Has anyone heard of incubus attacks?
Incubi are sex demons that attack women when they sleep. There is still proof of this happening even now. With stories of women even getting sexually attacked by demonic spirits when she is at the office typing up memos.
There are no demnons, only molestors and rapists who take advantage of women under their authority.
By blaming non-existant entities, you are making the male perpetrators of sexual harassment and sexual assualt completely invisible. You are also dismissing the very real complaints and fears of women who have to enduring this shit on a regular basis in the Patriarchy.
Has anyone heard of incubus attacks
No. Because they're just figments of your imagination.
There is still proof of this happening even now
Proof, please!
Here's a possible story: Sick of Life used to work as a secretary. One day while typing up memos, she was propositioned by the Xerox repaid guy. She was feeling a bit frisky, so she said yes to him and they went off to a storage room of some harmless hanky panky. While there, someone walked in and found them. The poster was fired, hence the name Sick of Life. I think this is plausible. What about the rest of you.
This is sleep peralisis (I can't spell). It's a well documented and understood phenomonon.
This kind of thing really pisses me off. It's like about 90% of ever ghost story and alien abduction I've heard - tick all the boxes for simple sleep peralisis.
It's people like you that make me question the lable "intelligent life" so broadly applied to all humans.
I hope you're 12 years old, or this is just embarrasing.
sure, sure, some incubi (is that the correct plural...?) are running around raping women. Couldn't possible be actual human beings. No, no that's insane.
Note: Incubus and succubus are the male and female, respecitively, forms of some sort of demon that feeds on sexual energy. And yes, that is where the name of the band came from.
Let me guess. You read Incubus Dreams by Laurell K. Hamilton, and need to justify the feelings it brought out in you.
If you haven't read the Anita Blake series by Ms. Hamilton, you should - especially Incubus Dreams . Then you would be able to post intelligently!
Has anyone heard of incubus attacks?
Sure. Back in the Middle Ages, the Duke of Bumblefuck's son would sneak in and rape some woman in her bed, and the priest would get him off the hook by telling her it must have been an incubus because young viscount St. Dipshit would never do such a thing.
I seriously doubt that your story is going to stand up court when you're put on trial for sexual assault.
On another note, be prepared to meet an "incubus" named Bubba in your near future. You see, the special thing about Bubba is that his victims aren't women.
That's not an incubus, that's Danny, the Mail Guy.
And he's very sensitive about his horns, so be nice.
There's been a lot of this going on here in our neighborhood lately.
Fortunately, we've seen that no women work after 5:00pm and our Orange Hat Patrols have been very successful.
altair, anti-nonsense, agentCDE: The succubus is a female demon, but it can polymorph into any other form indefinitely if it wishes, including a male form, whereupon it is called an incubus. At least, I'm pretty sure that's how it was explained in the Monster Manual. ;^D
~David D.G.
I read this a different way than it seems everyone else did. (Or maybe I'm just a pervert...)
Female friends have told me that if you move the wrong (right? <g>) way, underwear can stimulate the clitoris and arouse a woman. So it would be possible for a woman to suddenly have sexual thoughts while writing up the multi-million dollar contract proposal that her company is bidding on.
Of course, fundies don't believe women are sexual, so they have to come up with another explination for the fact that women think about sex. Hense - incubui...
It's not often I a moved to parody:
The sexual life of the fundie
Is stranger than anyone thinks
For this bible thumping creature
Has desires on the one hole that stinks.
But often the anal orifice
Is covered by pants and undies
Which accounts for the frustrated feeling
Of the "no sex 'til I die" fundies.
I've heard of Incubus attacks, though I thought the concept went out of fashion several hundred years ago. I guess there are still primitive minds that believe in this crap.
And if you have proof how about presenting it?
@Cecil Jones
Thanks for the link. I had a quick look through it and I haven't had a good laugh like that for ages.
The constant capitalisation of "DELIVERANCE!" reminds me of MadEye Moody from Harry Potter "CONSTANT VIGILANCE!"
Yes, I have heard of them.
However, today we know that such "attacks" are a result of molestation, nocturnal arousal orsleep paralysis .
Hah! The "Best Answer" is pretty Fundie in it's own right:
It's all in their minds? Science is just a falsehood of lies and religion and the Bible have more scientific fact than anything that Mr. Chemist or Biologist can come up with. The Bible talks about demons and it was written thousands of years ago by the hand of God Himself! Therefore, its true.
Ha ha ha! Yeah, if I get so desperate that I have to go rape a woman (I never would), I'll just use the old "Incubus Defense". "Your Honour, I was simply under the control of sex demons that made me rape her. Lock up Satan, not me!". This would probably actually work in certain Red States.
When I was 7, 8, I read the Oz books. I wish I could still live in a little world from time to time when I could believe all kinds of far-out shit like this without batting an eye. It's part of everyday life for them.
Before you go blaming Incubi, smell your finger. You folks have GOT to start working on those sexual hangups, not to mention the goofy-shit view of reality. Next thing you know, you'll be blaming Transformers or Spiderman for your endocrine secretions!
Has anyone heard of incubus attacks?
Sure. Back in the Middle Ages, the Duke of Bumblefuck's son would sneak in and rape some woman in her bed, and the priest would get him off the hook by telling her it must have been an incubus because young viscount St. Dipshit would never do such a thing.
"There are no demnons, only molestors and rapists who take advantage of women under their authority."
Yeah, and men and boys have never been raped or molested...
Flipper, I just took a look at his bio on Yahoo.
No mention of goats.
However, a verbatim quote of what is written there (see this link ) is interesting to put it mildly ...
" About me: I live in a run-down trailer down in a crummy mid-western town. Nobody likes me because my feet smell like limberger cheese due to poor hygine. I cannot get employment at McDonalds or Wally World due to drug convictions. The Army wouldn't even take me because I only scored a 20 on my ASVAB test. I just want the world to end since my life sucks so bad. Maybe the Tribulation and 2nd coming of Jesus would be an improvement over things the way they are."
Poe's Law in operation again perchance?
With stories of women even getting sexually attacked by demonic spirits when she is at the office typing up memos.
Sorry, I don't read those kinds of trashy cash-register magazines. New Scientist is more my thing - they at least like to give references.
To Moordryd:
To not believe an incubus attack can happen because demons don't exist is such a narrow, ignorant view. I'm writing this now at 3:30am because I'm afraid to fall asleep. I experienced an attack last night - It wasn't a person, it was evil and unlike a person, it can get away with it. It's the scariest thing that I've ever experienced. There are more things going on in this life than what we can see. Rather than opening your eyes wider, try closing them so you can feel what's around you. Then you'll know...
Liz I believe you had any combination of the following:
sleep paralysis,
rape(probably someone in your household)
If indeed you were raped by an incubus, next time tell it that when it is done impregnanting you with it's hellspawn and is going to turn into a sucubus that it can attack me for it's sperm collection.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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