I'm trying my best not to use any big words for nonchristians can understanding me.
What the Fuckarcar?!
Your idiocy is raping my eyes.
Do you sprecken ulla English?
Quite obviously not.
I am quite inclined to aquies to that, and speeek lyk dis 2 dem, lol, ducks dnt hav thums! Lololol!
@: Solomongrundy
I do believe the word is 'umpossible'. Just because I have to be right.
Grammar aids understanding, so what's your excuse for your horrific sentence structure and confusion of the tenses?
It's just because he doesn't know any big words.
Here's another slice of the great wordsmith
"You said that you are having a hard time understanding me. Join the club some of my friends doesn't understanding me some times. But I know that my GOD, My Savior and my family understands me."
nderstand you, maybe, think your smart, well that's a relative term.
Why, thank you, LW. Mighty nice of y'all.
Now, tell me, is it "inalienable" or "unalienable"? I could never work it out. Should be no problem for you considering you're so smart and all.
...and the award for "Worst Attempt to be a Disingenuous Asshole 2008" goes to...
Rip! (blows into envelope to open it)...
But seriously, the real reason you don't use "big" words is that you know we'll rip you a new one over grammar, spelling, language mechanics and so forth.
Judging from your handling of English, I'd say that's not why you prefer to abstain from larger words.
I've met people for whom English isn't even a first language, yet they speak it better than you.
I do my best not to use any big words so God liking people can understand what I know is the truth because of the facts not what a man in a church told me because I find the words in the good book too hard to read.
Now for some longer words which the posting fundamentalist can scarecly begin to comprehend. I heartily recommend that you rethink your ridiculous hypothesis that Atheists like myself and my distinguished coforumites do not possess a polysyballic vocabulary with almost impeccable grammar apart from a slight tendency to give our plurals incorrect apostrophe's, as shown in the previous phrase, and while you are attempting to fit this in your meagre cranial space, learn to use grammar that doesn't sound like you translated your entire spiel of nonsense from babelfish.
Oh, so that's why you write like a spastic hammering away at a Bliss board. Good, I thought it was because you were an absolute moron who not only couldn't parse the ideas in his head into an easily understandable sentence, but couldn't even explain the Dadaist nonsense that seems to blaze across your neurons to yourself. Thanks for clearing that up.
This is right up there with "Is our children learning?"
Also, I think LoneWolf should take a jaunt in aerodynamic intercourse with an impious and oscillating pastry.
In other words, Wolfy: Take a flying fucking leap through a goddam spinning donut!
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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