There is still hope. While I absolutely do not approve of assination, there is a good chance of someone trying it before he is sworn in or shortly after.
Also don't forget the challenges to his citizenship. I doubt that the people pressing that issue will slack off now. Rather, I expect them to redouble their efforts before the innauguration.
Does anyone know what the required action will be if Obama is assinated before he is sworn in? Also what does election law, or the constitution, say about the way to handle it if he is shown to be inneligible for the office? Does the succession rule that would give the presidency to Biden apply before Obama is sworn in or would we need a new election? Or a possible third scenario of McCain, with the second highest vote tally, being declared the winner instead
What does 'assination' mean?
Oh - apparently it is retard speak for 'assassination'.
RR takes the 'ass' out of assassination. I wonder what they did with it.
Anyway, yogi3939, we have a note of your IP address (RR logs them) - when I get back to CTU it will take Chloe about 10 seconds to locate you.
We take threats against the life of those in public office (and anyone else for that matter) very seriously. That's why conspiracy to commit murder carries such a long sentence.
Expect a visit within the next few days.
BTW - I'd cancel anything you have planned for the next 40 years or so.
"Also don't forget the challenges to his citizenship. I doubt that the people pressing that issue will slack off now. Rather, I expect them to redouble their efforts before the innauguration."
For fuck's sake, I get so sick of hearing about this. Do people forget that Obama is a UNITED STATES SENATOR? If there were a question about his citizenship, his ties to terrorism, etc., wouldn't he have been investigated by now?
Also, that's fucked up about wanting him to be assassinated.
Ok, I've been away for a few days, watching everything going on on the internet about the election, especially in regards to religion. I've just about come to the point where I absolutely refuse to read anything posted by fundy christians about Obama. It's gotten too damn rediculous to read. My mind hurts from trying to comprehend the level of stupid it takes to be that damn ignorant. I'm going to keep posting here, I like it here, but I probably won't post on anything about Obama. I just can't read it anymore.
You don't approve of murder but you sincerely hope that someone who doesn't have your "morals" will get rid of him for you?
What a hypocrite, and what a Good Christian. Oh, wait, that's redundant, isn't it?
"I'm not saying I want to kill him, it's just that I don't want him to be alive anymore."
What appalls me most about this your laziness. If you really want him dead, get of your knees and DO something about it!
Right. You absolutely do not approve of "assination", but you hope it happens.
The CIA might be interested in this.
We had to take that Repubican moron Bush for 8 years, you can suffer the hope & optimism Democrat President Barack Obama represents. Suck it up, you subhuman right-winger yogi3939.
Finished throwing your toys out of your pram? Because I'd like to throw one in. A GRENADE. Now THAT'S 'Assination'. The assassination of an ASS.
...... Christ.
I just..... fuck.
these people are sick. really, really sick. but you know, if one of these coward wanna-be revolutionaries (and i have been maced protesting, so i say that with tongue firmly in cheek) were to be arrested for speaking about such things, it would only make of them a martyr. thats what these people are into, right? such things should be taken seriously, but prosecution of thought crime is likely to cause one of the real kind. i have respect for the skill of the secret service, but they do not protect, say... a liberal on the streets of monroe, louisiana. the risk here is not to obama, it is more to any one of us who can be easily identified as some kind of obama supporter. not that that has stopped me from gloating a whole lot since the election... hey, they dont like it, they can move to canada... or kill me. on second thought, i may be playing with fire here.
Strange how the Raptards unfoundedly complain about how "Obama is watching us and is going to shut our site down! O noes!", then make posts like this.
Spewing bile like this is a great way to guarantee the site DOES get shut down under anti terror laws....morons.
That knock at your door?
It's the Secret Service.
Go ahead. Start the revolution. Rise up, over throw your opressors...Die at the business end of my M16A4.
These people are the people I swore to protect the rest of the American populace from when I took the oath for the military. "From All Enemies, Both Foriegn and Domestic.."
Hey you twisted fucking fundie, where's you "Thou Shalt Not Kill" and "Thou shalt not covet" and "Thou Shalt not bear false witness"?
Obama is a natural born US citizen, born in Hawaii. If anything McCain's birth in Panama leaves a lot of questions.
Should your sick scenario play out, Biden would be sworn in. Should Biden be killed, it goes to the THIRD in line, and it sure as hell isn't that old goat McSame. How about you take a fucking civics class and stop making shit up as you go along.
