I got the belt and no problems here. We used the belt one time on my almost 6 year old daughter for being soooo defiant one day several months ago. Afterwards we felt so bad that we never did it again, it really bruised her behind. But we still do spank and use a silicone spatula for the times she really acts up. The bible does say this is the best way to discipline a child and I agree....having been thru it myself, i deserved every whippin I got I am glad my parents were strict with me because I think I turned into a good person
The bible does say this is the best way to discipline a child
Why would someone listen to advice on child rearing from some anonymous bronze age Arab goat-herder from 40 centuries ago? Are TravisandJill going to sell her to the highest bidder?
"And if a man sell his daughter to be a maidservant [i.e., sex slave , as the rest of the passage makes clear], she shall not go out as the menservants do. If she please not her master, who hath betrothed her to himself, then shall he let her be redeemed: to sell her unto a strange nation he shall have no power, seeing he hath dealt deceitfully with her. And if he have betrothed her unto his son, he shall deal with her after the manner of daughters. If he take him another [wife]; her food, her raiment, and her duty of marriage, shall he not diminish. And if he do not these three unto her, then shall she go out free without money." Ex. 21:7-11
I think by good person, you either meant "anti-social wuss" or "violent anti-social bastard"
IN other news, cyborgtroy has forgotten to change his name back from Twenty-Footed Ghost...
While I agree there are times and places for proper spankings (proper being my definition, open handed, on the buttocks, one smack for every offense, not with a fucking -belt- you moron), being and I quote 'soooo defiant' doesn't sound like it remotely comes close. And what the hell... kitchen implements now? If an open-handed palm can't discipline (not BEAT, discipline, and not with a belt either you religious bastard), then find a method that doesn't require touch at all.
Also, "I think I turned into a good person" and "We used the belt one time on my almost 6 year old daughter" cancel each other out, buddy. Kids are -supposed- to act out when they're that young, it's called CHILDHOOD!
Oh yeah, you're a great person... Save for the fact you beat your "defiant" daughter.
You deserve a whippin alright... You'll get a good one in jail when you get arrested for child abuse.
When you're old and sick, and she hasn't returned your calls or come to visit for 30 years, make sure you remember exactly how you treated her, and why she doesn't want anything to do with you. Remember when your grandchildren don't even know that you exist.
The whole thread is FUCKED UP.
"Got to blame it on the spanking don't ya know, it can't be sin now can it? (sarcasim)"
I know that when I was a little kid, being disciplined in any way almost never helped, it just pissed me off.
"We used the belt one time on my almost 6 year old daughter for being soooo defiant one day several months ago." How exactly is an almost-6-year-old defiant? Heaven forbid she should ever act like someone who is not yet 6. Then again, you're setting the stage for a boatload of defiance later on.
"...I think I turned into a good person." That's debatable.
You all must be a bunch of emo pussies.
I'm a liberal with three college degrees who turned out very well adjusted.
And I was spanked. And I plan on spanking my children, too.
Suck it pussies.
Really? You whipped a six year old? Nice.
These people talk about spankings a lot... It's rather disconcerting. Only a couple of people on that message board have pointed out that since spanking can be (is) abusive that people should use other (non-violent) ways to discipline a child.
Some of them seem obsessed with it, thinking it's the only way to go or something. They have systematic ways of doing it, saying that if a child does such-and-such, they'll get so many spanks. And they claim they do it 'in love.' Just... Reading all that is creepy.
Although I believe a smack can be handy (One smack to get attention) Beating a kid with a belt or a spatula is incredibly evil.
I hope when she grows up she stuffs you in the most abusive old age home she can find, then reaps the financial reward of your death.
And did you idiots ever think that you've misinterpreted the bible? Maybe the rod was a shepherds rod, that they guide the sheep with? Nah, that would take the fun out of it wouldn't it.
The worst part about this is Family Services can't touch them because of "Freedom of Religion" (if they know how to play the game right).
That site is sick
Ssshhhh. No one tell 'em that the bible says you got to stone your child for being rebellious.
I was spanked with a belt and I turned out an atheist that doesn't have anything to do with my god fearin' family.
You all must be a bunch of emo pussies.
Ach! The legendary Fundies Comment Troll! ...Emo pussies? Right, so we're emo for saying life ISN'T a pointless race to the grave. *Eyeroll.*
I'm a liberal with three college degrees who turned out very well adjusted.
You just called a bunch of random people "emo pussies," I don't care how many college degrees you got &/or lied about, you are NOT "well-rounded."
