It is so hard to find a good abortionist these days. Most seem to meet with one of three professional demises: imprisonment for sexual assault; medical license revocation for malpractice; or death, alone in their beds, while watching porn flicks after overdosing on heroin.
World Net Daily.
Says it all.
You forgot: brutally murdered by crazy pro-lifers
(love the irony that pro-lifers kill doctors, just love it!)
Actually, its because more and more abortion providers are not specially trained surgeons performing an operation in highly visible locations; they are regular doctors prescribing a simple pill in the privacy of their offices.
I know that's a huge disappointment to all those people for whom life simply isn't worth living if they can't find women and shame or coerce them into giving up control of their freedom of conscience to decide whether or not to procreate.
"death, alone in their beds, while watching porn flicks after overdosing on heroin."
Who puts on a porn flick after overdosing on heroin? Those abortionists are pretty hardcore! When I grow up, I wanna be one!
More likely, being doctors in a busy field, they keep regular hours, eat right, get regular exercise and live long productive lives.
The fetuses were in the fridge to be sent off for testing, not to be consumed. ONE employee accused him of eating a fetus, there isn't testimony from anyone else. She saw him microwave a cup and mix it with another cup. Since the man kept his lunch with the fetuses in a single fridge she THOUGHT he was eating one of them. the doctor, Krishna Rajanna testified before the Kansas House Committee about all of this. The clinic did need to be shut down, but because of unsanitary conditions not baby-eating.
lying for Jesus is still lying.
It's tempting, with such venomous people, to wish that their mothers had spontaneously aborted.
Sorry - more - and this is where I get nasty (so apologies).
Having read this self-righteous, self-satisfied, self-promoting BITCH, a horrible part of me wants her to be raped and carry a deformed child to term and through life. And I'm ashamed to want that - I'm better than that. But her smug self-assurance suggests that she's never had it hard....
I'm taking my rainy-day "WRONG"s from my other post and bringing them back here.
It is actually raining though, so...
Excuse me.. but there are no 'abortionists'. There are, however, qualified OB/GYNs that perform a requested service. Why don't you sick pro-birthers ever mention how many lives these OB/GYNs save, or how many babies they deliver? Why do you feel the incessant need to harp on one requested medical procedure?
Jill Stanek is the real-deal. She testified before the Illinois Senate, even! She is about as crazy as they get, and she's not above lying at all. She also think's it appropriate to comment on the physical appearance of her adversaries.
@ Nowonmai:
They refuse to accept that it's requested! They assume that women never want abortsions and don't know what they're doing when they get them. That's why they like to call for punishment of the doctors but not the women. It's also why they try to pass laws that would force women to see anti-abortion propaganda before they have one. The idea that women can think for themselves is beyond their comprehension.
"It is so hard to find a good abortionist these days..."
At least that's what your mother keeps telling me, Jill.
Okay, this is just funny...
Okay, not really, since it is hard to find a good doctor who will perform abortions in some places because pro-life crazy people make it dangerous or difficult for them to do their job.
But, okay, this is still funny because it's so ridiculous. Why not also throw in that they're dirty pedos or something?
Abortionist? They make it sound like some kind of cult.
You know its interesting, I haven't heard of any of these doctors do any of those things, though I'm sure you could come up with specific examples and make sweeping judgments. Should I make sweeping judgments of Christianity based on that one guy that said Jesus told him to cut up his girlfriend into pieces?
Hey Jill, there is still the rusty, i mean trusty coat hanger in the back alley.
after all, the only good abortion is a dangerous illegal one were young ladies may die because they don't want to carry daddies baby. bitch.
Actually, what Stanek is describing here (less the death by overdose bullshit) is actually what abortion practice was like in the US before Roe v. Wade.
Back-alley abortions were performed either by doctors who couldn't get legitimate employment, by people who had little or no medical training, or very quietly by those few qualified physicians who were willing to defy the ban. Sexual assault of patients was not uncommon. The really bad thing was death by uterine hemorrhage .
And yet the rate of abortions then was the same or slightly higher than it is now (contraceptive use is better now).
That is why abortion must be legal and regulated by the medical establishment, as it is now. The alternative is just as many abortions, and a lot of women dying from punctured uterine arteries.
In Sweden there are no abortionists, there are only OB/GYN centers that take care of all issues concerning women's health. But, as our government is working hard to be Little America, I bet it will become harsher to be a woman soon, if the right-wing parties are elected again.
Anon: What you forget is that that's a good thing to fundies, since only disobedient sluts refuse their God-given duty as baby factories, and so deserve to bleed to death in a filthy back alley. Total lack of compassion.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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