Rykey said: Do people forget that Obama is a UNITED STATES SENATOR?
Yes apparently, because they keep crowing about how he has no experience. X(
yogi3939, die in a fucking fire you worthless piece of shit. If I ever see you on the street I'm going to punch you in the face. Asshole.
The DHS will be interested to hear about this, and Bushy-poo's still in charge for another month or two.
Hope you like your all-expenses paid stay in Gitmo for threatening the President-elect, yogi3939. :D
is this alreay conspiricy to assasin the president elect? Is this what they call treason?
FBI, CIA - please step in!
Besides, Obama's death still would not put McCain into office, but Joe Biden!
Still, Holy Sarah would NOT be president, vice president or anything but govenor of Alaska!
Question Bush's "Kill 'em all, let God sort 'em out" rampage? Treason of the highest order.
Suggesting someone assassinate the President-Elect? Meh.
Are these people fucking serious?
Does anyone know what the required action will be if Obama is assinated before he is sworn in?
I assume he means "assassinated" - getting assinated might be a whole different matter.
Biden would become the President-elect. If he were dead too, I think it would fall to Congress, although the 20th Amendment isn't clear on this. At present, the line of succession is the House Speaker, Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and then the Senate President, Robert Byrd (D-WV).
Alright, enough already! This has bypassed stupid and gone all the way to creepy. Never again will I view Rapture Ready the same way since this election. Before I thought that they were a bunch of harmless cultists with a slightly off the wall view of religion, an arrogant view of their own self-righteousness, and a quazi-Biblical view of Christianity based on something not truly in the Scriptures. Now I see them for what they truly are. They are:
1. A GOP front organization, circulating lies for the Republican party, worshipping the GOP not GOD;
2. Fake Christians who belittle and lie about other Christians who disagree with their narrow and bigoted view of the Bible while claiming that others do the same to them;
3. Fantasy rubes who not only buy a stupid non-Biblical concept for Christianity that the vast majority of Christians reject, but also buy any fantastic anti-liberal or anti-Democratic story fed to them by the paid GOP toadies;
4. Whiney babies(any post since Obama's election is all that is required to prove that);
5. Worst of all, total hypocrites who accuse others of worshipping Obama(which I have never seen any indication of) while worshipping the ground that the odiously unqualified and hypocritical Sarah Palin walks on. They want others to follow the Bible while ignoring the commandments themselves by lying, putting GOP propaganda in God's mouth, and advocating murder of those they disagree with, not for RELIGION but for the DAMN REPUBLICAN PARTY.
Change your name assholes from Rapture Ready to GOP-HYPOCRITES-R-US.
There is still hope. While I absolutely do not approve of assination, there is a good chance of someone trying it before he is sworn in or shortly after.
I hope someone's got a gun. While I absolutely do not approve of assassination, because I'm too much of a coward to do it myself, I hope that someone else tries it before he is sworn in or shortly after. Quick as you can, I want Palin to get another shot at the white house.
You're a domestic terrorist, no better than a Klansman, a skinhead, or a clinic bomber. I hope the FBI throws your ass in jail until Obama's grandchildren are running for president.
All joking aside, is there any way of notifying the CIA or the FBI or whoever's in charge of protecting Obama, about this? There have been quite a few very dodgy comments about him dying ... I imagine they're only ranting but still ...
This is absolutely sick. This is why the Secret Service and FBI will probably have to work harder than ever during the Obama years, because of psychopaths like this.
Anybody who breathes a word against Bush is a godless, anti-American traitor, but a person who tries to kill Obama is good and should be praised? WTF?! The sheer hypocrisy is mind-blowing.
Oh, and by the way, should anything happen to Obama, Biden would step in. Should anything happen to him, in turn, Nancy Pelosi would step in. That's right. A WOMAN, you pathetic imbeciles. And not only that, a Democrat woman! So all your murderous efforts would backfire in the long run. Losers.
Don't these retards realize that Obama being assassinated by a home-grown redneck christian would be the worst thing to happen to their cause?
Think about it. Islamic extremists fly planes into our buildings and we bomb an entire country to rubble (afghanistan) as payback, then we invade another mostly muslim country (iraq) apparently just for kicks.
What would happen to militant white-supremacist organizations if a white-supremacist christian shot Obama? They'd become the country's number 1 target. White guilt would rule the U.S. The entire country would likely vote democrat the next time around. They'd create a martyr, and much like JFK (whose legacy was greatly enhanced by his premature death) Obama would become a symbol forever preventing the rise of christian conservatism in the U.S.
