As a former, super devout evolutionist...
Your lying for jesus, If you had any knowledge about evolutionary theory as a non-fundie then you wouldn't be confusing it with Big Bang theory and Abiogenesis.
1. Neither Creationism nor Evolution can be proven by the Scientific Method. (i.e. -neither can be observed)
Creationism can't because it's an assertion based in magical thinking, Evolution on the other hand can, and has, been observed, both in nature and in the laboratory. Additionally observation does not mean seeing something happen before your eyes.
2. Only Creationism honestly explains (in simple terms) where Space, Time, Energy & Matter came "from" 1 second before the Big Bang. Evolution cannot... why?
Evolution cannot because evolutionary theory has fuck all to do with the origins of the universe, which is how I was able to tell that you were lying about having ever accepted evolution, If you had then you would make such a misinformed, imbecilic claim. Creationism doesn't explain anything, in simple terms or otherwise, it asserts that it happened like that. Also about "simple terms", Reality isn't simple, it's extremely complex, it's not the place of science to dumb things down for you, it's up to you to educate yourself in those matters, but you'd rather take the simple claim "Goddidit!" because it requires no work on your part. It intellectual laziness at it's worst.
Unlike Creationism (a supernatural / Trans-reality concept) ... Evolution can only explain what happened 1 Second "After" the Big Bang... because it is completely stuck with time & space. It does not know where Space, Time, Energy & Matter came from.
Once again... Evolution does not, is not, nor was it ever, intended to explain Time, Matter, Energy, or the Big Bang. Those things have their own theories in Particle, Quantum, and Astro physics. That's something that any "former" student of the scientific method would already know.
3. Why is it so hard to believe there is a Super Scientist (called God) with a lab existing outside our reality who intelligently planned & cooked up this awesomely cool reality (With such diversity... exists?
Because there is no evidence of such a being. And to that point, if there was then it likely wouldn't be the loving "god" of the New Testament, or the angry vengeful "god" of the OT, but instead an indifferent and distant being.
4. Creationism explains that a perfectly created life form was designed (with 1 or 2 sexes per species) and is perfectly suitable for its environment... or able to adapt (without changing species) to other environments.
Creationism doesn't "explain" anything, it says "God did it." and nothing more. There are no theories in creationism, there are no hypothesies, there are no experiments, there is nothing beyond the claim "goddidit!!!" anything else you tack onto it is just fanfic.
. Evolution cannot explain how changing species (or half baked) lifeforms in the middle of change could survive, adapt, mate and/or survive
It can't explain it because that's not how evolution works.
Single sex lifeforms... perhaps... but we have two sex species on this planet
Not exclusively, there are asexual, hermaphroditic, and parthenogenic species on this planet, and even within some species. There are species where the roles of the male and the female are reversed. It's not an exclusive male/female world, your understanding is flawed at it's core. For someone who was supposedly a "devout evolutionist" you don't seem to know shit about it.
So, how did male & female species know how & when to evolve into a new sexually compatible lifeform... at the same time... in the same locale in order to mate, reproduce and prevent extinction? Random chance? Repeated billions of times for each life form?
Males and females are not, nor were they ever, seperate species, that's not how evolution works. The seperate sexes evolved along side each other, most likely from a hermaphroditic parent species. One would expect a former "devout evolutionist" to know better than to think that the sexes were evolved from two seperate species. I suspect Lying for Jesus(TM).
How do you expect anybody with the slightest bit of sense to believe that you ever knew the smallest thing about evolution when you continually make bush league mistakes that a third grader could correct you on?
And you laugh at our belief in a Creator who did all this... intentionally? - Wow!
Yes, I do. In fact I mock it, I denigrate it, and I'll kick it when it's down.
6. Scientist can't make up their minds about evolution... life... the beginnings of our reality.
Your right. That's because science is constantly refining itself improved and sometimes contradictory information. It's fluid and adaptable, unlike creationism which is static, dogmatic, and unchanging, even in the face of information that proves it wrong.
I got tired of them always changing their minds
So rather than seek explanations that might require work on your part, you'll just settle for whats easy and comfortable.
They are frustrated little 'gods' who like to complicate the simplistic...
Reality is complicated, no matter how much you wish it were otherwise. Scientist don't claim to be "gods", they seek answers.
because if God exists... that's just too humbling for many to handle.
Or could it be that it's just too implausible for many to care? people don't disbelieve your "god" because they fear it, they disbelieve religion because it's unsupported, unprovable, and can't even make up it's own mind on the nature, or even the name, of it's "god"
Conclusion: The Creation Museum is open to scrutiny... they don't mind... they love discussing the science, facts, proofs that (don't prove) but best & easily support their beliefs better than Evolutionists do. They don't shy away from talking to Evolutionists... just the opposite.
Been there, done that, your a damnned liar.
I grew up watching Evolutionists
I thought you were a "devout evolutionist" at one time? Get your fucking lies straight if you intend to have any credibility.
insult and arrogantly close their minds to "alternate" beliefs... especially supernatural ones... that threatened their fragile belief system
They don't close their minds to your "alternate beliefs", they've already ruled them out as untestable and therefore unprovable. Your magical thinking isn't a threat to anything except the education of your children.
Evolutionists see "truth" as something to fear... and perhaps they are right. But for the Creationist... truth is a welcomed friend.
Bullshit. Science is nothing more than the search for truth, to learn the how's and why's of reality. Truth doesn't come from a book, it comes experimentation, from research, from confirming or discarding hypothesies, Not from blindly accepting a magical fairy tales that you refuse to question.
The creationist is no friend of truth, the creationist must continually pile lie on top of lie in an attempt to deny and discredit science in general and evolution in particular. The creationist must constantly lie to himself because to accept the truth is to have the delicate fantasy of religion and fanfic crumble around them. Creationism is the denial of truth, and truth is the antitheisis of creationism.