The layering of the Earth's crust is due to hydrologic sorting from the Flood. The fossils are found in the order in which they were buried, not the order in which they "evolved".
So the order in which they were buried:
First the simple, then the advanced
First the reptilian, then the mammal
First the less human, then the more human
Makes perfect sense.
Funny how the simplest marine life is in the bottom layer, then. It must have somehow lost its buoyancy.
Oh, wait, some of the fundies say that there were no oceans before the flood. Lordy, lordy, how will they explain that?
Our Creator likes a nice and tidy disaster zone, like a well-folded sock drawer. Isn't it neat (and a handy proof of God's existence) how modern floods leave precise layers of dead in order of biological complexity, just like the Big One?
Hydrological sorting would mean that larger particles would tend to settle out first, followed by smaller, and still smaller, etc.
The geologic column does not show this trend except within individual strata, hence while a single strata may be the result of a flood deposition, the entire column can not be. For example, the "Haymond formation" in Texas has over 10000 alternating layers of sand and shale, no hydrological sorting mechanism can explain this in terms of a single event without invoking magic.
Given that one strata being laid on top of another must be the result of it being considerably younger, the order of the strata is representative of the relative ages of the rocks (inversions excepted), hence also of the age of the fossils within them.
So the flood jumbled everything up, then layered multiple layers down in the same pattern multiple times over leaving fossils in a fairly neat and tidy order per layer?
Yeah, and you wonder why you get laughed at
Well... I guess the queen is almost right.
Where fossils are found does match the order in which they were buried. That's something.
... Unless she means we find them in the order in which they were buried. Which makes even less sense.
So some Species decided to wait around for other species to get buried.... before they got buried..... for some reason?
Screw it, I believe in God, and God gave me a brain. My brain says that Evolution is the best explanation for the fossil record.
Thing is, why didnt god just put a plague on the human beings except for Noah and that lot? It could be easily done, give Noah/family an immunity...
Would have saved a lot of animals, and saved us from this fundie bullshit.
Yes, not only god made the flood, but he also ordered all organisms to be killed from simplest to the most complex.
God may be a killer, but at least he is an organized killer.
"Thing is, why didnt god just put a plague on the human beings except for Noah and that lot? It could be easily done, give Noah/family an immunity... "
If the Old Testament makes one thing clear, it's that God fucking LOVES killing...
Devonian : Yeah I did get that idea, babies smashed on rocks, plagues...
It's just a thought I wanna run across Christians.
I think thought if god was genuinely loving, things wouldn't be this way. I'm not sure they get that.
But still if the Abrahamic god really wanted rid of humanity, why the fuck let other animals suffer (in fact why create humanity a certain way and then kill 'em of for it? I think this was the type of thought that took me away from the christian belief). Ugh...
Hydrological sorting.
Meaning things were sorted in order of their size, right?
I guess that explains why we have small fossils on the bottom, bigger fossils on top of them, and then smaller fossils on top of those , eh?
Sounds fishy to me. Why don't you grab some dirt and a bucket of water and see for yourself that it doesn't work that way?
Next time, just try the, "God got bored while he was waiting for the water to recede, so he played solitaire with the dead things" excuse.
When I look at everyone's posts, I see the same misunderstandings, then they pounce on those misunderstandings. That's called a "straw man".
The animals that already lived at the bottom such as clams, fish, etc. "lost their buoyancy" because they were instantly covered by hundreds of feet of sediment, buried alive.
Secondly, there are no "simple" organisms in the fossil record. All are fully complex from the Cambrian on up.
Thirdly, after those in the water are buried, the slowest land animals would be the next to be buried, followed by larger land animals, etc. The largest and smartest animals would be the last to be buried, since it would take a long time to drown a diplodocus (this is the "Cretaceous" layer), and apes, humans and birds would be the last to be buried, because apes can climb to the tops of the tallest trees, and humans are smart enough to find a way to stay afloat until the last minute, whereas birds just fly around until they run out of gas. In all these cases, their bodies would just float on the surface and rot, and would not be preserved as fossils, which is why it is so rare to find fossils of apes, humans and birds.
(cont'd) @Paschal - fish were BURIED first (not drowned!) Sloths were buried later because they were slow-moving land animals.
If you look at that toy that has the sand in between the glass panes, when you shake it up, it settles out into layers - REPEATING layers of sediments of different density. This is 100% compatible with a worldwide Flood.
You BELIEVE that they are in "chronological order", but there are too many anomalies that prove that they are NOT in chronological order, such as modern humans found in supposedly 250 MYO solid rock, or modern birds found in undisturbed layers below Archaeopteryx, their alleged ancestor.
<<You should try actualy looking at a common cliff face someday >>
I do, frequently, since there are plenty of examples here in north Idaho. What I see is layering from a Flood, a global Flood, and I see curved/bent layers that could only have been created when the rock was originally soft sediment, then mineralized.
“The layering of the Earth's crust is due to hydrologic sorting from the Flood.”
THis happens a lot in floods you’ve studied? My experience with floods and collapsed dams and fallen dikes is that everything’s jumbled if it comes from a single event. Hydrologic Sorting requires multiple events.
The strata we see includes heavier materials resting on top of lighter materials. If those were deposits from two different eras, that makes sense. If they’re from the same flood, it makes no sense at all.
Also, it’s not just bodies that were buried in the Flood.
Could you please explain how the Flood sorted an entire species of dinosaur to the same level? That is, it carefully collected individuals that were mature, and the juveniles, and even those still in eggs to the same level as their empty eggs, their nests, and their footprints?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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