"If you so smart. Then how did we get here?"
We are primates. Mammals. Vertibrates.
"When you see a building dids is come from a explosion?"
No. It was built by humans.
"How can you believe all the beutiful things of the UNIVERSE."...
"Like mountians"
Volcanoes, tectonic plate movement, folding, etc.
Big balls of nuclear reactions from the explosions of larger stars.
"and trees"
Plants need access to light. Taller plants survive, shorter plants die. Repeat several million times.
Anything specific? First multi-cellular creatures were probably sponges.
"being made from a explosion?"
1) The big bang wasn't an explosion. The words "big bang" were just a way of trying to make it easy to understand. They obviously failed in your case.
2) Speciation occurred later. Evolution has hardly anything to do with the big bang theory. It doesn't explain the creation of life (abiogenesis does), it explains how life diversified into many different forms.
"There has'd to be a Creator to all this. "
The early universe was very simple. It was just a load of energy. It doesn't need a particularly intelligent creator.
"Let me ask you a few quetions?
Say I wrong and there is no God. When I died I loose nothing RIGHT?"
I suppose. I didn't know you'd already died. This argument is known as "Pascal's Wager" by the way. I've already heard it, and researched it more than you.
"But say what YOUR are wrong? When you die you loose EVERYTHING."
Or maybe I get punished for being an evil Christian, while all the open-minded and reasonable atheists get some sort of reward.
Or maybe I will be in no more pain than I was for the eternity of nothingness that existed before I was born.
"Think about THAT."
Didn't take long.