"Sorry but scientists have just shown that mice DNA is more similar to humans than human DNA. So would evolutionists then declare that humans came from mice? Probably. That's because most people can't think for themselves and are confused about reality. That's why they believe anything scientists say."
Sorry, but Creation "scientists" have read the Bible and seen that it says humans came from dirt. Would creationists then declare that humans came from dirt? Definatly. That's because most people can't think for themselves and are confused about reality. That's why they believe anything these creation "scientists" say."
"Sorry but scientists have just shown that mice DNA is more similar to humans than human DNA."
No, A cannot be more similar to B than B itself. That's the stupidest contention I've seen here in quite a while.
"So would evolutionists then declare that humans came from mice?"
Of course not, but we do contend that mice and humans long, long ago, shared common ancestors.
"Probably. That's because most people can't think for themselves and are confused about reality."
As one of the most crack-pot YECist, Christians I've ever seen, you are particularly unqualified to judge the thinking of others and/or their grasp of reality.
"That's why they believe anything scientists say."
We don't believe everything scientists say. Generally, we believe the assertions of large groups of scientists whose work has been published and peer-reviewed.
Why do you believe everything the Bible says?
Where does Carico get this stuff? Mice have 20 chromosome pairs, humans 23, so what she says is impossible. If mouse DNA were that similar to human DNA, mouse-human hybrids could be made.
Mice and humans share a common ancestor so there are some similarities in their DNA. At some point in the not-too-distant future, they'll be able to trace the exact DNA mutations from one species to another and the whole creationist argument will disappear. They're pretty close for humans and chimps already.
How about we coin a new term? Whenever someone says something incredibly, mind-numbingly stupid, we say: "Well, that was Carico."
Carico should have her own site, where she could go crazy insane over everything from evolution to video games, never including anything resembling an actual fact, and always coming to the conclusion that, once again, the Bible is right and Jesus saves the day!
Hell yes, I'd read it. It'd be like Chick Tracts, only in rant form.
Now, I've been here a while, I've listened to the inane comments and absurdities sprayed forth from her lifeless and empty skull, I've even "debated" her on CARM.
Even so, she will surprise me, and outdo herself, at least once maybe twice a month. I think to myself, "Well, that's it, a functioning human being couldn't possibly be any more niave, stubborn, pompous or narrow-minded.
Then a statement like this appears, small at first on my computer screen, I scan over the tiny letters, absorbing them into my mind where they are processed and the information is displayed clearly in the forefront of my mind, and when the shock wears off, I find myself motionless, eyes wide, and mouth agape.
The dirty bitch, she got me again.
Now hold on just a minute! As Senior Editor for Crackpots Monthly, I must take exception to that. Crackpots Monthly is a serious alternative-science publication which provides an academic forum for debating such profound issues of our time as:
Free Energy (We were the first to report on Col. Tom Bearden's amazing "Motionless Electrical Generator" a device which generates 500% output, all off of Tom's brainwaves):
The Missing Ink (not to be confused with the missing link, this is allegedly the invisible ink favored by Houdini):
The Abominable Blowman (at issue is whether or not this seven-foot hairy coca leaf farmer is actually another species)
Now some MAY say that our scientific standards are questionable, But at least we draw the line at fundamentalist xian geneticists.
Becoming a Christian is the prudent thing to do. If you believe in Christianity, and it's false, no harm done. If you don't believe in Christianity, and it's true, you will spend eternity listening to Carico, supersport, and AV1611VET.
At some point in the not-too-distant future, they'll be able to trace the exact DNA mutations from one species to another and the whole creationist argument will disappear.
Not a chance! No matter how much evidence you present them with, the fundies are never going to abandon their fantasy world.
Agreed. Remember the more evidence against a belief, the better fundie you are for continuing to have faith. Hey, presto, irrationality becomes a virtue.
Based on this reasoning, Carico is a saint. In fact, they'll have to kick Jesus out of his place at the right hand of God.
I would say "WTF" here, but then I noticed it was Carico.
Par for the course, really.
Kinda reminds me of Dr. Fox on Brass Eye.
A paedophile shares more DNA with this crab, than he does you or me. That is scientific fact. There is no real evidence for it but it's scientific fact.
Posts like this make me wonder if she's for real, as I wonder if humanity can be this dumb.
Then I remember headlines on Fark and Bill O'Reily on the news, and realize that frankly, humanity has some pretty lowpoints in all its neatness.
"Sorry but scientists have just shown that mice DNA is more similar to humans than human DNA.
Sorry, but that's impossible.
So would evolutionists then declare that humans came from mice? Probably.
Not quite, but it was kind of a rodent.
That's because most people can't think for themselves and are confused about reality.
Why, yes you are.
That's why they believe anything scientists say.
If I believed everything that had the word 'scientists' recklessly stamped across it, I would be on your side right now, ya Tard."
