if Obama becomes president, he will exacerbate the AIDS crisis by promoting homosexuality. He has already said (in a letter to a gay newspaper) he would vote to repeal the Defense of Marriage Act. He will also promote condom education and distribution.
'if Obama becomes president, he will exacerbate the AIDS crisis'
'He will also promote condom education and distribution.'
lolz... Contradiction much? And supporting marriage doesn't promote the spread of STDs, either.
"He has already said (in a letter to a gay newspaper) he would vote to repeal the Defense of Marriage Act."
Really? One more reason he'd be getting my vote, then.
imagine that!! Scandal!! An American president who wants to promote education!
Remember boys and girls, education is bad, learning will get you nowhere.
Only God can stop AIDS
on sale soon: GOD Condoms
- 100% protection.
- So thin you won't believe it's actually there!
- Sin free. Jesus used them.
- Does not kill sperm, it just blesses them and sends then to heaven (only works for christians - all other sperms gets tourtured and sent to hell)
- Fits all sizes - can wear on head for equal protection (actually test have shown slightly improved protection)
Anal version coming soon - auto forgives sins at every thrust
Anything is possible with a GOD condom - just believe.
Jill, do you know what libel is? Also, if he promotes condom distribution that will REDUCE the transmission of AIDS/HIV, you ignorant twaddle!
Compare how well abstinence education vs condom education works at stemming AIDS (because abstinence has of course kicked condom sex ed's arse when it comes to stopping teenage sex, OH WAIT) and then we'll talk.
Yet another howler from the idiots at WingNutDaily.
Uuuuhh... condom distribution would help PREVENT the spread of AIDS...
And yes, as mentioned in previous comments gay marriage would probably if anything promote monogamy and therefore even less spread of disease.
What, do they think instituting gay marriage will turn people magically into homosexuals or something? It boggles the mind.
But I thought that Obama was secretly a radical Muslim who is going to deliver our country to our enemies to enslave us? Make up your minds, people. If Obama's a Muslim, then please explain to me how he's going to be promoting homosexuality? Islam is even worse than Christianity in regards to the gay-hating, although I'm sure you fundie Christians would be murdering gays left and right too if you wouldn't get thrown into prison. And if he promotes or condones homosexuality, how can he be a radical Muslim? Retard.
Oh, such a horrible man that Obama is; he wants everyone in this country to have the same rights as everyone else. He wants children and adults to protect themselves from unwanted diseases and pregnancy.
No wonder people consider him the anti-christ with such an evil agenda as that.
That's right. Teh ghey are responsible for AIDS. Burn them at the stake!
Also, I am glad to see that your talking points haven't changed since 1982. Kudos.
Precisely to avoid AIDS, because AIDS is caught in two ways:
a)in non-monogamous relatinoships(which can be curbed partially if they can marry and get legal benefits).
b)or if the contaminated semen doesn't get inside your body(which can be avoided, in part, with condoms).
Besides, Lesbians, who are gay too, are the least HIV infected segment of the population.
Because you people stopped the donation of condoms to Africa, and NO ONE has AIDS there.
Wait a sec. Strike that, reverse it.
"He will also promote condom education and distribution."
But wait, I thought he was going to exacerbate the AIDS crisis.
In other words, he promotes the closest to abstinence to prevent the transmission(provided it´s sexual, of course)of AIDS and repeals an unfair measure which will help also lesbians, the lest infected AIDS group of all, and will exacerbate AIDS crisis?. Still a strawman, but it would be more logical to say that he would because his father comes from Africa but still.......
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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