And I was spanked. And I plan on spanking my children, too.
GREAT, prepare the new generation of Fundie fucks for US to deal with, asshole.
Suck it pussies.
Either you're only like 14 and a very poor troll, or you REALLY like to prove your own immaturity. Taking all bets!
Don't no one say hitting your kid for being bad is child abuse! I got hit when I was young, and now (at 14) my spirit is totally broken. I never break my parents' rules, and the biggest trouble I have been in for 2 years was for yelling in school...It really does work.
There is a huge difference between beating your children and punishing them. Fear is a great tool (although it works much better when you're the one people fear). How do you think religion got this far?
You're posting on Rapture Ready. You are eagerly awaiting the end of the world .
Therefore, I disagree with your assessment.
How good a person can you be if you're bruising your children?
I deserved every spanking I got (which was, what, half a dozen in my life?), because my parents never legitimately hurt me. Not taking their parental instruction from a polygamous, Bronze Age tyrant, they actually thought about how they were affecting their kids.
They realized spanking should bbruise the ego more than the bottom. You see, being rational and loving, they decided rather than beat up their kids, they would establish it as a seldom-used result for getting seriously out of line. One swat. One bratty fanny. Then off to the room till I could act my age.
F'r fuck's sake, you can't beat somebody into moral improvement. Pain and suffering don't improve an individual. Spanking only works when it's a threat to be avoided for serious transgression, not an inevitable result of any unwelcome behavior.
And you use implements? Jebus. Try using your hand. If it starts to hurt, guess what? You're a child abuser!
And Saint Attila raised the silicone spatula up on high, saying, "O Lord, bless this Thy silicone spatula that with it Thou mayest spank Thine offspring into submission, in Thy mercy." And the Lord did grin and the people did feast upon the lambs and sloths and carp and anchovies and orangutans and breakfast cereals, and fruit bats and large chu... [At this point, the friar is urged by Brother Maynard to "skip a bit, brother"]... And the Lord spake, saying, "First shalt thou take out the silicone spatula, then shalt thou count to three, no more, no less. Three shall be the number thou shalt count, and the number of the counting shall be three. Four shalt thou not count, neither count thou two, excepting that thou then proceed to three. Five is right out. Once the number three, being the third number, be reached, then lobbest thou thy silicone spatula of Antioch towards thy children, who being naughty in my sight, shall snuff it." Amen.
I'm not a parent, but wouldn't helping a defiant five year old understand that the rules are in place for their own good make more sense than bludgeoning them with a foreign object until they're in too much pain to put up a fight any more?
Love the way they say "my almost 6 year old daughter" as though adding a year will make it less brutal. The kid was five, and you inlicted physical pain on her when she dared to show some innocent rebellion and push the rules to find out why they are the way they are.
Hey- garden of Eden parallel!
That one RR thread alone could keep FSTDT in quotes for weeks. I particularly liked
Spank them early and often if you want your kids to stay away from sex.(waving smiley)
and this one from 'Tom'
Man, my elementary school principal could recognize me in the grocery store 7years later ... as long as I was bent over getting something off the bottom shelf.
"Oh, it's YOU", he says.."I didn't recognize you standing straight up".
Yea' cause he wore my bottom out more times than I could count...
Seriously, surely that the punishment had to be repeated so often is proof it didn't work?
Dear what?,
You may be able to beat episode one of forumwarz, but that does not mean you are an actual, capable troll. Real trolling is an art form and requires a knowledge of just who it is you are dealing with. If you lack that knowledge, you might do something silly like call a board full of people well beyond college age "emo." And a site such as this, dedicated to picking at stupidity, is also quite good at ignoring it. So, good try, but in the end, you lose, good day, sir.
Wow, what a coincidence. I just read an article today about how just spanking your child alone can cause risky sexual behavior, and agression towards your spouse and your own children :D
You sick fuck, belts were made to hold our pants up, and spatulas are meant to flip burgers! They are NOT meant to hit a child! You sicken me.
And actually, the Bible says you're supposed to STONE your child to death.
You're wrong. You're not a good person because you're abusing your own child. My parents used physical force with me and my other siblings for a short while (they stopped when I was about 6, but they stopped all of it at the same time for all of us, and never did it at all with my younger sister who is 9 years younger than me) and I'll never forget it. I didn;t feel humbled or anything ridiculous like that. I wanted revenge and felt I should hurt my father for him hurting me. It didn't do any of the wonderous things the Bble says it should do. It made me think violence is ok, and it wasn't until I got a proper eduacation tha tI learned contrary.
