This is absolutely a troll. Below are some of her follow up posts in that same thread. The more of her scribblings you read the more obvious it becomes that it is a parody.
Ok, I was actually shoving pop corn into my obese christian mouth at the beginning. The cube didnt create Earth? Does that mean that Jesus and the Cube can co-exist independently?
my son bradley uses my account and that is why a girl might have been called hot. i tucked him in last night, he is 14, and he was just really disturbed by the transformers movie. he said that he wanted to be a transformer when he grows up instead of a baptist minister. i was so sad, my word, i cant tell yall.
Well I have been a christian all my life since i was in my momma's belly and born in an alabama hospital and i tell ya i dont know what to say to this boy when he say to me "Momma I dont like Mr. Jesus, I like the Megatron. Please dont take me to the church on Sunday I want to go outside and play Transformers". My boy is only 14 years old and he uses the internet to talk about an asian girl is hot looking and all that.
he woke up in the middle of the night screaming crying. i went into his room and almost tripped and killed myself over his nija turtle action figures and I found him soaking wet in his own urine. he tells me that God came to him in his sleep and quote "shook some sense into him". His face was red and swollen, so I dont know if my husband smacked him around, if he did it himself, or if God 'transformed' inside his room some way to restore his faith. He told me in tears "I promise Mommy, I dont like the transformers anymore". I felt so proud as a mother yall.
people can insult my faith all they want. ill be the one eating mcdonalds in heaven with jesus. yall be the ones with satan.