Dr. Werner Brunswick #racist halfsigma.com

I worked in Africa, Europe and the US in the field of astro-physics and visit schools often. And all I have to do is LOOK at the kids to know who will do well and who will flunk my test.
Blacks catagorically perform low and ask the dumbest questions. Just LOOK at these people and Hear how they talk. Look at how they run (ruin) their countries, neigborhoods, business and their lifes.
Why would Africa be the filth pile it is if it wasn't for their consistent stupid and impulsive behavior and line of thought?
I know there is NO doubt that there is a HUGE genetic difference and so it is with Asians and White's. Asian's can focus better but are less practically creative (on average)than the developed and educated Europeans and the Jew scores high too. The Jewish race (which it is) has a high IQ score on average too.
Blacks will NEVER catch up as long they keep breeding with their own low scoring sort. Simple as that.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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