I confess that I sometimes while going to sleep at night change the childhood prayer from IF I die before I wake to Please let me die before I wake.
Isn't it a shame that good Christians would rather die then face another day in this evil world?
The only way this could scare me more, is if you have kids and start to think, "hmmm, maybe I should save them from this world"
Isn't it interesting that your omnipotent, omniscient, good and loving God allows his special creations, his very children, made in his own image, to live in a world where death is preferred over life? Seems like your God's asleep at the switch.
Praying for death huh? You know, i'm no expert on resource management, but if I was making a planet to act as little more than a waiting room for a tiny group of sentient mortals before I sucked em up into Heaven, I really wouldn't have wasted my time with this elaborate 'mountain and ocean' motif. Hell, a few plastic lawn chairs with oxygen tanks circling the sun would have cut the overheads by at least half.
Shut up and stop yer whinin' you fucking brat. There are millions of people whose lives are legitimately worse than yours and they choose to live anyway. People with life-threatening illnesses, people who suffer with brutal disabilities, people so poor, they cannot afford the basic necessities of life.
You wanna die? Then off yourself. Just be quiet about it.
"Isn't it a shame that good Christians would rather die then face another day in this evil world?"
Exactly. But guess whose damn fault it is! I'll give you hint...look in the mirror, and you'll see everyone who is to blame for your willingness to die rather than deal with reality!
If god really existed, why wouldn't he make his followers life easier? You'd think that only good Christian folk would win the lotteries, their houses would never burn down, and if they lost their job, they would find one within a week.
Just seems that if he existed it should be that way.
Isn't it a shame that good Christians would rather die then face another day in this evil world?
Mmm, no. Go for it. ASAP.
Okay, these Rapture-lovers are getting creepy.
Have they always been this bad, or has it been getting worse lately?
I can't be the only one who sunscribes to the latter.
It's kind of sad, actually, that so many otherwise intelligent people sacrifice their capacity for knowledge and learning to cling to a superstition that has them eagerly anticipating death and destruction.
This is just sad. If you view the world as being so horrible that you wish you were dead, most people seek some kind of help. You'd think with being so religious, they'd find more comfort in it. But, no, it's all doom and gloom.
You'd also think these people would belong to a Jones Town cult or something, where they're encouraged to commit suicide.
Quite frankly,in the case of all fundamentalists and their hatefilled, perverted religious thinking, I believe it would be wonderful if Gawd answered this prayer.
It's a shame, but not for the world, but for the Christians who, apparently, are coward enough not to face their own problems.
Yes, it is a shame to waste the life your god gave you. But, if that's what you want to do, go right ahead. I would, however, like to be there when you don't get rewarded for living a miserable existence. The look on your face will be priceless.
It's an evil prayer to teach young children anyway. If I get in touch with my inner child, I can't imagine anything more frightening at bedtime than the thought of not waking up, ever. Never mind the monsters under my bed or in my closet that Mommy and Daddy tell me really don't exist. I still might creoak anyway!! Holy shit!! I'm only seven years old!!
I know several other folks have posted this before, but...
ftstdt.com should really stop posting these article from Rapture Ready. They're not amusing, they're depressing and frightening.
"Good Christians"? Remember, your Holey Babble tells that sinning in your mind is just as bad as doing the real thing. So off to Hell with you, you damn suicide!
Of course, as I understand it suicide was made an insta-damning sin mainly because too many early Xians used it as a shortcut to Gawd and/or as a way to avoid an excommunication (that would have automatically barred them from entering Heaven, according to their beliefs), two things the Church couldn't allow if it wanted to preserve its authority and power base. But fundies rarely care for the actual history behind their dogma....
Daniel, you have a home, you have food, you have clothes, you're even lucky enough to have a computer to bitch about your problems on.
You could be some starving, naked, AIDS child in some third world country.
Yes, it really, really is. The best advice I could offer, however, is to get over it and enjoy life. Fundies' unhappiness stems directly from their insistance on intervening in everyone else's lives. Get over yourself, and your god, and be amazed at the results.
You know, it would be one thing if you had ACTUAL problems in your life that caused your depression. I suffer from depression so I could have compassion for that. But this nonsense of "I don't want to live because of the evil gays, abortionists and that darky in the White House" is just fucking stupid. Really. I have no sympathy for you. I usually hate it when people say "other people have it worse than you" but I am going to say that now myself for the first time in my life--LITERALLY. You could be dying of terminal cancer and trying to hang on for just one more day with your loved ones. You could have a debilitating disease such as ALS and be living every day knowing you're slowly losing the ability to move. You could have Usher's disease and be going blind AND deaf. You could be losing your home to foreclosure. You could be the parent of a child with leukemia. You could be facing the decision to have a beloved pet euthanized. You don't have any fucking problems. GROW THE FUCK UP. You make me sick.
"Isn't it a shame that good Christians would rather die then face another day in this evil world?"
Wait, I thought Christians were supposed to be happier than non-believers.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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