that computer/tablet/phone thing you're typing on is "just a theory", and that Internet-thing, that's "just a theory", too.
Science is only theory, as that is what hypotheses become when you've proven them.
The jot of sense and convincing people, that's religion, silly.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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