Nah, BDSM enthusiasts use the phrase 'Safe, sane and consensual' and have safe-words.
Children cannot give consent, whipping a five-year-old with a belt isn't safe and no matter what the child says the fundie isn't going to stop.
I could make a good argument that people who want to take a strap to small children aren't sane either.
It's like this performing bear I saw when I went to Russia, it's master whipped it pretty brutally but I'm sure it would have wanted it that way because it grew up to know how to dance on top of a huge ball and it never seemed to want to bite anyone or anything, it just sat in the corner of it's cage with it's head down, like a good bear should.
Spanking is one thing. If I see a kid going for an electrical socket with a fork or reaching for a boiling kettle, you can bet your ass that I'm going to smack his hand away from that. It's quick and extreme correction from what would be an even more threatening event.
Beating a kid with a spatula is a totally different thing though. Why does an adult need an instrument to beat a 5 year old girl?
There is only one reason I can think of; and that is to inflict pain. Nothing more. It's not punishment, its not corrective, its just pain, pure and simple. Travis and Jill feel that loving their children means inflicting pain on them.
If I honestly knew where to report this I would.
Damn it, Phönix you beat me to it and summed it up better than I could :)
Now, I was spanked as a child, and it made my arse red for about a minute or so afterwards, and was probably the only thing that would stop me being a petulant little git, but 20 or so years later, I can say I now trust the hand that my parents used, but A BELT?!!?!!?
Why does an adult need an instrument to beat a 5 year old girl?
It psychologically separates you from the harm you are doing - you can no longer feel the same pain you are inflicting on your own hand. The notorious Milgram experiment demonstrated the restraining effect of "physical immediacy" on those inflicting punishment quite well. The more "removed" from the victim the subject is, the less likely they are to question their orders or rethink their actions on moral grounds.
Good person...
Child abuser...
Good person...
Child abuser...
Good person....
Child abuser....
No, sorry. I'm just not seeing the connection.
Several months ago, I made my daughter right a 100 word essay on why she lies and why it is wrong and she hasn't lied since--of course taking TV away for a week helped a little, too. I haven't even caught her doing the thing she lied about, or rather not doing the thing she lied about, i.e., chores. I think I'll keep doing it my way instead of "God's" way.
I was spanked as a child. Bare assed. With a belt. What did I learn? I learned to fear my father and his temper. Is that the same as learning why what I did was wrong? Hell no. It just taught me not to get caught. It taught me to be afraid of someone who was supposed to love me and PROTECT me from pain, rather than INFLICT it.
I'm 32. In a few ways, I still fear my father. He hasn't even tried to do that since I reached a certain age (13+ or so), but the memory is still there.
He never sat down and explained why what I did was wrong. He reacted out of anger. He reacted violently (once with a smack over the head for good measure). That is NOT the way to raise a child.
When my daughter (1 1/2 years old) does something wrong, and won't listen to a firm "NO!" from her father and I, we smack her hand. Not hard enough to cause pain, mind. Only enough for her to hear and get her attention. I agree with whoever said that a firm smack in order to keep them from doing something dangerous is more warranted, but otherwise the above is enough. Once she's older, said "hey, pay attention" smack will be followed with a calm, reasonable discussion about why we said no and what we're protecting her from. Kids are smarter than you give them credit for, and some of them *do* actually listen. Sometimes more-firm punishments are warranted. But NEVER something like what I went through.
A parent that can do that to their child shouldn't be *around* that child.
For the stupid troll What?. If you call somebody emmo, pussie or whatever, you have never been to college(let alone three times)and you're not liberal. You're a poor parody of a redneck idiot. And well, you're as funny as this guy who says that he turned into a good person...........not for their daughter, of course.
"I think I turned into a good person"
No, you turned into a mentally deficient child abuser.
Hmm .... Travis. Last name isn't 'Bickle', is it?
The belt really bruised your five year old's behind? Belts don't bruise children, child abusers bruise children.
Hey, if belts, bruising, spanks and spatulas don't stop her calling you an arsehole, you should consider the possibility that you really are one. Everyone here thinks you are.
Oh, you didn't say she called you an arsehole? Wow, you've beaten the spirit of truth completely out of her.
Sorry, no, you are a bad person.
When I was a kid, we were taught that you should never hit someone smaller than yourself. Shouldn't that rule be valid for grown-ups too?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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