ever since Homosexuality stopped being punished it hasn't been a Christian nation
that's why Christians have to show God's love through there lives
1) "their" not "there"
2) The US is not now, nor has ever been a Christian nation. See your history books for the reasons and proof, especially the Treaty of Tripoli
3) Please learn appropriate punctuation and capitalization.
Final Grade - F. Please repeat all necessary schooling before attempting to share your opinions.
Any visit here shows that fundies think killing "teh ebilustionists", tarring and feathering homosexuals and ethnic cleansing of the Middle East, among other things is "donr out of love".
Your brand of love is not welcome.
ever since Homosexuality stopped being punished it hasn't been a Christian nation
- Sorry if this comes as a shock, but homosexuality was never a nation! Not even a Christian one
that's why Christians have to show God's love through there lives
- I see. And when will this miracle of transformation take place?
@ XenoNinja
Whether you're a troll, Poe or are simply incapable of holding a valid argument, you've not only posted an entirely pointless response here, you've also failed to answer me elsewhere when I responded to your opinions with respect and interest:
If you're a troll, please leave (like a troll would listen Oo). If you're a Poe, please stop. Otherwise, grow the hell up and either give a valid response or stop arguing. Or change your position regarding the subject.
[ever since Homosexuality stopped being punished it hasn't been a Christian nation]
Because the defining factor of Christians is that they punish gays, right Justin?
FYI--it never was a Christian nation.
[that's why Christians have to show God's love through there lives ]
Why wouldn't they do that anyway, Justin?
/ever since Homosexuality stopped being punished it hasn't been a Christian nation/
As others have said before, this country never was a Christian nation.
/that's why Christians have to show God's love through there lives/
By namecalling and persecuting others and using God to justify their bigotry? How about helping the homeless, taking care of the sick? Or just simply following the Golden Rule? Fundies have a very disturbing idea of what love is.
"that's why Christians have to show God's love through there lives"
Jeah, showing God's love used to be so much easier in the olden days... Just bash a dudes head in once a day and be done with it.
Ever since slavery stopped, it hasn't been a Christian nation.
Did you actually stop punishing gays as early as 1796? Wow, that's extremely progressive of you.
So, there's no gay-bashing whatsoever in the US nowadays? That's very nice to hear.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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