"Strike me down and I shall become more powerful than you realize"
Trust me dude, the best thing to do is wait for Obama to screw up. He will. Most presidents do.
Your fucking disgusting, he's the goddamn president of the united states. The people have fucking spoken and what your so blatantly suggesting *no throwing in that you dont approve tdoesnt make it any less obvious that you do, greatly* is downright treasonous and is a thuggish attack on the foundations of our government. And yet the asshole who wants to assasinate any elected official who he disagrees with would cry persecution if I got a marriage licensce at the courthouse across town.
I hope someone assassinates you. How does that feel?
Barring that, I hope you get thrown in Gitmo and subjected to anal rape, waterboarding, everything that went on at Abu Gharab, thumbscrews, the rack, jumper cables to the balls, and the Cruciatus Curse.
'I don't approve of assassination, but I sure hope someone wastes that fucking coon'.
And you really think you're headed for Heaven, huh?
"Now, I'm a bit fuzzy on how the American electoral process goes but if there are only two candidates for the presidency then doesn't it make sense that McCain would have the second highest vote tally? Seriously WTF was there another candidate no one knew about?"
It goes president-> vice president -> Nanci Pelosi
We used to have the VP just be the guy with second most votes but it was awkward having two guys who had run against each other share an office.
RR: Home of reality-deniers, anti-intellectuals, bigots, conspiracy theorists and now racists who advocate assassination. Is there anything RR will not stoop to?
TREASON! Fucking TREASON! As much as I dispised Bush, never once did I think such things. You son-of-a-bitch; "Lets kill off Obama right now, especially if McCain gets to replace him" patently unamerican..and you wonder why the other contries hate us..god damnit!
You worthless sack of shit! I havent said this before, but there is a first for everything..go DIAF!
"I absolutely do not approve of assassination but PLEASE GOD LET SOMEONE KILL THAT (insert racial slur or "Muslim" here)"
Know why no one ever tried to assassinate Bush, despite how abysmal his presidency was? Because all the murderous loons like yogi3939 out there were on his side.
In the History of Elections, I can not remember there ever being such a ridiculous over emphasied media rush on every single little decision that a president elect makes.
Just visited and in red breaking news fever... Obamas pick for veteran afairs... I didn't even know that office existed!
It is sickening how if the man speaks a word, or moves a finger.. time stops and he becomes the number one most important headline in MSM.
..rant on:
What is most frustrating, is that we serve an Awesome God, who does things excedingly and abundantly above mans expectations, every minute of every day!...He is constantly moving and shapping our world... and the evidence is countless... Yet the world pays Him no attention. I am well aware of the world we live in and would be nieve to expect media praise of the miraculous ways in which God works... But I can't help but be sickened by the amount of attention this man ( The President Elect) gets in this world.
...Rant off
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Liberals are making the world into a straight jacket with a designer label. As a baby boomer, what makes me sick is that these same people preached about tolerance and diversity, but now they want to kill anything not exactly made to all their nitpicky specifications. They are exactly like everything they railed against, but worse! Go ahead and kill the goose the laid the golden egg (FoxNews has the ratings!!) . I guess he doesn't have to worry about laying another one because soon we will all be forced to watch GLN (Global Liberal News) and ratings won't matter.
Way to not understand government. If the President is killed, sworn in or not, the Vice President takes his place. We'll have to go through a shitload of people dying before McCain gets a chance in office.
"Or a possible third scenario of McCain, with the second highest vote tally, being declared the winner instead "
Do you have any idea how stupid such a law would be? Anytime someone won, the second place candidate's followers would attempt to have them killed, even if the second place candidate didn't approve. I almost feel sorry for McCain, the way his followers acted like idiots and ruined his image and campaign.
{There is still hope. While I absolutely do not approve of assination, there is a good chance of someone trying it before he is sworn in or shortly after. }
Um... yeah. You might want to watch your "Christian love". Or maybe you'll wind up in a max security prison, and from what I hear they're pretty big on 'assinations'.
@ kyrie eleison
"FoxNews has the ratings!!"
As a baby boomer you must have lived for a long time. To think you've been around all this time and you still haven't figured out that popularity does not make necessarily translate into rectitude. So much for the wisdom of age.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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