So what, humans are less human than mice.... so mice are humans and humans are in fact mice? or.. mice are humans and we're sub-human, so in fact are sub-mice?...
There are religious fanatics, and then there are FUCKING IDIOTS.
I have been trying, for at least five minutes, to figure out how Carico managed to come to the conclusion that mouse DNA is more similar to human DNA than human DNA.
I haven't been very successful.
no, dumb ass you are just a hypocrite. you are a dumb ass and hypocrite because you use the internet to spread your bullshit. in case you don't know, the internet was created with the use of science, as is the car you drive and the food you eat is the result of science too.
@{ Berny
How about we coin a new term? Whenever someone says something incredibly, mind-numbingly stupid, we say: "Well, that was Carico." }
Good one. Like "That was really Carico of you."
Like calling someone a 'Bozo', the way some name brands have become the standard to call an object (all candy bars are referred to as Hershey bars, any soda pop as a Coke, etc.)
Boy, she's really Munsoned up!
I'd call poe, but... carico... gah.
Mice DNA can't be more human than human :o)
On the other hand, it is likely very close. We both evolved from the same place, and are nearby, being mammalian and all.
The true irony is that Carico is one of these people who are really really REALLY confused about reality.
If mice were more human than humans, we should just change the names then, we'll be the mice and the mice'll be the humans.
Yeah...I saw Zeitgeist btw and believe it or not, most of that is common knowledge, at least where I'm from.
'cept the Federal reserve bit, that was new to me, but then again, the bigwigs will certainly go out of their way to make sure we don't notice, so there's no way that's common knowledge.
I only found this site a few days ago, so... yeah comments on quotes like this confuse me.(still trying to decide if this site is actually serious or not)
I refuse to believe that since this quote was added, 1 person(if I read this correct) noticed that it is a 'statement'(sometimes known as an example) followed by a question and an answer.
But as you've read a bit back, I'm still 'new' here so I could be horribly wrong.(and if you decide to kick my ass with the 'new guy' stick, please be gentle)
lol, and youll just say everything is created by God, because all you need is the Bible to confuse you about reality.
A mind for science, there is no god.
Most people can't think for themselves and are confused about reality. That's why they believe anything the bible says. -Sinner
What does the bible have to do with reality? That's why the bible is there. For when something happens that fundies can't explain, they can point to it and say "'Cause god said so!"
I do have to say that it scares me that Carico may be reproducing. If not now, then someday.
But, human DNA is human DNA. And mice DNA is none of the above. So, wait....*head explodes*
...On the other hand, mice DNA might be closer to Carico DNA than human DNA is.
X is more like N than N....
But N is N....
but X is more like N then N....
(*Android head explosion*)
My only idea is that somewhere along the way fundies heard about freethinkers dedication to logic and reason, and concluded that if they could only make a statement so illogical that all of the atheist heads would explode at once they could finally teach teh creationism, nuke the middle east, and get revelations going.
I love the undercurrent here, that all scientists do is put up a dartboard in the morning, start taping animal pictures on it, and say "Well, fellows, shall we decide what we're going to say we're descended from today?"
Umm, that's only slightly impossible.
Mice DNA more similar to Human DNA than Human DNA?
Clearly there is a problem there.
I hope Carico's done her worst here...I can't imagine anything stupider than this.
It's also ironic she says most people can't think for themselves and are confused about reality; that applies more readily to her. And we don't believe everything scientists say...as opposed to creationists, who believe everything the Bible says.
"My only idea is that somewhere along the way fundies heard about freethinkers dedication to logic and reason, and concluded that if they could only make a statement so illogical that all of the atheist heads would explode at once..."
I think you're right. I also think they're confusing us with the Borg...
Actually, all living things come from the same elements that are found in the ground, largely in different forms though. And generally the first living organism would've been formed directly from molecules and such which existed in the ocean and the ground.
In Australia, aboriginal dream time describes humans as being from the land in a sense that the land runs through their blood etc. Funnily enough the same generalised Iron compounds that are found in the dirt that covers most of Australia is somewhat related to parts of the compound haemoglobin.
But I completely detest the idea that we directly, our current species came from the dirt.
Edit: Oh but there is also a theory that we evolved from space bacteria from a meteorite.
Being a fundie, you're the one who can't think for yourself. In fact, nobody actually believes anything scientists say, they have such a bad reputation. As for the mouse DNA, I say O rly?
So mice are Human and Humans are evolving toward mice ?
I find that confusing. I do not like cheese, but I do like Cheezles , OMG I AM turning into a mouse.
And now he's saying mice are more human then humans are. My god, this person's brain is a singularity, isn't it? It's like neuroscience just divided by zero and ate it's own head.
Let's all point and laugh.
I want to know where fundies get their scientific "facts". They never have any basis in reality, so unless they literally just openly lie and make them up on the spot, they must get them from somewhere.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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